List of Oscar Niemeyer works

List of buildings and structures by Brazilian architect Oscar Niemeyer. From the approximately 600 projects designed by Niemeyer,[1] only the most notable are listed below.

Early works (1930s)

Gustavo Capanema Palace, Rio de Janeiro, 1936

1940s through early 1960s

Buildings in Brasília

At Brasília, Niemeyer designed:

  • 1956 - Residência Provisória do Presidente da República (Catetinho).
  • 1957 – Eixo Monumental (Monumental Axis).
  • 1957 – Palácio da Alvorada (English: Palace of Dawn) Presidential residence.
  • 1958 – Catedral Metropolitana Nossa Senhora Aparecida (Cathedral of Brasília).
  • 1958 – Church of Our Lady of Fatima ("Igrejinha Nossa Senhora de Fátima"/"A Igrejinha da 307/308 Sul")
  • 1958 – National Congress of Brazil (Congresso Nacional).
  • 1958 – Supremo Tribunal Federal or STF (Supreme Federal Tribunal) Federal Supreme Court.
  • 1958 – Palácio do Planalto (Palace of the Highlands) Presidential office.
  • 1958 – Cláudio Santoro National Theater (National Theater).
  • 1959 – Palácio do Jaburu (Palace of the Jabiru) Vice-presidential residence.
  • 1960 – Praça dos Três Poderes (Square of the Three Powers).
  • 1960 - Cine Brasília.
  • 1962 – Palácio do Itamaraty (Ministry of External Relations).
  • 1962 – Ministério da Justiça or "Palácio da Justiça" (Ministry of Justice).
  • 1962 – Universidade de Brasília main building, the Central Institute of Science (Instituto Central de Ciências, ICC).
  • 1965 – Aeroporto de Brasilia (Project was never built).
  • 1985 – Panteão da Pátria e da Liberdade Tancredo Neves (Pantheon of the Fatherland and Freedom).
  • 1986 – Casa do Cantador (Palácio da Poesia).
  • 1987 – Memorial dos Povos Indígenas (Memorial of the Aboriginal Peoples) .
  • 1995 – Superior Tribunal de Justiça.
  • 2002 – Sede da Procuradoria Geral da República Brasileira (Attorney General's Office).
  • 2006 – Cultural Complex of the Republic (Complexo Cultural da República).
    • Biblioteca Nacional Leonel de Moura Brizola (National Library of Brasília).
    • Museu Nacional Honestino Guimarães (National Museum Honestino Guimarães).
  • 2006 – Tribunal Superior do Trabalho.
  • 2008 – Sede da Ordem dos Advogados do Brasil.
  • 2011 – Tribunal Superior Eleitoral
  • 2012 – Torre de Televisão Digital (Brasília Digital Television Tower).

Exile years (1965–85)

Return to Brasil (1985–2012)


  1. William J. R. Curtis in "Oscar Niemeyer: architects and critics pay tribute", in The Guardian, 7 December 2012.
  2. Hooper, John (17 December 2010). "Brussels demands answers as Italy's new €16m concert hall stays silent". The Guardian (London). Retrieved 26 August 2012.
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