Kara Mehmed Pasha (died 1722)

Kara Mehmed Pasha (died March or April 1722) was an Ottoman statesman who served as the Ottoman governor of various provinces (eyalets) and sub-provinces (sanjaks).[1][2] He was also a vizier.[1]

The modern-day location of the Kara Mehmet Pasha Mosque (in blue) in the Aksaray neighborhood of Istanbul, Turkey

Mehmed Pasha served as the Ottoman governor of Egypt Eyalet (1699–1704, 1712), Sanjak of Karasi (1706–1708), Sidon Eyalet (1708), Sanjak of Inebahti (1708–1710), Rumelia Eyalet (1710), Sanjak of Bender (1710–1712), Sanjak of Trabalus (1712–1714), Azov (1714–1717), Sanjak of Candia (1717–1718), Sanjak of Sakız (1718–1719), and Sanjak of Vidin (1719–1722).[1][2] He died in office in Vidin in March or April 1722.[1]

He had a mosque built in the neighborhood of Aksaray in Istanbul, in the capital of the Ottoman Empire. However, the Kara Mehmed Pasha Mosque was demolished and was only rediscovered in November 2012, when its former location was found to lie directly on modern-day trolley car tracks across the street from the Pertevniyal Valide Sultan Mosque in the neighborhood.[3]

See also


  1. Süreyya, Bey Mehmet, Nuri Akbayar, and Seyit Ali. Kahraman. Sicill-i Osmanî. Beşiktaş, İstanbul: Kültür Bakanlığı Ile Türkiye Ekonomik Ve Toplumsal Tarih Vakfı'nın Ortak Yayınıdır, 1890. Print.
  2. Yılmaz Öztuna (1994). Büyük Osmanlı Tarihi: Osmanlı Devleti'nin siyasî, medenî, kültür, teşkilât ve san'at tarihi. Vol. 10. Ötüken Neşriyat A.S. pp. 412–416. ISBN 975-437-141-5.
  3. "İstanbul'un kayıp camisi tramvay yolunda bulundu!". RotaHaber. Turkey: RotaHaber. 27 November 2012. Retrieved 19 October 2013.
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