Kenneth Maxwell

Kenneth Robert Maxwell (born 3 February 1941) is a British historian of Iberia and Latin America, educated at St John’s College, Cambridge University, where he studied under Professor Sir Harry Hinsley and Ronald Robinson (1960-1963) and Princeton University where his supervisor was Professor Stanley Stein (1964-1970). He was a Newberry library Gulbenkian fellow in Chicago (1968-1969). Later he was an assistant and later an associate professor of history at the University of Kansas in Lawrence (1969-1971). From 1971 until 1975 he was the Herodotus fellow at the Institute Advanced Study at Princeton. He was an associate professor of history and the director of the Camões Center at Columbia university (1976-1989). He was the program director of the Tinker Foundation (1977-1983). A long time member of the Council on Foreign Relations for fifteen years he headed its Latin America Studies Program and was the director of studies and vice-president in 1996. He was the first Nelson and David Rockefeller Senior Fellow for Inter-American Affairs (1996-2004). He was the Western Hemisphere book reviewer for Foreign Affairs from 1995 until 2004. His 13 May 2004 resignation from the council and Foreign Affairs involved a major controversy over whether there had been a breach of the so-called "church-state separation" between the council itself and its magazine Foreign Affairs.[1] (The Other 9/11: The United States and Chile 1973, Kenneth Maxwell, ) As of 2004 Maxwell was a professor of History at Harvard University and a senior fellow at the university's David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies, where he established and was the founding director the Brazil Studies Program (2004-2013).(, - Kenneth Maxwell at DRCLAS | ReVista - Harvard University) He was a weekly columnist for the Folha de São Paulo (2005-2015) and Globo (2015- ) and has written for the New York Review of Books and other publications.{

Selected bibliography

  • Conflicts and Conspiracies: Brazil and Portugal, 1750-1808 (Cambridge University Press,1973)
  • . Conflicts and Conspiracies: Brazil and Portugal, 1750-1808 (Routledge, 2004)
  • . A Devassa da Devassa, A Inconfidência Mineira: Brasil e Portugal 1750-1808 (Paz e Terra, 1977)
  • . A Devassa da Devassa (7a edição ampliada e ilustrada, Paz e Terra, 2010)
  • The Press and the Rebirth of Iberian Democracy (ed) (Greenwood Press,1983)
  • . Portugal in the 1980s (ed) (Greenwood Press, 1988)
  • . Spanish Foreign and Defense Policy (ed) (Westview, 1991)
  • The New Spain: From Isolation to Influence (The Council on Foreign Relations,1994)
  • The Making of Portuguese Democracy (Cambridge University Press, 1995)
  • . A construção da Democracia em Portugal (Presença, 1997)
  • Pombal, Paradox of the Enlightenment (Cambridge University Press,1995)
  • . Marquês de Pombal: Paradoxo do Iluminismo (Paz e Terra, 1996)
  • . O Império Derrotada, Revolução e Democracia em Portugal (Companhia das Letras, 2006)
  • . O Marquês de Pombal: Ascensão e Queda, (Manuscrito, 2015)
  • . Chocolate, Piratas e Outros Malandros, Ensaios Tropicais, (Paz e Terra, 1999)
  • . O Marquês de Pombal (Presença, 2001)
  • . Mais Malandros, Ensaios Tropicais e Outros (Paz e Terra, 2002)
  • Naked Tropics: Essays on Empire and Other Rogues (Routledge, 2003)
  • . O Livro de Tiradentes (cord)(Penguin/Companhia das Letras, 2013)
  • . An Historian of the 18th Century Looks at the Contemporary World (ed) Robbin Laird (2023)


Kenneth Maxwell’s website: Kenneth Maxwell: 1941,> …

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