Linda Maria Baros

Linda Maria Baros (born 6 August 1981 in Bucharest) is a French-language poet, translator and literary critic, one of the most powerful new voices[1][2] on today's poetry scene (the famous French literary award Prix Guillaume Apollinaire – 2007 and The Poetical Calling Prize – 2004). She lives in Paris, France.[3]

Linda Maria Baros
Born6 August 1981 (1981-08-06)
OccupationPoet, literary critic, translator
Alma materParis-Sorbonne University
Notable worksThe House Made of Razor Blades
Notable awardsMember of the Mallarmé Academy (Académie Mallarmé, 2013), Prix Guillaume Apollinaire (2007), Prix de la vocation en Poésie (2004)

Member of the Académie Mallarmé since 2013.[4]

Her poems have been published in 25 countries.


  • Member of the Mallarmé Academy (Académie Mallarmé), France since May 2013[5]
  • General secretary of the most important poetry prize in France - Guillaume Apollinaire Prize since 2013[6]
  • Editor-in-chief of the French-English literary review La traductière, Paris, France since June 2013
  • Associate editor of the scientific review "Cinematographic Art & Documentation", Hyperion University, Bucharest, since 2010
  • Member of the jury of the Prix Max-Pol Fouchet (Max-Pol Fouchet Poetry Prize), France (2010 – 2012)[7]
  • Poetry editor of the literary review Seine et Danube, Paris (2009 - 2010)
  • Assistant Secretary of the La Nouvelle Pléiade Association in Paris since 2009
  • Cultural Ambassador of Romania during the European Cultural Season, France, 2008
  • Assistant Secretary of the Romanian Literature Translators' Association in Paris since 2006
  • Initiator and co-organiser of the Festival Le Printemps des Poètes/Primavara Poetilor (Spring of Poets Festival) in Romania (2005), in the Republic of Moldavia (2006) and in Australia (2007)
  • Founder and director of the literary review VERSUs/m – Bucharest 2005
  • Member of the Romanian Writers' Union since 2002
  • Assistant Professor (Senior Lecturer), France since 2012
  • General secretary of the Collège de Littérature comparée ("The College of Comparative Literature") - Paris, since 2011[8]
  • PhD in Comparative Literature - Paris-Sorbonne University (summa cum laude) and University of Bucharest, 2011[9][10]
  • Postgraduate student in Comparative Literature at the Paris-Sorbonne University, Paris IV
  • Student at the Paris-Sorbonne University, Paris IV – Modern Literature
  • Pupil at the Central School in Bucharest and at the Victor Duruy High school in Paris (France)

Literary prizes

  • Top poetry prize Nichita Stănescu - Writers' Union of Moldavia, 2013
  • Ion Minulescu National Poetry Prize, Romania – 2008
  • Prix Guillaume Apollinaire (The Apollinaire Prize) for La Maison en lames de rasoir, Cheyne éditeur, France – 2007[11]
  • Prix de la Vocation (The Poetical Calling Prize) for Le Livre de signes et d'ombres, Cheyne éditeur, France – 2004[12]
  • Translation Prize of the International Academy Mihai Eminescu, Romania – 2002
  • Translation Prize Les Plumes de l'Axe, France – 2001[13]
  • The Poetry Prize of the Cultural Commission of the Paris-Sorbonne University, Paris IV, France – 2001

Literary works

She made her debut in 1988 with a poem published in a literary review from Bucharest.


  • L'Autoroute A4 et autres poèmes (The Highway A4 and other poems), Cheyne éditeur, France, 2009, ISBN 978-2-84116-147-8
  • La Maison en lames de rasoir (The House Made of Razor Blades), Cheyne éditeur, France, 2006, ISBN 978-2-84116-116-4, republished in 2008[14]
  • Le Livre de signes et d'ombres (The Book of Signs and Shadows), Cheyne éditeur, France, 2004. ISBN 978-2-84116-096-9
  • Poemul cu cap de mistret (The Poem with a Wild Boar Head), Vinea Publishing House, Bucharest, 2003
  • Amurgu-i departe, smulge-i rubanul! (The Sunset is Far Away, Rip off His Ribbon!), Bucharest, 2001.

Poems of Linda Maria Baros in translation

  • De autosnelweg A4 en andere gedichten (The Highway A4 and other poems), translated by Jan H. Mysjkin, Poeziecentrum, Belgium, 2014 ISBN 978-905-655-445-3
  • Bārdasnažu asmeņu nams (The House Made of Razor Blades), translated by Dagnija Dreika, Daugava, Riga, Latvia, 2011 ISBN 978-9984-41-053-1[15]
  • Къща от бръснарски ножчета (The House Made of Razor Blades), translated by Aksinia Mihailova, Foundation for the Bulgarian Literature Publishing House, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2010 ISBN 978-978-954-677-0[16]
  • Casa din lame de ras (The House Made of Razor Blades), Editura Cartea Româneasca, Bucharest, Roumanie, 2006 ISBN 973-23-1602-0[17]
  • Il est loin le soleil couchant, arrache-lui le ruban ! (The Sunset is Far Away, Rip off His Ribbon!), AMB, Bucharest, 2003 ISBN 973-86203-0-9

Baros' poems were published in over 25 countries, in anthologies and literary reviews, as, for example, Pleiades (United States of America) or Poetry Review, Horizon Review (England).[18]

Her poems have also been published in Canada, Germany, Spain, Italy, Belgium, Switzerland, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Mexico, Serbia, Macedonia, Slovenia, Bulgaria, Albania, Croatia, Ukraine, Republic of Moldavia, Latvia, Morocco, Bangladesh, Iran, Japan, Finland etc.

In 2011, the "Arthur Rimbaud" Museum in France commissioned Canadian sculptor Michel Goulet to engrave some of Linda Maria Baros' lines of poetry on an objet d'art made of stainless steel.[19]

Baros took part in over 500 poetry readings and in over 50 poetry festivals.


  • Marile spirite nu se ocupă niciodată de nimicuri (Great Spirits never Deal with Trifles), The Romanian Literature Museum Publishing House, Bucharest, 2003
  • A venit la mine un centaur... (A Centaur Came to My Place...), META, Bucharest, 2003. This play was also published in French – Un centaure est venu chez moi..., Bucharest, 2002.

Literary studies

  • Passer en carène (To Careen), The Romanian Literature Museum Publishing House, Bucharest, 2005
  • Les Recrues de la damnation (The Recruits of Damnation), The Romanian Literature Museum Publishing House, Bucharest, 2005


Over 30 books: she translated from Romanian into French poetry by Nichita Stănescu, Angela Marinescu, Marta Petreu, Ioan Es. Pop, Mircea Bârsila, Floarea Țuțuianu, Magda Cârneci, Simona Popescu etc. From French/English/Spanish/Dutch, she translated into Romanian poetry by Henri Michaux, Boris Vian, Guy Goffette, Collette Nys-Mazure, José Luis Reina Palazón, Maria Antonia Ortega, Jan H. Mysjkin or novels by Alphonse Daudet, Johanna Spyri, James Oliver Curwood etc.

  • In 2008, she created La Bibliothèque Zoom, a virtual library that includes 140 authors.[20]

She also published some anthologies of poetry:

  • Anthologie de la poésie roumaine contemporaine. 1990-2013 (Anthology of Contemporary Romanian Poetry. 1990-2013, 13 authors), Tracus Arte, 2013).[21]
  • L’Apocalypse selon Marta (The Apocalypse of Marta), Marta Petreu, Editions Caractères, France, 2013[22]
  • Je guéris avec ma langue (I Heal with My Tongue), Floarea Țuțuianu, Editions Caractères, France, 2013.[23]
  • Je mange mes vers / Îmi mănânc versurile (I Eat my Lines), Angela Marinescu, Éditions L’Oreille du Loup, France, 2011[24]
  • Sans issue / Fără iesire (No Exit), Ioan Es. Pop, Éditions L’Oreille du Loup, France, 2010[25]
  • Anthologie de la poésie roumaine contemporaine (20 authors - Anthology of Contemporary Romanian Poetry) in Confluences poétiques, no. 3, France, 2009[26]
  • Les non-mots et autres poèmes (The Unwords and Other Poems), Nichita Stănescu, Éditions Textuel, France, 2005
  • Ordinul focului (The Order of Fire), Collette Nys-Mazure, AMB, Romania, 2005


She collaborates with poetry, literary criticism and translations at the reviews: Poetry Review, Horizon Review (England), Pleiades, International Notebook of Poetry (USA), Contre-jour, Langage & créativité (Canada), Po&sie, Aujourd'hui poème, NUNC, Poésie 2003, Europe, Seine et Danube, La Revue littéraire, Pyro, Confluences poétiques, Ici & Là, MIR, La traductière, Hauteurs, Littérales, Le Capital des mots, Thauma, L’Écho d’Orphée, Le Bateau Fantôme, La page blanche, Levure Littéraire (France), Observator München, Galateea (Germany), Bunker Hill (Netherlands), Alora, la bien cercada, El Coloquio de los Perros, ABC (Spain), Poëziekrant, Deus ex machina, Le Journal des Poètes, Langue vive, Revolver (Belgium), Scritture Migranti, Formafluens (Italy), La Revue de Belles Lettres (Switzerland), Le Quotidien, Tageblatt, Le Jeudi (Luxembourg), Poetika, Zlatna greda, Književni list, Gradina (Serbia), Lirikon 21 (Slovenia), 'România literară', Viata românească, Luceafărul, Adevărul literar si artitic, Ziua literară, Arges, Calende, Tribuna, Familia, Apostrof, Astra, Noua literatură, Conta, Arca (Romania), Électron libre (Morocco), Shirdanra (Bangladesh), Beagle (Japan) etc.


The poem The Mine Horses was included into Limba si literatura română. Manual de clasa a XII-a (Romanian language and literature. 12th-grade schoolbook), Paralela 45 Publishing House, 2007, Bucharest, Romania. ISBN 978-973-47-0141-4


Baros' poems were published in over 40 anthologies, as:

  • Liberté de créer, liberté de crier (Freedom to create, freedom to shout), Editions Henry, Paris, France, 2014[27]
  • Cartea poeziei 2013 (Book of Poetry 2013), Editura Lumina, Republic of Moldavia, 2013
  • L’alveare d’oro dell’invisibile, Contact international, Romania, 2013
  • VERSschmuggel/réVERSible, CD, Wunderhorn & La passe du vent, Germany/France, 2012
  • Resistenze bruciate. Da Angela Marinescu a Linda Maria Baros (Burned Resistors. From Angela Marinescu to Linda Maria Baros), anthology, Edizioni Akkuaria, Italy, 2012 - 11 poets[28]
  • Alchimie des ailleurs, album, Musée Arthur Rimbaud & Silvana Editoriale, France/Italy, 2012
  • Pas d’ici, pas d’ailleurs (Not From Here, Not From Elsewhere), anthology, Éditions Voix d’encre, France, 2012[29]
  • Poeti romena al bivio : continuita e rottura (Romanian Poets at Crossroads: Continuity and Rupture), anthology, Scrisul românesc, Romania, 2012 - 25 poets[30]
  • Zeitkunst. Internationale Literatur (International Literature), anthology, Verlagshaus J. Frank & Edition Polyphon, Germany, 2011[31]
  • Les Très riches heures du Livre pauvre ("The Very Rich Hours of the Poor Book"), album, Éditions Gallimard, France, 2011[32]
  • Anthologie de la poésie érotique féminine contemporaine de langue française ("Anthology of the Contemporary Female Erotic Poetry of French-language"), France, 2011[33]
  • The International Days and Nights of Literature, Uniunea Scriitorilor din România, 2011[34]
  • "Europski glasnik" (The European Messenger), Hrvatsko drustvo pisaca, Zagreb, Croatia, 2010[35]
  • Runoilevien naisten kaupunki (The City of Women Poets), Tammi, Helsinki, Finland, 2010[36]
  • Cheyne, 30 ans, 30 voix (Cheyne, 30 years, 30 voices ), Cheyne, France, 2010[37]
  • Poezia antiutopica (Anti-Utopian Poetry. An Anthology of Contemporary Romanian Poetry), edited by Daniel D. Marin, Paralela 45, Romania, 2010[38]
  • Couleurs femmes, Le Castor Astral & Le Nouvel Athanor, France, 2010[39]
  • Anthologie de la poésie amoureuse, edited by Marc Alyn, Écriture, France, 2010[40]
  • "Entre estas aguas : poetas del mundo latino 2009" (Between These Waters: Poets of the Latin World 2009), Monterrey, Mexico, 2010[41]
  • Kijk, het heeft gewaaid, Poetry International, Rotterdam, Pays-Bas, 2009[42]
  • Ailleurs 2008. Une année en poésie, Musée Arthur Rimbaud, Charleville-Mézières, France, 2009
  • Poésies de langue française. 144 poètes d'aujourd'hui autour du monde (French-language poets. 144 Today Poets from all over the World), Éditions Seghers, France, 2008[43]
  • Poëzie van dichters uit de hele wereld. Poetry International 2008 – Anthology of the Poetry International Festival from Rotterdam, Netherlands, 2008
  • Dicisiete poetas franceses. Antología de poesía francesa contemporánea (Seventeen Contemporary French Poets. Anthology of French Contemporary Poetry), edited by Lionel Ray, Lancelot, Spain, 2008
  • Voix de la Méditerranée 2008 (Mediterranean Voices 2008), Éditions Clapas, France, 2008
  • Literatura tânără 2007 (Young Literature 2007), The Romanian Writers' Union, Romania, 2007
  • VERSUs/m – Zoom 2007, Exigent Publishing House, Romania, 2007
  • L'année poétique 2005 (The Poetical Year 2005), by Patrice Delbourg and Jean Luc Maxence, Éditions Seghers, France, 2006[44]

Translation scholarships

  • "VERSschmuggel", Berlin (Germany), 2011[45]
  • Vertalershuis (Translators' House), Amsterdam (Netherlands), 2007
  • Centre de Recontres Abbaye Neumünster (Luxembourg), 2006
  • The 3rd Poetry Translation Workshop The Golden Boat (Slovenia), 2005
  • Collège Européen des traducteurs littéraires de Seneffe (Belgium), 2003

International festivals

  • Cork Spring Poetry Festival, Cork, Ireland, 2014[46]
  • Acadie Rock, Moncton, New-Brunswick, Canada, 2013[47]
  • Festival acadien de poésie, Caraquet, New-Brunswick, Canada, 2013[48]
  • Voix de la Méditerranée, Lodève, France, 2013[49]
  • Biennale de la poésie / Poètes du monde, Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, France, 2013
  • Primavara europeana a poeziei, Chisinau & Soroca, Republic of Moldavia, 2013
  • Le Festival franco-anglais de poésie, France, 2013
  • Printemps des Poètes, France, 2013[50]
  • Littératures Etrangères Festival, Audincourt, France, 2012[51]
  • Novi Sad International Festival, Serbia, 2012
  • Voix de la Méditerranée, Lodève, France, 2012
  • Zeitkunst Festival, Berlin, Germany, 2011[52]
  • International Festival Encuentro de Poetas del Mundo Latino, Mexico, 2011[53]
  • Poesiefestival, Berlin, Germany, 2011[54]
  • Voix de la Méditerranée, Lodève, France, 2011
  • The International Days and Nights of Literature, Neptun, Romania, 2011[55]
  • Le Festival MidiMinuitPoésie, Nantes, France, 2010[56]
  • La Biennale Internationale de Poésie, Liège, Belgium, 2010
  • Voix de la Méditerranée, Lodève, France, 2010
  • Le Festival International de Poésie Wallonie-Bruxelles, Namur, Belgium, 2010
  • Le Festival franco-anglais de poésie, France, 2010
  • Printemps des Poètes, France, 2010
  • À vous de lire, France, 2010
  • DécOUVRIR, Concèze, France, 2010
  • Biennale de la poésie, Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, France, 2009
  • Paris en toutes lettres, France, 2009
  • Le Festival International de la Poésie, Trois-Rivières, Canada, 2008
  • Poetry International, Rotterdam, Pays-Bas, 2008[57]
  • European Voices, France, 2008
  • Voix de la Méditerranée, Lodève, France, 2008
  • Primavera dei Poeti, Italy, 2008
  • Le Printemps Balkanique. Insolite Roumanie, France, 2008
  • Le Mar de Letras, Cartagena, Spain, 2008
  • World Poetry Day, Belgrade, Serbia, 2008
  • Printemps de Poètes, Luxembourg, 2008
  • Le Festival Dacia – Méditerranée, France, 2007
  • Lectures sous l'Arbre, France, 2007, 2009
  • Printemps de Poètes, France, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2012, 2013
  • Festival International de Poésie Teranova, France, 2006
  • Odyssey International Festival, Amman, Jordan, 2005
  • La Biennale Internationale de Poésie, Liège, Belgium, 2005
  • Le Festival International de Poésie, Rabat, Morocco, 2004
  • Festivalul Internațional de Literatură, Neptun, Romania, 2001


  • Passages et ancrages en France. Dictionnaire des écrivains migrants de langue française (1981-2011) (Crossings and Anchors in France. The Dictionary of Migrant Writers of French-Language (1981-2011)), Ursula Mathis-Moser and Birgit Mertz-Baumgartner (ed.), Editions Honoré Champion, Paris, France, 2012 ISBN 9782745324009.[58]
  • Les obsessions poétiques de Linda Maria Baros (Linda Maria Baros' Poetic Obsessions), in Écrivains d'expression française de l'Europe du sud-est ("Writers of French-Language from South-Eastern Europe"), Editura Fundatiei România de Mâine, Romania, 2010, ISBN 9789731634456
  • Un cas de révélation bien maîtrisée ("A Case of Well Controlled Revelation"), in L’Escabeau dans la bibliothèque (The Ladder in the Library"), Paul Aretzu, Fundatia Culturala Ideea Europeana, Romania, 2007, ISBN 9789737691620


  1. "une des voix les plus affirmées d'aujourd'hui, Linda Maria Baros". Texture Review. 2010.
  2. "Linda Maria Baros, poète européenne". Combats magazine. 2008. Archived from the original on 25 July 2011. Retrieved 27 November 2010.
  3. "France Culture". Radio. Archived from the original on 20 October 2010.
  4. "Member of the Académie Mallarmé".
  5. "France : Member of the Académie Mallarmé".
  6. "General secretary of "Guillaume Apollinaire" Poetry Prize".
  7. "Max-Pol Fouchet Poetry Prize".
  8. ""The College of Comparative Literature" – Paris, France".
  9. "PHD in Comparative Literature at the Paris-Sorbonne University – France".
  10. "thesis : The Myth of Erotic Metamorphosis". Archived from the original on 21 February 2014. Retrieved 13 February 2014.
  11. "the famous French literary award Guillaume Apollinaire Prize". Prix Apollinaire à Linda Maria Baros.
  12. "The Poetical Calling Prize". Prix de la Vocation. Archived from the original on 5 July 2008.
  13. "Translation Prize". Archived from the original on 4 March 2016. Retrieved 28 February 2020.
  14. "The House Made of Razor Blades". Cheyne éditeur. Archived from the original on 16 May 2010.
  15. "in Latvian - Daugava Publishing House".
  16. "in Bulgarian – Foundation for the Bulgarian Literature Publishing House". Archived from the original on 13 March 2012. Retrieved 27 November 2010.
  17. "in Romanian – Cartea Româneasca Publishing House".
  18. "The well-known francophone poet, Linda Maria Baros". Archived from the original on 10 August 2012.
  19. "Rimbaud &Linda Maria Baros – sculpture".
  20. "Library ZOOM".
  21. "Anthology - Romanian poetry. 1990-2013".
  22. "anthology Marta Petreu - Éditions Caractères, 2013".
  23. "anthology Floarea Țuțuianu - Éditions Caractères, 2013".
  24. "anthology Angela Marinescu - Éditions L'Oreille du Loup, 2011".
  25. "anthology Ioan Es. Pop - Éditions L'Oreille du Loup, 2010".
  26. "Anthology of Romanian Poetry".
  27. "anthology – France : Freedom to create, freedom to shout".
  28. "anthology – Italy : 11 Romanian Women Poets". Archived from the original on 15 December 2013.
  29. "anthology – France : French Women Poets".
  30. "anthology – Romania : 25 Romanian Poets in Italian".
  31. "anthology – Germany : 8 French and German Poets".
  32. "anthology – France, Éditions Gallimard". Archived from the original on 3 December 2013.
  33. "anthology – France : la poésie érotique". Archived from the original on 7 July 2012.
  34. "anthology – Romania : The International Days and Nights of Literature". Archived from the original on 5 July 2011.
  35. "anthology – Croatia : The European Messenger". Archived from the original on 2 August 2012.
  36. "anthology – Finland : 12 Women Poets". Archived from the original on 20 July 2011.
  37. "anthology – France : 30 major voices". Archived from the original on 26 June 2010.
  38. "anthology – Romania : The Generation 2000".
  39. "anthology – France : 57 French Women Poets".
  40. "anthology – 12th century – 21st century". from Marie de France to Linda Maria Baros.
  41. anthology – Mexico : Poetas del mundo latino. OCLC 744718084.
  42. "anthology – Netherlands : 40 poets – 40 years of festival".
  43. "anthology – 144 Today Poets from all over the World".
  44. "anthology – The Poetical Year 2005 – French Poets".
  45. "Translation Workshop - Germany".
  46. "Cork Spring Poetry Festival". Archived from the original on 5 February 2014. Retrieved 13 February 2014.
  47. "Canada - Acadie Rock 2013". Archived from the original on 9 October 2013..
  48. "Canada - Festival acadien de Caraquet"..
  49. "France - Voix de la Méditerranée – Festival de poésie"..
  50. "France - Le Printemps des Poètes"..
  51. "France - Littératures Etrangères 2013"..
  52. "Germany - Zeitkunst-Festival, Berlin".
  53. "Mexico – Encuentro de Poetas del Mundo Latino". 14 October 2011.
  54. "Germany - Poesiefestival Berlin".
  55. "Romania - The International Days and Nights of Literature".
  56. "audio : poem by Linda Maria Baros : Les enfants passés au tamis".
  57. "Poetry International Web".
  58. "Dictionnaire des écrivains migrants de langue française". Archived from the original on 15 December 2013..
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