Let's Dance 2014

Let's Dance 2014 was the ninth season of the Swedish celebrity dance show Let's Dance. The show was broadcast on TV4 and the hosts were David Hellenius and Jessica Almenäs.[1]

Let's Dance 2014
Celebrity winnerBenjamin Wahlgren Ingrosso
Professional winnerSigrid Bernson
Country of originSweden
Original networkTV4
Original release28 February (2014-02-28) 
9 May 2014 (2014-05-09)
Season chronology


Celebrity Occupation Professional partner Status
Emma Igelström Former Swimmer Tobias Wallin Eliminated 1st
on 7 March 2014
Aristides "Phoenix" Denis-Sanchez Gladiators Star Veera Kinnunen Eliminated 2nd
on 14 March 2014
Glenn Hysén Former Footballer Jeanette Carlsson Eliminated 3rd
on 21 March 2014
Simon Kachoa The Biggest Loser Star Elisabeth Novotny Eliminated 4th
on 28 March 2014
Jasmine Kara Singer Stefano Oradei Eliminated 5th
on 4 April 2014
Lotta Engberg Singer & TV Presenter Alexander Svanberg Eliminated 6th
on 11 April 2014
Kenza Zouiten Blogger Calle Sterner Eliminated 7th
on 18 April 2014
Patrik Sjöberg Former High-Jumper Maria Bild Eliminated 8th
on 28 April 2014
Gunhild Carling Jazz Musician Kristjan Lootus Third Place
on 2 May 2014
Steffo Törnquist Journalist Cecilia Ehrling Second Place
on 9 May 2014
Benjamin Wahlgren Ingrosso Singer Sigrid Bernson Winners
on 9 May 2014

Scoring Chart

Couple Place 1 2 1+2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Benjamin & Sigrid 1 18 22 40 30 26 18+0=18 25+2=27 17+0=17 27+10=37 30+30=60 30+28=58 28+30+30=88
Steffo & Cecilia 2 10 14 24 10 21 20+2=22 21+0=21 23+4=27 17+8=25 22+24=46 26+19=45 27+27+30=84
Gunhild & Kristjan 3 10 19 29 21 15 11+0=11 21+0=21 23+0=23 30+12=42 26+21=47 25+27=52
Patrik & Maria 4 8 7 15 13 11 10+0=10 18+0=18 14+0=14 15+6=21 10+12=22
Kenza & Calle 5 12 16 28 18 20 30+6=36 20+6=26 24+4=28 25+4=29
Lotta & Alexander 6 9 13 22 17 18 21+4=25 24+4=28 17+4=21
Jasmine & Stefano 7 16 17 33 24 23 24+0=24 22+0=22
Simon & Elisabeth 8 12 9 21 15 16 14+0=14
Glenn & Jeanette 9 8 7 15 14 14
Phoenix & Veera 10 13 17 30 15
Emma & Tobias 11 7 6 13

Highest and lowest scoring performances of the series

The best and worst performances in each dance according to the judges' marks are as follows:

Dance Best dancer(s) Best score Worst dancer(s) Worst score
Cha-Cha-Cha Gunhild Carling23Lotta Engberg9
Foxtrot Steffo Törnquist27Glenn Hysén8
Jive Steffo Törnquist27Emma Igelström6
Paso Doble Benjamin Wahlgren Ingrosso30Steffo Törnquist
Patrik Sjöberg
Quickstep Benjamin Wahlgren Ingrosso
Gunhild Carling
30Steffo Törnquist14
Rumba Lotta Engberg24Glenn Hysén7
Samba Steffo Törnquist21Patrik Sjöberg11
Showdance Eirik Søfteland40Eli Hagen26
Tango Kathrine Sørland38Linda Johansen15
Waltz Kathrine Sørland39Jarl Goli17
Fusion Eirik Søfteland38Kim-Daniel Sannes36

Average chart

Rank by
Place Couple Total Number of
11Benjamin & Sigrid3891525.9
27Jasmine & Stefano126621.0
33Gunhild & Kristjan2491220.8
42Steffo & Cecilia3111520.7
55Kenza & Calle165820.6
66Lotta & Alexander119717.0
710Phoenix & Veera45315.0
88Simon & Elisabeth66513.2
94Patrik & Maria1181011.8
109Glenn & Jeanette43410.8
1111Emma & Tobias1326.5

Call-out order

The table below lists the order in which the contestants' fates were revealed. The order of the safe couples does not reflect the viewer voting results.

1 Benjamin & Sigrid Benjamin & Sigrid Benjamin & Sigrid Benjamin & Sigrid Benjamin & Sigrid
2 Jasmine & Stefano Gunhild & Kristjan Steffo & Cecilia Steffo & Cecilia
3 Steffo & Cecilia Lotta & Alexander Steffo & Cecilia Gunhild & Kristjan
4 Gunhild & Kristjan Patrik & Maria Steffo & Cecilia Patrik & Maria
5 Phoenix & Veera Jasmine & Stefano Patrik & Maria Kenza & Calle
6 Kenza & Calle Steffo & Cecilia Patrik & Maria Lotta & Alexander
7 Glenn & Jeanette Kenza & Calle Patrik & Maria Jasmine & Stefano Jasmine & Stefano
8 Simon & Elisabeth Simon & Elisabeth Kenza & Calle Simon & Elisabeth
9 Patrik & Maria Glenn & Jeanette Glenn & Jeanette
10 Lotta & Alexander Phoenix & Veera
11 Emma & Tobias

Dance Chart

Couple 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Benjamin & Sigrid Cha-Cha-Cha Foxtrot Paso Doble Salsa Waltz Viennese Waltz Rumba Swing Tango Team Dance 1 Quickstep Film Dance Jive Quickstep
Hip-Hop Tango Paso Doble Quickstep Showdance
Steffo & Cecilia Paso Doble Quickstep Rumba Samba Tango Viennese Waltz Jive Swing Foxtrot Team Dance 2 Cha-Cha-Cha Film Dance Waltz Foxtrot
Paso Doble
Jazz Quickstep Jive Foxtrot Showdance
Gunhild & Kristjan Foxtrot Rumba Tango Salsa Paso Doble Viennese Waltz Waltz Swing Cha-Cha-Cha Team Dance 1 Quickstep Film Dance Jive Foxtrot
Disco Paso Doble
Patrik & Maria Waltz Jive Foxtrot Samba Cha-Cha-Cha Viennese Waltz Quickstep Swing Rumba Team Dance 1 Tango Film Dance Paso Doble Tango
Kenza & Calle Cha-Cha-Cha Foxtrot Paso Doble Salsa Waltz Viennese Waltz Rumba Swing Tango Team Dance 2 Jive Film Dance
Lotta & Alexander Cha-Cha-Cha Foxtrot Paso Doble Samba Waltz Viennese Waltz Rumba Swing Jive Team Dance 2
Jasmine & Stefano Paso Doble Quickstep Rumba Salsa Tango Viennese Waltz Jive Swing
Simon & Elisabeth Foxtrot Rumba Tango Samba Paso Doble Viennese Waltz
Glenn & Jeanette Foxtrot Rumba Tango Salsa
Phoenix & Veera Paso Doble Quickstep Rumba
Emma & Tobias Waltz Jive


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