
Waalo (Wolof: Waalo) was a kingdom on the lower Senegal River in West Africa, in what is now Senegal and Mauritania. It included parts of the valley proper and areas north and south, extending to the Atlantic Ocean. To the north were Moorish emirates; to the south was the kingdom of Cayor; to the east was Jolof.

Kingdom of Walo
Senegambia c. 1707. Waalo marked as Re. D'Oualle ou de Brak in the upper left.
Senegambia c.1707. Waalo marked as Re. D'Oualle ou de Brak in the upper left.
Common languagesWolof
African traditional religion; Islam
 Waalo founded
 vassal of the Jolof Empire
c.1350-1549 (de facto) / 1715 (de jure)
 French colonization
Succeeded by
French West Africa


Waalo was founded in 1287. The semi-legendary figure Ndiadiane Ndiaye, founder of the Jolof Empire was from this kingdom. Under Ndiadiane Ndiaye in the 14th century, Jolof made Waalo a vassal.[1]:198 The empire broke up in the aftermath of the battle of Danki in 1549, though the Brak continued to pay symbolic tribute to the Bourba Jolof until 1715.[2]:134

French Presence

In 1638, the French established the first permanent European trading settlement at the mouth of the Senegal River, moving to the site of Saint-Louis in 1659 while facing consistent military and political pressure from the Brak.[2]:116 The French presence would have a decisive effect on the rest of the history of Waalo.

Partly in response to the shift in trade away from Berber tribes to the French, Nasr ad-Din, a Berber Marabout, launched the Char Bouba War or the Marabout War, overthrowing the ruling aristocracy of Walo (among other Senegal river kingdoms) in an attempt to establish an Islamic theocracy. Upon his death in 1674, however, his movement collapsed and the old hierarchies, aligned with Arab Hassan tribes north of the river and vigorously supported by the French, re-asserted themselves.[1]:169[2]:148–50

In another attempt to further strengthen their economic position in the Senegal valley, in 1724 the French allied with Maalixuri, the lord of Bethio, to pressure the Brak Yerim Mbyanik and the Emirate of Trarza into concessions. His attempt at secession from Waalo failed when the French company stopped their support. By 1734 Yerim Mbyanik had the most powerful army in the region.[3]:280 His rule and that of his two successors, Njaam Aram Bakar and Naatago Aram, was the apogee of Waalo-Waalo power.

Through the middle decades of the 18th century, Waalo exerted hegemony over the entire Senegal estuary and dominated Cayor as well. When the English took Saint-Louis in 1758 they found that the Brak had total control over river trade. Naatago repeatedly demanded increases in customs payments and slave prices, and blockaded the island when necessary. The English reacted by shipping arms to the Damel of Cayor, who successfuly regained some lost territory, and the Trarza Moors. After Naatago's death in 1766 a long civil war broke out, with the Moors constantly intervening and raiding. In 1775 the English took more than 8000 slaves from Waalo in less than six months.[3]:281


With recurring civil war and frequent foreign meddling in succession disputes, Waalo's power declined progressively in favor of the Moorish Emirate of Trarza.[2]:195–99

To stop the cripplying Moorish raids and present a unified front against the French, the Lingeer Njembot Mbodj married the Emir of Trarza in 1833. Faced with an alliance that could threaten the survival of the colony, Saint Louis attacked Waalo, deepening the long-running crisis. Njembot Mbodj was succeeded by her sister Ndate Yalle in 1847, but the French finally conquered the kingdom in 1855.[4][2]:284–9


The royal capital of Waalo was first Ndiourbel (Guribel) on the north bank of the Senegal River (in modern Mauritania), then Ndiangué on the south bank of the river. The capital was moved to Nder on the west shore of the Lac de Guiers.

Waalo had a complicated political and social system, which has a continuing influence on Wolof culture in Senegal today, especially its highly formalized and rigid caste system. The kingdom was indirectly hereditary, ruled by three matrilineal families: the Logar, the Tedyek, and the Joos, all from different ethnic backgrounds. The Joos were of Serer origin. This Serer matriclan was established in Waalo by Lingeer Ndoye Demba of Sine. Her grandmother Lingeer Fatim Beye is the matriarch and early ancestor of this dynasty. These matrilineal families engaged in constant dynastic struggles to become "Brak" or king of Waalo, as well as warring with Waalo's neighbors. The royal title "Lingeer" means queen or royal princess, used by the Serer and Wolof. Several Lingeer, notably Njembot Mbodj and Ndaté Yalla Mbodj ruled Waalo in their own right or as regents.[5]

The Brak ruled with a kind of legislature, the Seb Ak Baor, over a complicated hierarchy of officials and dignitaries. Women had high positions and figured prominently in the political and military history.

Provinces were ruled by semi-independent Kangam, such as the Bethio. Shifting allegiances between these powerful nobles, the Brak, other kingdoms, and the French of Saint-Louis led to a series of civil wars.[2]:189

Waalo had its own traditional African religion. Islam was initially the province of the elite, but in the aftermath of Marabout War the ruling class increasingly rejected it while it become more and more widespread among the ruled. The Brak himself converted only in the 19th century.[2]:157


Waalo played an integral role in the slave trade in the Senegal river valley, with most captives coming from regions upriver, often captured in war or slaving raids. Other trade goods included gum arabic, leather, and ivory, as well as the foodstuffs, primarily millet upon which Saint-Louis depended.[2]:120–5

Waalo was paid fees for every boatload of gum arabic or slaves that was shipped on the river, in return for its "protection" of the trade.[2]:127

Kings of Waalo

In all, Waalo had 52 kings since its founding. Names and dates taken from John Stewart's African States and Rulers (1989).[6]

# Name Reign Start Reign End
1 N'Dya-N'Dya 1186 1202
2 Mbang Waad 1202 1211
3 Barka Mbody 1211 1225
4 Tyaaka Mbar 1225 1242
5 unknown 1242 1251
6 Amadu Faaduma 1251 1271
7 Yerim Mbanyik 1271 1278
8 Tyukuli 1278 1287
9 Naatago Tany 1287 1304
10 Fara Yerim 1304 1316
11 Mbay Yerim 1316 1331
12 Dembaane Yerim 1331 1336
13 N'dyak Kumba Sam Dyakekh 1336 1343
14 Fara Khet 1343 1348
15 N'dyak Kumba-gi tyi Ngelogan 1348 1355
16 N'dyak Kumba-Nan Sango 1355 1367
17 N'dyak Ko N'Dyay Mbanyik 1367 1380
18 Mbany Naatago 1380 1381
19 Meumbody N'dyak 1381 1398
20 Yerim Mbanyik Konegil 1398 1415
21 Yerim Kode 1415 1485
22 Fara Toko 1485 1488
23 Fara Penda Teg Rel 1488 1496
24 Tykaaka Daro Khot 1496 1503
25 Naatago Fara N'dyak 1503 1508
26 Naatago Yerim 1508 1519
27 Fara Penda Dyeng 1519 1531
28 Tani Fara N'dyak 1531 1542
29 Fara Koy Dyon 1542 1549
30 Fara Koy Dyop 1549 1552
31 Fara Penda Langan Dyam 1552 1556
32 Fara Ko Ndaama 1556 1563
33 Fara Aysa Naalem 1563 1565
34 Naatago Kbaari Daaro 1565 1576
35 Beur Tyaaka Loggar 1576 1640
36 Yerim Mbanyik Aram Bakar 1640 1674
37 Naatago Aram Bakar 1674 1708
38 N'dyak Aram Bakar Teedyek 1708 1733
39 Yerim N'date Bubu 1733 1734
40 Meu Mbody Kumba Khedy 1734 1735
41 Yerim Mbanyik Anta Dyop 1735
42 Yerim Khode Fara Mbuno 1735 1736
43 N'dyak Khuri Dyop 1736 1780
44 Fara Penda Teg Rel 1780 1792
45 N'dyak Kumba Khuri Yay 1792 1801
46 Saayodo Yaasin Mbody 1801 1806
47 Kruli Mbaaba 1806 1812
48 Amar Faatim Borso 1812 1821
49 Yerim Mbanyik Teg 1821 1823
50 Fara Penda Adam Sal 1823 1837
51 Kherfi Khari Daano 1837 1840
52 Mbeu Mbody Maalik 1840 1855


  1. Davis, R. Hunt (ed.). Encyclopedia Of African History And Culture, Vol. 2 (E-book ed.). The Learning Source. Retrieved 18 May 2023.
  2. Barry, Boubacar (1972). Le royaume du Waalo: le Senegal avant la conquete. Paris: Francois Maspero.
  3. Barry, Boubacar (1992). "Senegambia from the sixteenth to the eighteenth century: evolution of the Wolof, Sereer and 'Tukuloor'". In Ogot, B. A. (ed.). General History of Africa vol. V: Africa from the Sixteenth to the Eighteenth Century. UNESCO. Retrieved 16 September 2023.
  4. Sheldon, Kathleen (2016). Historical Dictionary of Women in Sub-Saharan Africa. Rowman & Littlefield. p. 179.
  5. FAUVELLE-AYMAR, François-Xavier; HIRSCH, Bertrand, eds. (2013). Les ruses de l'historien. Essais d'Afrique et d'ailleurs en hommage à Jean Boulègue. Karthala Editions. p. 240.
  6. Stewart, John (1989). African States and Rulers. London: McFarland. p. 288. ISBN 0-89950-390-X.


  • Barry, Boubacar. Le Royaume du Waalo Le Sénégal avant la Conquête" François Maspéro. 393 pages. Paris 1972.
  • Barry, Boubacar. 'The Subordination of Power and Mercantile Economy: The Kingdom of Waalo 1600-1831 "in The Political Economy of Under-Development, Dependence in Senegal by Rita Cruise O'Brien (Ed.) Sage Series on African Mod. and Dev., Vol. 3. California. pp. 39–63.

Further reading

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