List of Protea species

The following is a list of Protea species.

Table of Protea species

SectionCommon name of sectionSpecies nameCommon nameImageDistribution
Craterifolia penduline protea Protea effusa[1]Scarlet sugarbushSouth Africa (Western Cape province)
Protea namaquana[2]Kamiesberg sugarbushSouth Africa (Kamiesberg mountains of Namaqualand in the Northern Cape province)
Protea pendulaNodding sugarbushSouth Africa (Western Cape province)
Protea reconditaHidden sugarbushSouth Africa (Western Cape province)
Protea sulphureaSulphur sugarbushSouth Africa (Western Cape province)
Crinitae eastern ground protea Protea foliosaLeafy sugarbushSouth Africa (Eastern Cape province)
Protea intonsaTufted sugarbushSouth Africa (Swartberg and Kammanassie Mountains to the Baviaanskloof Mountains.)
Protea montanaSwartberg sugarbushSouth Africa (Swartberg and Kammanassie Mountains.)
Protea tenaxTenacious sugarbushSouth Africa (Outeniqua, Tsitsikamma, Kouga and Winterhoek Mountains)
Protea vogtsiaeKouga sugarbushSouth Africa (Western and Eastern Cape)
Cristatae Moorland protea Protea asymmetricaInyanga sugarbushZimbabwe
Protea wentzelianaWentzel's sugarbushZimbabwe, Mozambique, Malawi, southern Tanzania and central Angola.
Exsertae White protea Protea aurea aureaCommon shuttlecock proteaSouth Africa (Western Cape province)
Protea aurea potbergensisPotberg sugarbushSouth Africa (Potberg near Cape Infanta.)
Protea lacticolorHottentot sugarbushSouth Africa (the Slanghoek to the Hottentots Holland Mountains and also the Groenlandberg.)
Protea mundiiForest sugarbushSouth Africa (Western Cape province)
Protea punctataWater sugarbushSouth Africa (Eastern and Western Cape province)
Protea subvestitaWaterlily sugarbushSouth Africa (Eastern Cape province)
Protea venustaCascade sugarbushSouth Africa (Clanwilliam to Grahamstown)
Hypocephalae Rodent protea Protea amplexicaulisClaspingleaf sugarbushSouth Africa (Western Cape province)
Protea cordataHeartleaf sugarbushSouth Africa (Western Cape province)
Protea decurrensLinearleaf sugarbushSouth Africa (Western Cape province)
Protea humifloraPatentleaf sugarbushSouth Africa (Western Cape province)
Protea subulifoliaAwl-leaf sugarbushSouth Africa (Western Cape province)
Lasiocephalae savanna protea Protea gaguediAfrican sugarbushSudan (including South Sudan), Eritrea, Ethiopia, Burundi, Rwanda, Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Zambia, Angola, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Eswatini and South Africa.
Protea welwitschiiDwarf savanna sugarbushRwanda, Burundi, Uganda, Tanzania, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Zambia, Angola, Zimbabwe, Malawi, Mozambique, Lesotho, and South Africa.
Leiocephalea grassveld protea Protea caffra caffraHighveld sugerbushSouth Africa (Gauteng, Kwazulu-Natal, Northern Province, Mpumalanga, the Eastern Cape as far south as the Katberg mountains) and Lesotho
Protea caffra gazensisManica sugarbushMozambique and Zimbabwe, including the Nyanga Mountains and Chimanimani Mountains, and on Mount Gorongosa in Mozambique.
Protea caffra kilimandscharicaKilimanjaro sugarbushMt Kenya
Protea caffra nyaseaMalawi sugarbushMalawi
Protea dracomontanaDrakensberg sugarbushSouth Africa (Eastern Cape, Lesotho, KwaZulu-Natal and Free State)
Protea nubigenaCloud sugarbushSouth Africa (KwaZulu-Natal)
Protea parvulaDainty sugarbushMpumalanga
Protea petiolaris elegansSickle-leaf sugarbushAngola, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Zambia and Zimbabwe.
Protea petiolaris petiolarisSickle-leaf sugarbushMalawi, Zambia and Zimbabwe.
Protea simplexDwarf grassveld sugarbushSouth Africa (Eswatini and Mpumalanga)
shaving-brush protea Protea caffra kilimandscharicaKilimanjaro sugarbushDRC, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda
Protea caffra mafingensisMafingo sugarbushMalawi and Zambia
Protea rupicolaKrantz sugarbushSouth Africa (Western and Eastern Cape)
Protea glabraClanwilliam sugarbushSouth Africa (Western cape)
Protea inopinaLargenut sugarbushProtea inopina 19247831Paleisheuwel
Protea nitidaWagon treeSouth Africa (Eastern Cape)
Ligulatae spoon-bract protea Protea burchelliiBurchell's sugarbushSouth Africa (Southwestern Cape)
Protea compactaBot river sugarbushKleinmond to Bredasdorp Mountains South Africa
Protea eximiaBroadleaf sugarbushSouth Africa (Western Cape)
Protea longifoliaLongleaf sugarbushSouth Africa (Western Cape)
Protea obtusifoliaLimestone sugarbushSouth Africa (Western Cape)
Protea pudensBashful sugarbushSouth Africa (Western Cape)
Protea roupelliae hamiltoniiDwarf silver sugarbushSouth Africa (Western Cape), Zimbabwe
Protea roupelliae roupelliaeSilver sugarbushClanwilliam to Grahamstown, South Africa.
Protea susannaeStinkleaf sugarbushSouth Africa (Western Cape)
Melliferae sugerbushes Protea aristataLadismith sugarbushSouth Africa (Western Cape)
Protea lanceolataLanceleaf sugarbushSouth Africa
Protea repensCommon sugarbushSouth Africa
Microgeantae western ground protea Protea acaulosCommon ground sugarbushSouth Africa (Western Cape)
Protea convexaLargeleaf sugarbushSouth Africa (Western Cape)
Protea laevisSmoothleaf sugarbushSouth Africa (Western Cape)
Protea revolutaRolledleaf sugarbushSouth Africa (Western Cape)
Protea angustataWide laef sugarbushSouth Africa (Western Cape)
Obvallatae bishop protea Protea caespitosaBishop sugarbushSouth Africa (Western Cape province)
Paludosae rooi protea Protea enervisChimanimani sugarbushZimbabwe and Mozambique
Paracynaroides sneeu protea Protea cryophilaSnowball proteaSouth Africa (Cederberg)
Protea pruinosaFrosted sugarbushSouth Africa (Western Cape province)
Protea scabriusculaHoary sugarbushSouth Africa (Western Cape province)
Protea scolopendriifoliaHart's tonguefern sugarbushSouth Africa (Western and Eastern Cape province)
Parviflorae shale protea Protea mucronifoliaDaggerleaf sugarbushSouth Africa
Protea odorataSwartland sugarbushSouth Africa
Patentiflorae mountain protea Protea angolensis angolensisDwarf northernwoodland sugarbushnorthern, central and eastern Zimbabwe
Protea angolensis divaricataNorthern woodland sugarbushZambia, western Angola, southern Democratic Republic of the Congo, Burundi, southern and western Tanzania, northern Malawi, and to a limited extent in Mozambique (Tete)
Protea comptoniiSaddleback sugarbushSouth Africa (Mpumalanga and KwaZulu-Natal)
Protea curvataBarberton sugarbushSouth Africa
Protea laetansBlyde sugarbushSouth Africa (Mpumalanga)
Protea madiensisTall woodland sugarbushSenegal to Ethiopia in the north, to Angola, Malawi, Mozambique and Zambia, Guinea to Mali in the north, south to Sierra Leone, Benin and Cameroon.
Protea rubropilosaTransvaal sugarbushSouth Africa (Mpumalanga and Limpopo)
Protea rupestrisRocket sugarbushMalawi, Mozambique, Angola and Tanzania
Pinifolia rose protea Protea acuminataBlackrim sugarbushSouth Africa
Protea canaliculataGrooveleaf sugarbushSouth Africa (Western Cape province)
Protea nanaMountainrose sugarbushSouth Africa (Western Cape province)
Protea pityphyllaCeres sugarbushSouth Africa (Western Cape province)
Protea scolymocephalaThistle sugarbushSouth Africa (Western Cape province)
Protea witzenbergianaSwan sugarbushSouth Africa (Western Cape province)
Protea king protea Protea cynaroidesKing proteaSouth Africa
Speciosae bearded sugerbush Protea coronataGreen sugarbushSouth Africa (Western and Eastern Cape)
Protea grandicepsRed sugarbushSouth Africa (Cape Peninsula, Hottentots-Holland Mountains, Riviersonderend Mountains, Langeberg, Outeniqua Mountains, Winterhoek Mountains and Kamanassie Mountains)
Protea holosericeaSawedge sugarbushSouth Africa (Western Cape)
Protea laurifoliaGreyleaf sugarbushSouth Africa (Northern and Western Cape)
Protea lepidocarpodendronBlackbeard sugarbushSouth Africa (Western Cape)
Protea lorifoliaStrapleaf sugarbushSouth Africa (Swartberg, Riviersonderend and Langeberg Mountains, to the Baviaanskloofberge and Kouga Mountains.)
Protea magnifica[3]Queen proteaSouth Africa (Western Cape)
Protea neriifoliaNarrowleaf sugarbushSouth Africa (Eastern and Western Cape)
Protea speciosaBrownbeard sugarbushSouth Africa (Western Cape)
Protea stokoeiPink sugarbushSouth Africa (Kogelberg and Greenland Mountains)
Subacaules dwarf-tufted protea Protea asperaRoughleaf sugarbushSouth Africa (Kleinrivier Mountains, Bredasdorpberg and Garcia's Pass.)
Protea denticulataToothleaf sugarbushSouth Africa
Protea loreaThongleaf sugarbushSouth Africa (Western Cape)
Protea piscinaVisgat sugarbushSouth Africa
Protea restionifolia[4]Reedleaf sugarbushSouth Africa (Western Cape province)
Protea scabra[5]Sandpaperleaf sugarbushSouth Africa (Hottentots Holland Mountains across the Riviersonderend Mountains, the Kleinrivier Mountains and around the town of Caledon to the Swartberg Mountains)
Protea scorzonerifolia[6]Channelleaf sugarbushSouth Africa (Western Cape)


  1. "Protea effusa (Scarlet sugarbush)". Biodiversity Explorer. Iziko - Museums of South Africa. Retrieved 20 July 2020.
  2. Rebelo, A.G.; Mtshali, H.; von Staden, L. (1 September 2006). "Kamiesberg Sugarbush". Red List of South African Plants. version 2020.1. South African National Biodiversity Institute. Retrieved 9 September 2020.
  3. Wiersema, John H.; León, Blanca (1999). World Economic Plants: A Standard Reference (illustrated ed.). CRC Press. p. 693. ISBN 9780849321191.
  4. Tony Rebelo (25 January 2008). Protea Atlas (PDF) (Report). South African National Biodiversity Institute, Kirstenbosch, Cape Town. p. 20-22. Retrieved 11 July 2020.
  5. Tony Rebelo (25 January 2008). Protea Atlas, part 4 (PDF) (Report). South African National Biodiversity Institute, Kirstenbosch, Cape Town. p. 23-24. Retrieved 13 July 2020.
  6. Lamont, Byron B.; Downes, Katherine S. (2011-12-01). "Fire-stimulated flowering among resprouters and geophytes in Australia and South Africa". Plant Ecology. 212 (12): 2111–2125. doi:10.1007/s11258-011-9987-y. ISSN 1573-5052.
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