List of Peruvian monkey species

There are about 52 known species of New World monkeys in Peru,[1] particularly in the Peruvian Amazon. Among these are species of marmoset, woolly monkey, and others.

Common name Scientific name Conservation status[2]
Black-capped squirrel monkeySaimiri boliviensisLeast Concern
Goeldi's monkeyCallimico goeldiiVulnerable
Golden-mantled tamarinSaguinus tripartitusLeast Concern
Madidi titi monkey Plecturocebus aureipalatii Least Concern
Nancy Ma's night monkey Aotus nancymaae
Peruvian night monkey Aotus miconax Endangered
Purus red howlerAlouatta puruensisLeast Concern
Red titi monkeyPlecturocebus discolorLeast Concern
San Martin titi monkey Plecturocebus oenanthe Critically Endangered
Tufted capuchin monkeySapajus apellaLeast Concern
Yellow-tailed woolly monkeyOreonax flavicaudaCritically Endangered

See also


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