List of Sites of Community Importance in Andalusia

This is a list of Sites of Community Importance in Andalusia.

Natura 2000 sites in Andalusia
  Both, SPA and SCI.

ID Name Coordinates Image
ES0000024Doñana National Park
(official name: Doñana)
Other names: n/a
37.0165°N 6.4767°W / 37.0165; -6.4767 (Doñana)Looks like this Site of Community Interest has an image. Don't worry, you can take one of your own, and upload it too!
ES0000025Marismas del Odiel
(official name: Marismas del Odiel)
Other names: n/a
37.1675°N 6.9275°W / 37.1675; -6.9275 (Marismas del Odiel)Looks like this Site of Community Interest has an image. Don't worry, you can take one of your own, and upload it too!
ES0000026Complejo endorreico de Espera
(official name: Complejo endorreico de Espera)
Other names: n/a
36.8669°N 5.8639°W / 36.8669; -5.8639 (Complejo endorreico de Espera)Looks like this Site of Community Interest has an image. Don't worry, you can take one of your own, and upload it too!
ES0000027Laguna de Medina
(official name: Laguna de Medina)
Other names: n/a
36.6137°N 6.0472°W / 36.6137; -6.0472 (Laguna de Medina)Looks like this Site of Community Interest has an image. Don't worry, you can take one of your own, and upload it too!
ES0000028Complejo endorreico de Chiclana
(official name: Complejo endorreico de Chiclana)
Other names: n/a
36.4478°N 6.0769°W / 36.4478; -6.0769 (Complejo endorreico de Chiclana)Looks like this Site of Community Interest has an image. Don't worry, you can take one of your own, and upload it too!
ES0000029Complejo endorreico del Puerto de Santa María
(official name: Complejo endorreico del Puerto de Santa María)
Other names: n/a
36.6444°N 6.2302°W / 36.6444; -6.2302 (Complejo endorreico del Puerto de Santa María)This Site of Community Interest has no photo. Take one and upload it! Thanks!
ES0000030Complejo endorreico de Puerto Real
(official name: Complejo endorreico de Puerto Real)
Other names: n/a
36.526°N 6.0403°W / 36.526; -6.0403 (Complejo endorreico de Puerto Real)Looks like this Site of Community Interest has an image. Don't worry, you can take one of your own, and upload it too!
ES0000031Sierra de Grazalema Natural Park
(official name: Sierra de Grazalema)
Other names: n/a
36.7085°N 5.3709°W / 36.7085; -5.3709 (Sierra de Grazalema)Looks like this Site of Community Interest has an image. Don't worry, you can take one of your own, and upload it too!
ES0000032El Torcal de Antequera
(official name: Torcal de Antequera)
Other names: n/a
36.9656°N 4.5414°W / 36.9656; -4.5414 (Torcal de Antequera)Looks like this Site of Community Interest has an image. Don't worry, you can take one of your own, and upload it too!
ES0000033Fuente de Piedra Lagoon
(official name: Laguna de Fuente de Piedra)
Other names: n/a
37.1035°N 4.7861°W / 37.1035; -4.7861 (Laguna de Fuente de Piedra)Looks like this Site of Community Interest has an image. Don't worry, you can take one of your own, and upload it too!
ES0000034Sierras de Cazorla, Segura y Las Villas Natural Park
(official name: Lagunas del Sur de Cordoba)
Other names: n/a
37.4808°N 4.6924°W / 37.4808; -4.6924 (Lagunas del Sur de Cordoba)Looks like this Site of Community Interest has an image. Don't worry, you can take one of your own, and upload it too!
ES0000035Sierras de Cazorla, Segura y Las Villas
(official name: Sierras de Cazorla, Segura y Las Villas)
Other names: n/a
38.0985°N 2.7635°W / 38.0985; -2.7635 (Sierras de Cazorla, Segura y Las Villas)Looks like this Site of Community Interest has an image. Don't worry, you can take one of your own, and upload it too!
ES0000045Sierra Alhamilla
(official name: Sierra Alhamilla)
Other names: n/a
36.9638°N 2.347°W / 36.9638; -2.347 (Sierra Alhamilla)Looks like this Site of Community Interest has an image. Don't worry, you can take one of your own, and upload it too!
ES0000046Cabo de Gata-Níjar Natural Park
(official name: Cabo de Gata-Níjar)
Other names: n/a
36.8239°N 2.0958°W / 36.8239; -2.0958 (Cabo de Gata-Níjar)Looks like this Site of Community Interest has an image. Don't worry, you can take one of your own, and upload it too!
ES0000047Tabernas Desert
(official name: Desierto de Tabernas)
Other names: n/a
37.0249°N 2.5055°W / 37.0249; -2.5055 (Desierto de Tabernas)Looks like this Site of Community Interest has an image. Don't worry, you can take one of your own, and upload it too!
ES0000048Punta Entinas-Sabinar
(official name: Punta Entinas-Sabinar)
Other names: n/a
36.6893°N 2.7065°W / 36.6893; -2.7065 (Punta Entinas-Sabinar)Looks like this Site of Community Interest has an image. Don't worry, you can take one of your own, and upload it too!
ES0000049Los Alcornocales Natural Park
(official name: Los Alcornocales)
Other names: n/a
36.36686°N 5.580237°W / 36.36686; -5.580237 (Los Alcornocales)Looks like this Site of Community Interest has an image. Don't worry, you can take one of your own, and upload it too!
ES0000050Sierra de Hornachuelos
(official name: Sierra de Hornachuelos)
Other names: n/a
37.906828°N 5.244229°W / 37.906828; -5.244229 (Sierra de Hornachuelos)Looks like this Site of Community Interest has an image. Don't worry, you can take one of your own, and upload it too!
ES0000051Sierra de Aracena and Picos de Aroche Natural Park
(official name: Sierra de Aracena y Picos de Aroche)
Other names: n/a
37.9429°N 6.5623°W / 37.9429; -6.5623 (Sierra de Aracena y Picos de Aroche)Looks like this Site of Community Interest has an image. Don't worry, you can take one of your own, and upload it too!
ES0000052Sierra Pelada y Rivera del Aserrador
(official name: Sierra Pelada y Rivera del Aserrador)
Other names: n/a
37.8431°N 7.0732°W / 37.8431; -7.0732 (Sierra Pelada y Rivera del Aserrador)This Site of Community Interest has no photo. Take one and upload it! Thanks!
ES0000053Sierra Norte
(official name: Sierra Norte)
Other names: n/a
37.945595°N 5.768985°W / 37.945595; -5.768985 (Sierra Norte)Looks like this Site of Community Interest has an image. Don't worry, you can take one of your own, and upload it too!
ES0000140Bahía de Cádiz Natural Park
(official name: Bahía de Cádiz)
Other names: n/a
36.4012°N 6.1908°W / 36.4012; -6.1908 (Bahía de Cádiz)Looks like this Site of Community Interest has an image. Don't worry, you can take one of your own, and upload it too!
ES0000337El Estrecho Natural Park
(official name: Estrecho)
Other names: n/a
36.0654°N 5.7187°W / 36.0654; -5.7187 (Estrecho)Looks like this Site of Community Interest has an image. Don't worry, you can take one of your own, and upload it too!
ES6110001Albufera de Adra
(official name: Albufera de Adra)
Other names: n/a
36.753°N 2.9521°W / 36.753; -2.9521 (Albufera de Adra)This Site of Community Interest has no photo. Take one and upload it! Thanks!
ES6110002Karst en Yesos de Sorbas
(official name: Karst en Yesos de Sorbas)
Other names: n/a
37.0837°N 2.0721°W / 37.0837; -2.0721 (Karst en Yesos de Sorbas)Looks like this Site of Community Interest has an image. Don't worry, you can take one of your own, and upload it too!
ES6110003Sierra de María-Los Vélez Natural Park
(official name: Sierra Maria - Los Vélez)
Other names: n/a
37.6754°N 2.141°W / 37.6754; -2.141 (Sierra Maria - Los Vélez)Looks like this Site of Community Interest has an image. Don't worry, you can take one of your own, and upload it too!
ES6110004Sierra del Oso
(official name: Sierra del Oso)
Other names: n/a
37.843°N 2.1013°W / 37.843; -2.1013 (Sierra del Oso)This Site of Community Interest has no photo. Take one and upload it! Thanks!
ES6110005Sierra de Cabrera-Bédar
(official name: Sierra de Cabrera-Bédar)
Other names: n/a
37.102°N 2.0197°W / 37.102; -2.0197 (Sierra de Cabrera-Bédar)Looks like this Site of Community Interest has an image. Don't worry, you can take one of your own, and upload it too!
ES6110006Ramblas de Gérgal, Tabernas y Sur de Sierra Alhamilla
(official name: Ramblas de Gérgal, Tabernas y Sur de Sierra Alhamilla)
Other names: n/a
36.9764°N 2.4658°W / 36.9764; -2.4658 (Ramblas de Gérgal, Tabernas y Sur de Sierra Alhamilla)Looks like this Site of Community Interest has an image. Don't worry, you can take one of your own, and upload it too!
ES6110007La Serreta de Cabo de Gata
(official name: La Serreta de Cabo de Gata)
Other names: n/a
36.8796°N 2.1415°W / 36.8796; -2.1415 (La Serreta de Cabo de Gata)Looks like this Site of Community Interest has an image. Don't worry, you can take one of your own, and upload it too!
ES6110008Sierras de Gádor y Énix
(official name: Sierras de Gádor y Énix)
Other names: n/a
36.8736°N 2.7041°W / 36.8736; -2.7041 (Sierras de Gádor y Énix)Looks like this Site of Community Interest has an image. Don't worry, you can take one of your own, and upload it too!
ES6110011Sierra del Alto de Almagro
(official name: Sierra del Alto de Almagro)
Other names: n/a
37.3586°N 1.8524°W / 37.3586; -1.8524 (Sierra del Alto de Almagro)Looks like this Site of Community Interest has an image. Don't worry, you can take one of your own, and upload it too!
ES6110012Sierras Almagrera, de Los Pinos y El Aguilón
(official name: Sierras Almagrera, de Los Pinos y El Aguilón)
Other names: n/a
37.3206°N 1.737°W / 37.3206; -1.737 (Sierras Almagrera, de Los Pinos y El Aguilón)This Site of Community Interest has no photo. Take one and upload it! Thanks!
ES6110013Calares de Sierra de Los Filabres
(official name: Calares de Sierra de Los Filabres)
Other names: n/a
37.2827°N 2.4779°W / 37.2827; -2.4779 (Calares de Sierra de Los Filabres)Looks like this Site of Community Interest has an image. Don't worry, you can take one of your own, and upload it too!
ES6110014Artos de El Ejido
(official name: Artos de El Ejido)
Other names: n/a
36.7452°N 2.7954°W / 36.7452; -2.7954 (Artos de El Ejido)This Site of Community Interest has no photo. Take one and upload it! Thanks!
(official name: Alboran Island|Alborán)
Other names: n/a
35.9304°N 3.0544°W / 35.9304; -3.0544 (Alborán)Looks like this Site of Community Interest has an image. Don't worry, you can take one of your own, and upload it too!
ES6110016Rambla de Arejos
(official name: Rambla de Arejos)
Other names: n/a
37.3746°N 1.6414°W / 37.3746; -1.6414 (Rambla de Arejos)This Site of Community Interest has no photo. Take one and upload it! Thanks!
ES6110017Río Antas
(official name: Río Antas)
Other names: n/a
37.2066°N 1.8293°W / 37.2066; -1.8293 (Río Antas)Looks like this Site of Community Interest has an image. Don't worry, you can take one of your own, and upload it too!
ES6110018Río Adra
(official name: Río Adra)
Other names: n/a
36.8279°N 2.9558°W / 36.8279; -2.9558 (Río Adra)Looks like this Site of Community Interest has an image. Don't worry, you can take one of your own, and upload it too!
ES6110020Islote de San Andrés
(official name: Islote de San Andrés)
Other names: n/a
36.993°N 1.8859°W / 36.993; -1.8859 (Islote de San Andrés)Looks like this Site of Community Interest has an image. Don't worry, you can take one of your own, and upload it too!
ES6120001Cola del Embalse de Arcos
(official name: Cola del Embalse de Arcos)
Other names: n/a
36.7661°N 5.7846°W / 36.7661; -5.7846 (Cola del Embalse de Arcos)Looks like this Site of Community Interest has an image. Don't worry, you can take one of your own, and upload it too!
ES6120002Cola del Embalse de Bornos
(official name: Cola del Embalse de Bornos)
Other names: n/a
36.8122°N 5.6804°W / 36.8122; -5.6804 (Cola del Embalse de Bornos)Looks like this Site of Community Interest has an image. Don't worry, you can take one of your own, and upload it too!
ES6120003Estuario del Río Guadiaro
(official name: Estuario del Río Guadiaro)
Other names: n/a
36.2815°N 5.2811°W / 36.2815; -5.2811 (Estuario del Río Guadiaro)Looks like this Site of Community Interest has an image. Don't worry, you can take one of your own, and upload it too!
ES6120006Marismas del Río Palmones
(official name: Marismas del Río Palmones)
Other names: n/a
36.1714°N 5.4408°W / 36.1714; -5.4408 (Marismas del Río Palmones)Looks like this Site of Community Interest has an image. Don't worry, you can take one of your own, and upload it too!
ES6120008La Breña y Marismas del Barbate Natural Park
(official name: La Breña y Marismas del Barbate)
Other names: n/a
36.182985°N 5.975289°W / 36.182985; -5.975289 (La Breña y Marismas del Barbate)Looks like this Site of Community Interest has an image. Don't worry, you can take one of your own, and upload it too!
ES6120009Fondos Marinos de Bahía de Cádiz
(official name: Fondos Marinos de Bahía de Cádiz)
Other names: n/a
36.5631°N 6.2746°W / 36.5631; -6.2746 (Fondos Marinos de Bahía de Cádiz)This Site of Community Interest has no photo. Take one and upload it! Thanks!
ES6120011Laguna de Los Tollos
(official name: Laguna de Los Tollos)
Other names: n/a
36.8437°N 6.0165°W / 36.8437; -6.0165 (Laguna de Los Tollos)Looks like this Site of Community Interest has an image. Don't worry, you can take one of your own, and upload it too!
ES6120013Sierra Líjar
(official name: Sierra Líjar)
Other names: n/a
36.9157°N 5.4531°W / 36.9157; -5.4531 (Sierra Líjar)Looks like this Site of Community Interest has an image. Don't worry, you can take one of your own, and upload it too!
ES6120014Laguna de Las Canteras y El Tejón
(official name: Laguna de Las Canteras y El Tejón)
Other names: n/a
36.5812°N 6.0710000000000015°W / 36.5812; -6.0710000000000015 (Laguna de Las Canteras y El Tejón)This Site of Community Interest has no photo. Take one and upload it! Thanks!
ES6120015Acebuchales de La Campiña Sur de Cádiz
(official name: Acebuchales de La Campiña Sur de Cádiz)
Other names: n/a
36.3234°N 5.879°W / 36.3234; -5.879 (Acebuchales de La Campiña Sur de Cádiz)This Site of Community Interest has no photo. Take one and upload it! Thanks!
ES6120017Punta de Trafalgar
(official name: Punta de Trafalgar)
Other names: n/a
36.1759°N 6.0377°W / 36.1759; -6.0377 (Punta de Trafalgar)Looks like this Site of Community Interest has an image. Don't worry, you can take one of your own, and upload it too!
ES6120018Pinar de Roche
(official name: Pinar de Roche)
Other names: n/a
36.314532°N 6.120607°W / 36.314532; -6.120607 (Pinar de Roche)Looks like this Site of Community Interest has an image. Don't worry, you can take one of your own, and upload it too!
ES6120019Río Salado de Conil
(official name: Río Salado de Conil)
Other names: n/a
36.3286°N 5.9438°W / 36.3286; -5.9438 (Río Salado de Conil)Looks like this Site of Community Interest has an image. Don't worry, you can take one of your own, and upload it too!
ES6120020Túnel III de Bornos
(official name: Túnel III de Bornos)
Other names: n/a
36.8024°N 5.7549°W / 36.8024; -5.7549 (Túnel III de Bornos)This Site of Community Interest has no photo. Take one and upload it! Thanks!
ES6120021Río Guadalete
(official name: Río Guadalete)
Other names: n/a
36.9205°N 5.5557°W / 36.9205; -5.5557 (Río Guadalete)Looks like this Site of Community Interest has an image. Don't worry, you can take one of your own, and upload it too!
ES6120022Búnker del Tufillo
(official name: Búnker del Tufillo)
Other names: n/a
36.0734°N 5.6822°W / 36.0734; -5.6822 (Búnker del Tufillo)This Site of Community Interest has no photo. Take one and upload it! Thanks!
ES6120023Corrales de Rota
(official name: Corrales de Rota)
Other names: n/a
36.628°N 6.3908°W / 36.628; -6.3908 (Corrales de Rota)Looks like this Site of Community Interest has an image. Don't worry, you can take one of your own, and upload it too!
ES6120024Cueva del Búho
(official name: Cueva del Búho)
Other names: n/a
36.8108°N 5.5967°W / 36.8108; -5.5967 (Cueva del Búho)This Site of Community Interest has no photo. Take one and upload it! Thanks!
ES6120025Río Iro
(official name: Río Iro)
Other names: n/a
36.409°N 6.0364°W / 36.409; -6.0364 (Río Iro)Looks like this Site of Community Interest has an image. Don't worry, you can take one of your own, and upload it too!
ES6120026Cueva de las Mesas de Algar
(official name: Cueva de las Mesas de Algar)
Other names: n/a
36.3523°N 5.9068°W / 36.3523; -5.9068 (Cueva de las Mesas de Algar)This Site of Community Interest has no photo. Take one and upload it! Thanks!
ES6120027Salado de San Pedro
(official name: Salado de San Pedro)
Other names: n/a
36.5636°N 6.0769°W / 36.5636; -6.0769 (Salado de San Pedro)Looks like this Site of Community Interest has an image. Don't worry, you can take one of your own, and upload it too!
ES6120028Río de La Jara
(official name: Río de La Jara)
Other names: n/a
36.0539°N 5.6334°W / 36.0539; -5.6334 (Río de La Jara)This Site of Community Interest has no photo. Take one and upload it! Thanks!
ES6120029Búnker del Santuario de La Luz
(official name: Búnker del Santuario de La Luz)
Other names: n/a
36.0501°N 5.6233°W / 36.0501; -5.6233 (Búnker del Santuario de La Luz)This Site of Community Interest has no photo. Take one and upload it! Thanks!
ES6120030Cuevas de La Mujer y de Las Colmenas
(official name: Cuevas de La Mujer y de Las Colmenas)
Other names: n/a
36.636°N 6.175°W / 36.636; -6.175 (Cuevas de La Mujer y de Las Colmenas)This Site of Community Interest has no photo. Take one and upload it! Thanks!
ES6120031Ríos Guadiaro y Hozgarganta
(official name: Ríos Guadiaro y Hozgarganta)
Other names: n/a
36.3264°N 5.3459°W / 36.3264; -5.3459 (Ríos Guadiaro y Hozgarganta)Looks like this Site of Community Interest has an image. Don't worry, you can take one of your own, and upload it too!
ES6120033Fondos Marinos Marismas del Río Palmones
(official name: Fondos Marinos Marismas del Río Palmones)
Other names: n/a
36.1671°N 5.4295°W / 36.1671; -5.4295 (Fondos Marinos Marismas del Río Palmones)Looks like this Site of Community Interest has an image. Don't worry, you can take one of your own, and upload it too!
ES6120034Fondos Marinos Estuario del Río Guadiaro
(official name: Fondos Marinos Estuario del Río Guadiaro)
Other names: n/a
36.2778°N 5.2706°W / 36.2778; -5.2706 (Fondos Marinos Estuario del Río Guadiaro)This Site of Community Interest has no photo. Take one and upload it! Thanks!
ES6130001Sierra de Cardeña y Montoro
(official name: Sierra de Cardeña y Montoro)
Other names: n/a
38.2347°N 4.2902°W / 38.2347; -4.2902 (Sierra de Cardeña y Montoro)Looks like this Site of Community Interest has an image. Don't worry, you can take one of your own, and upload it too!
ES6130002Sierra Subbética
(official name: Sierra Subbética)
Other names: n/a
37.425616°N 4.314789°W / 37.425616; -4.314789 (Sierra Subbética)Looks like this Site of Community Interest has an image. Don't worry, you can take one of your own, and upload it too!
ES6130003Sierra de Santa Eufemia
(official name: Sierra de Santa Eufemia)
Other names: n/a
38.6375°N 4.9407°W / 38.6375; -4.9407 (Sierra de Santa Eufemia)This Site of Community Interest has no photo. Take one and upload it! Thanks!
ES6130004Río Guadalmez
(official name: Río Guadalmez)
Other names: n/a
38.4843°N 4.5997°W / 38.4843; -4.5997 (Río Guadalmez)This Site of Community Interest has no photo. Take one and upload it! Thanks!
ES6130005Suroeste de La Sierra de Cardeña y Montoro
(official name: Suroeste de La Sierra de Cardeña y Montoro)
Other names: n/a
38.0986°N 4.3959°W / 38.0986; -4.3959 (Suroeste de La Sierra de Cardeña y Montoro)Looks like this Site of Community Interest has an image. Don't worry, you can take one of your own, and upload it too!
(official name: Guadalmellato)
Other names: n/a
37.9542°N 4.699°W / 37.9542; -4.699 (Guadalmellato)Looks like this Site of Community Interest has an image. Don't worry, you can take one of your own, and upload it too!
(official name: Guadiato-Bembézar)
Other names: n/a
37.8484°N 5.1831°W / 37.8484; -5.1831 (Guadiato-Bembézar)Looks like this Site of Community Interest has an image. Don't worry, you can take one of your own, and upload it too!
ES6130008Tramo Inferior del Río Guadajoz
(official name: Tramo Inferior del Río Guadajoz)
Other names: n/a
37.7931°N 4.7347°W / 37.7931; -4.7347 (Tramo Inferior del Río Guadajoz)This Site of Community Interest has no photo. Take one and upload it! Thanks!
ES6130009Ríos Cuzna y Gato
(official name: Ríos Cuzna y Gato)
Other names: n/a
38.1484°N 4.7553°W / 38.1484; -4.7553 (Ríos Cuzna y Gato)This Site of Community Interest has no photo. Take one and upload it! Thanks!
ES6130010Río Guadamatilla y Arroyo del Tamujar
(official name: Río Guadamatilla y Arroyo del Tamujar)
Other names: n/a
38.6093°N 5.0403°W / 38.6093; -5.0403 (Río Guadamatilla y Arroyo del Tamujar)This Site of Community Interest has no photo. Take one and upload it! Thanks!
ES6130011Río Guadamatilla
(official name: Río Guadamatilla)
Other names: n/a
38.4068°N 5.0777°W / 38.4068; -5.0777 (Río Guadamatilla)This Site of Community Interest has no photo. Take one and upload it! Thanks!
ES6130012Zújar River
(official name: Río Zújar)
Other names: n/a
38.5778°N 5.317°W / 38.5778; -5.317 (Río Zújar)Looks like this Site of Community Interest has an image. Don't worry, you can take one of your own, and upload it too!
ES6130013Barrancos del Río Retortillo
(official name: Barrancos del Río Retortillo)
Other names: n/a
37.819738°N 5.343826°W / 37.819738; -5.343826 (Barrancos del Río Retortillo)This Site of Community Interest has no photo. Take one and upload it! Thanks!
ES6130014Arroyo de Ventas Nuevas
(official name: Arroyo de Ventas Nuevas)
Other names: n/a
38.3675°N 4.4653°W / 38.3675; -4.4653 (Arroyo de Ventas Nuevas)This Site of Community Interest has no photo. Take one and upload it! Thanks!
ES6130015Río Guadalquivir -Tramo Medio
(official name: Río Guadalquivir -Tramo Medio)
Other names: n/a
37.7966°N 5.099°W / 37.7966; -5.099 (Río Guadalquivir -Tramo Medio)Looks like this Site of Community Interest has an image. Don't worry, you can take one of your own, and upload it too!
ES6130016Río Guadalbarbo
(official name: Río Guadalbarbo)
Other names: n/a
38.1675°N 4.8659°W / 38.1675; -4.8659 (Río Guadalbarbo)This Site of Community Interest has no photo. Take one and upload it! Thanks!
ES6140001Sierra de Baza
(official name: Sierra de Baza)
Other names: n/a
37.3756°N 2.8311°W / 37.3756; -2.8311 (Sierra de Baza)Looks like this Site of Community Interest has an image. Don't worry, you can take one of your own, and upload it too!
ES6140002Sierra de Castril
(official name: Sierra de Castril)
Other names: n/a
37.8742°N 2.7717°W / 37.8742; -2.7717 (Sierra de Castril)Looks like this Site of Community Interest has an image. Don't worry, you can take one of your own, and upload it too!
ES6140003Sierra de Huétor and la Alfaguara Natural Park
(official name: Sierra de Huétor)
Other names: n/a
37.2776°N 3.4692°W / 37.2776; -3.4692 (Sierra de Huétor)Looks like this Site of Community Interest has an image. Don't worry, you can take one of your own, and upload it too!
ES6140004Sierra Nevada National Park (Spain)
(official name: Sierra Nevada)
Other names: n/a
37.0788°N 3.1158°W / 37.0788; -3.1158 (Sierra Nevada)Looks like this Site of Community Interest has an image. Don't worry, you can take one of your own, and upload it too!
ES6140005Sierra de La Sagra
(official name: Sierra de La Sagra)
Other names: n/a
37.8684°N 2.5353°W / 37.8684; -2.5353 (Sierra de La Sagra)Looks like this Site of Community Interest has an image. Don't worry, you can take one of your own, and upload it too!
ES6140006Sierra de Arana
(official name: Sierra de Arana)
Other names: n/a
37.3276°N 3.385°W / 37.3276; -3.385 (Sierra de Arana)Looks like this Site of Community Interest has an image. Don't worry, you can take one of your own, and upload it too!
ES6140007Sierras del Campanario y Las Cabras
(official name: Sierras del Campanario y Las Cabras)
Other names: n/a
37.3673°N 3.6604°W / 37.3673; -3.6604 (Sierras del Campanario y Las Cabras)This Site of Community Interest has no photo. Take one and upload it! Thanks!
ES6140008Sierra de Loja
(official name: Sierra de Loja)
Other names: n/a
37.064°N 4.1508°W / 37.064; -4.1508 (Sierra de Loja)This Site of Community Interest has no photo. Take one and upload it! Thanks!
ES6140009Sierra Nevada Noroeste
(official name: Sierra Nevada Noroeste)
Other names: n/a
37.1789°N 3.3366°W / 37.1789; -3.3366 (Sierra Nevada Noroeste)Looks like this Site of Community Interest has an image. Don't worry, you can take one of your own, and upload it too!
ES6140010Sierra de Baza Norte
(official name: Sierra de Baza Norte)
Other names: n/a
37.4748°N 2.8186°W / 37.4748; -2.8186 (Sierra de Baza Norte)Looks like this Site of Community Interest has an image. Don't worry, you can take one of your own, and upload it too!
ES6140011Sierra de Castell de Ferro
(official name: Sierra de Castell de Ferro)
Other names: n/a
36.7218°N 3.4002°W / 36.7218; -3.4002 (Sierra de Castell de Ferro)This Site of Community Interest has no photo. Take one and upload it! Thanks!
ES6140012La Malahá
(official name: La Malahá)
Other names: n/a
37.1263°N 3.7299°W / 37.1263; -3.7299 (La Malahá)Looks like this Site of Community Interest has an image. Don't worry, you can take one of your own, and upload it too!
ES6140013Acantilados y Fondos Marinos Tesorillo-Salobreña
(official name: Acantilados y Fondos Marinos Tesorillo-Salobreña)
Other names: n/a
36.7333°N 3.6321°W / 36.7333; -3.6321 (Acantilados y Fondos Marinos Tesorillo-Salobreña)This Site of Community Interest has no photo. Take one and upload it! Thanks!
ES6140014Acantilados y Fondos Marinos de Calahonda-Castell de Ferro
(official name: Acantilados y Fondos Marinos de Calahonda-Castell de Ferro)
Other names: n/a
36.7031°N 3.3827°W / 36.7031; -3.3827 (Acantilados y Fondos Marinos de Calahonda-Castell de Ferro)Looks like this Site of Community Interest has an image. Don't worry, you can take one of your own, and upload it too!
ES6140015Barrancos del Río de Aguas Blancas
(official name: Barrancos del Río de Aguas Blancas)
Other names: n/a
37.2308°N 3.4114°W / 37.2308; -3.4114 (Barrancos del Río de Aguas Blancas)This Site of Community Interest has no photo. Take one and upload it! Thanks!
ES6140016Acantilados y Fondos Marinos de La Punta de La Mona
(official name: Acantilados y Fondos Marinos de La Punta de La Mona)
Other names: n/a
36.7184°N 3.7298°W / 36.7184; -3.7298 (Acantilados y Fondos Marinos de La Punta de La Mona)Looks like this Site of Community Interest has an image. Don't worry, you can take one of your own, and upload it too!
ES6150001Laguna del Portil
(official name: Laguna del Portil)
Other names: n/a
37.2233°N 7.0467°W / 37.2233; -7.0467 (Laguna del Portil)Looks like this Site of Community Interest has an image. Don't worry, you can take one of your own, and upload it too!
ES6150002Enebrales de Punta Umbría
(official name: Enebrales de Punta Umbría)
Other names: n/a
37.1942°N 6.9955°W / 37.1942; -6.9955 (Enebrales de Punta Umbría)Looks like this Site of Community Interest has an image. Don't worry, you can take one of your own, and upload it too!
ES6150003Estero de Domingo Rubio
(official name: Estero de Domingo Rubio)
Other names: n/a
37.1975°N 6.9035°W / 37.1975; -6.9035 (Estero de Domingo Rubio)This Site of Community Interest has no photo. Take one and upload it! Thanks!
ES6150004Lagunas de Palos y Las Madres
(official name: Lagunas de Palos y Las Madres)
Other names: n/a
37.1529°N 6.859°W / 37.1529; -6.859 (Lagunas de Palos y Las Madres)Looks like this Site of Community Interest has an image. Don't worry, you can take one of your own, and upload it too!
ES6150005Marismas de Isla Cristina
(official name: Marismas de Isla Cristina)
Other names: n/a
37.1884°N 7.335°W / 37.1884; -7.335 (Marismas de Isla Cristina)Looks like this Site of Community Interest has an image. Don't worry, you can take one of your own, and upload it too!
ES6150006Marismas del Río Piedras y Flecha del Rompido
(official name: Marismas del Río Piedras y Flecha del Rompido)
Other names: n/a
37.2097°N 7.1384°W / 37.2097; -7.1384 (Marismas del Río Piedras y Flecha del Rompido)Looks like this Site of Community Interest has an image. Don't worry, you can take one of your own, and upload it too!
ES6150007Peñas de Aroche
(official name: Peñas de Aroche)
Other names: n/a
37.921°N 7.0769°W / 37.921; -7.0769 (Peñas de Aroche)This Site of Community Interest has no photo. Take one and upload it! Thanks!
ES6150009Doñana Norte y Oeste
(official name: Doñana Norte y Oeste)
Other names: n/a
37.2106°N 6.5679°W / 37.2106; -6.5679 (Doñana Norte y Oeste)Looks like this Site of Community Interest has an image. Don't worry, you can take one of your own, and upload it too!
ES6150010Andévalo Occidental
(official name: Andévalo Occidental)
Other names: n/a
37.5371°N 7.3872°W / 37.5371; -7.3872 (Andévalo Occidental)This Site of Community Interest has no photo. Take one and upload it! Thanks!
ES6150012Dehesa del Estero y Montes de Moguer
(official name: Dehesa del Estero y Montes de Moguer)
Other names: n/a
37.1584°N 6.8211°W / 37.1584; -6.8211 (Dehesa del Estero y Montes de Moguer)This Site of Community Interest has no photo. Take one and upload it! Thanks!
ES6150013Dunas del Odiel
(official name: Dunas del Odiel)
Other names: n/a
37.1601°N 6.8832°W / 37.1601; -6.8832 (Dunas del Odiel)This Site of Community Interest has no photo. Take one and upload it! Thanks!
ES6150014Marismas y Riberas del Tinto
(official name: Marismas y Riberas del Tinto)
Other names: n/a
37.2772°N 6.8715°W / 37.2772; -6.8715 (Marismas y Riberas del Tinto)Looks like this Site of Community Interest has an image. Don't worry, you can take one of your own, and upload it too!
ES6150015Isla de San Bruno
(official name: Isla de San Bruno)
Other names: n/a
37.1838°N 7.3919°W / 37.1838; -7.3919 (Isla de San Bruno)This Site of Community Interest has no photo. Take one and upload it! Thanks!
ES6150016Acebuchal de Alpízar
(official name: Acebuchal de Alpízar)
Other names: n/a
37.454676°N 6.444561°W / 37.454676; -6.444561 (Acebuchal de Alpízar)This Site of Community Interest has no photo. Take one and upload it! Thanks!
ES6150017Marisma de Las Carboneras
(official name: Marisma de Las Carboneras)
Other names: n/a
37.2659°N 6.9984°W / 37.2659; -6.9984 (Marisma de Las Carboneras)This Site of Community Interest has no photo. Take one and upload it! Thanks!
ES6150018Río Guadiana y Ribera de Chanza
(official name: Río Guadiana y Ribera de Chanza)
Other names: n/a
37.4047°N 7.4558°W / 37.4047; -7.4558 (Río Guadiana y Ribera de Chanza)Looks like this Site of Community Interest has an image. Don't worry, you can take one of your own, and upload it too!
ES6150019Bajo Guadalquivir
(official name: Bajo Guadalquivir)
Other names: n/a
37.0118°N 6.1609°W / 37.0118; -6.1609 (Bajo Guadalquivir)Looks like this Site of Community Interest has an image. Don't worry, you can take one of your own, and upload it too!
ES6150020Arroyo del Alamillo
(official name: Arroyo del Alamillo)
Other names: n/a
37.3282°N 7.3434°W / 37.3282; -7.3434 (Arroyo del Alamillo)This Site of Community Interest has no photo. Take one and upload it! Thanks!
ES6150021Corredor Ecológico del Río Tinto
(official name: Corredor Ecológico del Río Tinto)
Other names: n/a
37.3699°N 6.5817°W / 37.3699; -6.5817 (Corredor Ecológico del Río Tinto)Looks like this Site of Community Interest has an image. Don't worry, you can take one of your own, and upload it too!
ES6150022Rivera de Chanza
(official name: Rivera de Chanza)
Other names: n/a
37.9555°N 7.2115°W / 37.9555; -7.2115 (Rivera de Chanza)This Site of Community Interest has no photo. Take one and upload it! Thanks!
ES6150023Dehesa de Torrecuadros y Arroyo de Pilas
(official name: Dehesa de Torrecuadros y Arroyo de Pilas)
Other names: n/a
37.3352°N 6.3646°W / 37.3352; -6.3646 (Dehesa de Torrecuadros y Arroyo de Pilas)This Site of Community Interest has no photo. Take one and upload it! Thanks!
ES6150024El Jure
(official name: El Jure)
Other names: n/a
37.5626°N 7.0888°W / 37.5626; -7.0888 (El Jure)This Site of Community Interest has no photo. Take one and upload it! Thanks!
ES6150025Mina Carpio
(official name: Mina Carpio)
Other names: n/a
37.8113°N 6.9813°W / 37.8113; -6.9813 (Mina Carpio)This Site of Community Interest has no photo. Take one and upload it! Thanks!
ES6150026Mina Sotiel Coronada
(official name: Mina Sotiel Coronada)
Other names: n/a
37.6015°N 6.853°W / 37.6015; -6.853 (Mina Sotiel Coronada)Looks like this Site of Community Interest has an image. Don't worry, you can take one of your own, and upload it too!
ES6150027Mina Oriente
(official name: Mina Oriente)
Other names: n/a
37.6226°N 6.6819°W / 37.6226; -6.6819 (Mina Oriente)This Site of Community Interest has no photo. Take one and upload it! Thanks!
ES6150028Estuario del Río Piedras
(official name: Estuario del Río Piedras)
Other names: n/a
37.2127°N 7.0987°W / 37.2127; -7.0987 (Estuario del Río Piedras)This Site of Community Interest has no photo. Take one and upload it! Thanks!
ES6150029Estuario del Río Tinto
(official name: Estuario del Río Tinto)
Other names: n/a
37.1544°N 6.8999°W / 37.1544; -6.8999 (Estuario del Río Tinto)This Site of Community Interest has no photo. Take one and upload it! Thanks!
ES6160001Laguna Honda
(official name: Laguna Honda)
Other names: n/a
37.5952°N 4.1407°W / 37.5952; -4.1407 (Laguna Honda)This Site of Community Interest has no photo. Take one and upload it! Thanks!
ES6160002Alto Guadalquivir
(official name: Alto Guadalquivir)
Other names: n/a
37.9342°N 3.2854°W / 37.9342; -3.2854 (Alto Guadalquivir)This Site of Community Interest has no photo. Take one and upload it! Thanks!
ES6160003Cascada de Cimbarra
(official name: Cascada de Cimbarra)
Other names: n/a
38.3928°N 3.3606°W / 38.3928; -3.3606 (Cascada de Cimbarra)Looks like this Site of Community Interest has an image. Don't worry, you can take one of your own, and upload it too!
ES6160004Laguna Grande
(official name: Laguna Grande)
Other names: n/a
37.9326°N 3.5596°W / 37.9326; -3.5596 (Laguna Grande)Looks like this Site of Community Interest has an image. Don't worry, you can take one of your own, and upload it too!
(official name: Despeñaperros)
Other names: n/a
38.347204°N 3.536397°W / 38.347204; -3.536397 (Despeñaperros)Looks like this Site of Community Interest has an image. Don't worry, you can take one of your own, and upload it too!
ES6160006Sierras de Andújar
(official name: Sierras de Andújar)
Other names: n/a
38.256361°N 4.033622°W / 38.256361; -4.033622 (Sierras de Andújar)Looks like this Site of Community Interest has an image. Don't worry, you can take one of your own, and upload it too!
ES6160007Sierra Mágina
(official name: Sierra Mágina)
Other names: n/a
37.736292°N 3.457496°W / 37.736292; -3.457496 (Sierra Mágina)Looks like this Site of Community Interest has an image. Don't worry, you can take one of your own, and upload it too!
ES6160008Cuencas del Rumblar, Guadalén y Guadalmena
(official name: Cuencas del Rumblar, Guadalén y Guadalmena)
Other names: n/a
38.359°N 3.3104°W / 38.359; -3.3104 (Cuencas del Rumblar, Guadalén y Guadalmena)Looks like this Site of Community Interest has an image. Don't worry, you can take one of your own, and upload it too!
ES6160009Estribaciones de Sierra Mágina
(official name: Estribaciones de Sierra Mágina)
Other names: n/a
37.756702°N 3.610152°W / 37.756702; -3.610152 (Estribaciones de Sierra Mágina)Looks like this Site of Community Interest has an image. Don't worry, you can take one of your own, and upload it too!
ES6160010Tramo Inferior del Río Guadalimar y Alto Guadalquivir
(official name: Tramo Inferior del Río Guadalimar y Alto Guadalquivir)
Other names: n/a
37.952°N 3.611°W / 37.952; -3.611 (Tramo Inferior del Río Guadalimar y Alto Guadalquivir)Looks like this Site of Community Interest has an image. Don't worry, you can take one of your own, and upload it too!
ES6160011Río Guadiana Menor - Tramo Inferior
(official name: Río Guadiana Menor - Tramo Inferior)
Other names: n/a
37.7917°N 3.1538°W / 37.7917; -3.1538 (Río Guadiana Menor - Tramo Inferior)Looks like this Site of Community Interest has an image. Don't worry, you can take one of your own, and upload it too!
ES6160012Río Jándula
(official name: Río Jándula)
Other names: n/a
38.0583°N 4.1082°W / 38.0583; -4.1082 (Río Jándula)Looks like this Site of Community Interest has an image. Don't worry, you can take one of your own, and upload it too!
ES6160013Río Guadalquivir Tramo Superior
(official name: Río Guadalquivir Tramo Superior)
Other names: n/a
38.0665°N 3.0393°W / 38.0665; -3.0393 (Río Guadalquivir Tramo Superior)Looks like this Site of Community Interest has an image. Don't worry, you can take one of your own, and upload it too!
(official name: Río Guadalimar)
Other names: n/a
38.153°N 3.1618°W / 38.153; -3.1618 (Río Guadalimar)Looks like this Site of Community Interest has an image. Don't worry, you can take one of your own, and upload it too!
ES6160015Río Guadiana Menor - Tramo Superior
(official name: Río Guadiana Menor - Tramo Superior)
Other names: n/a
37.5475°N 2.9856°W / 37.5475; -2.9856 (Río Guadiana Menor - Tramo Superior)Looks like this Site of Community Interest has an image. Don't worry, you can take one of your own, and upload it too!
ES6170001Laguna de La Ratosa
(official name: Laguna de La Ratosa)
Other names: n/a
37.1993°N 4.7027°W / 37.1993; -4.7027 (Laguna de La Ratosa)This Site of Community Interest has no photo. Take one and upload it! Thanks!
ES6170002Acantilados de Maro-Cerro Gordo
(official name: Acantilados de Maro-Cerro Gordo)
Other names: n/a
36.7376°N 3.7973°W / 36.7376; -3.7973 (Acantilados de Maro-Cerro Gordo)Looks like this Site of Community Interest has an image. Don't worry, you can take one of your own, and upload it too!
ES6170003Desfiladero de Los Gaitanes
(official name: Desfiladero de Los Gaitanes)
Other names: n/a
36.9279°N 4.7622°W / 36.9279; -4.7622 (Desfiladero de Los Gaitanes)Looks like this Site of Community Interest has an image. Don't worry, you can take one of your own, and upload it too!
ES6170004Los Reales de Sierra Bermeja
(official name: Los Reales de Sierra Bermeja)
Other names: n/a
36.493°N 5.2019°W / 36.493; -5.2019 (Los Reales de Sierra Bermeja)Looks like this Site of Community Interest has an image. Don't worry, you can take one of your own, and upload it too!
ES6170005Sierra Crestellina
(official name: Sierra Crestellina)
Other names: n/a
36.4652°N 5.2803°W / 36.4652; -5.2803 (Sierra Crestellina)Looks like this Site of Community Interest has an image. Don't worry, you can take one of your own, and upload it too!
ES6170006Parque natural de la Sierra de las Nieves
(official name: Sierra de Las Nieves)
Other names: n/a
36.6886°N 4.9973°W / 36.6886; -4.9973 (Sierra de Las Nieves)Looks like this Site of Community Interest has an image. Don't worry, you can take one of your own, and upload it too!
ES6170007Sierras de Tejeda, Almijara y Alhama
(official name: Sierras de Tejeda, Almijara y Alhama)
Other names: n/a
36.8036°N 3.9121°W / 36.8036; -3.9121 (Sierras de Tejeda, Almijara y Alhama)Looks like this Site of Community Interest has an image. Don't worry, you can take one of your own, and upload it too!
ES6170008Sierras de Abdalajís y La Encantada Sur
(official name: Sierras de Abdalajís y La Encantada Sur)
Other names: n/a
36.9409°N 4.7454°W / 36.9409; -4.7454 (Sierras de Abdalajís y La Encantada Sur)Looks like this Site of Community Interest has an image. Don't worry, you can take one of your own, and upload it too!
ES6170009Sierras de Alcaparaín y Aguas
(official name: Sierras de Alcaparaín y Aguas)
Other names: n/a
36.8272°N 4.805°W / 36.8272; -4.805 (Sierras de Alcaparaín y Aguas)Looks like this Site of Community Interest has an image. Don't worry, you can take one of your own, and upload it too!
ES6170010Sierras Bermeja y Real
(official name: Sierras Bermeja y Real)
Other names: n/a
36.5435°N 5.1124°W / 36.5435; -5.1124 (Sierras Bermeja y Real)Looks like this Site of Community Interest has an image. Don't worry, you can take one of your own, and upload it too!
ES6170011Sierra Blanca
(official name: Sierra Blanca)
Other names: n/a
36.5675°N 4.9007°W / 36.5675; -4.9007 (Sierra Blanca)Looks like this Site of Community Interest has an image. Don't worry, you can take one of your own, and upload it too!
ES6170012Sierra de Camarolos
(official name: Sierra de Camarolos)
Other names: n/a
36.9616°N 4.3829°W / 36.9616; -4.3829 (Sierra de Camarolos)Looks like this Site of Community Interest has an image. Don't worry, you can take one of your own, and upload it too!
ES6170013Sierra de Mollina
(official name: Sierra de Mollina)
Other names: n/a
37.1676°N 4.6639°W / 37.1676; -4.6639 (Sierra de Mollina)This Site of Community Interest has no photo. Take one and upload it! Thanks!
ES6170015Lagunas de Campillos
(official name: Lagunas de Campillos)
Other names: n/a
37.0381°N 4.8281°W / 37.0381; -4.8281 (Lagunas de Campillos)This Site of Community Interest has no photo. Take one and upload it! Thanks!
ES6170016Valle del Río del Genal
(official name: Valle del Río del Genal)
Other names: n/a
36.5888°N 5.222°W / 36.5888; -5.222 (Valle del Río del Genal)Looks like this Site of Community Interest has an image. Don't worry, you can take one of your own, and upload it too!
ES6170017Río de Castor
(official name: Río de Castor)
Other names: n/a
36.4706°N 5.1153°W / 36.4706; -5.1153 (Río de Castor)Looks like this Site of Community Interest has an image. Don't worry, you can take one of your own, and upload it too!
ES6170018Cueva de Belda I
(official name: Cueva de Belda I)
Other names: n/a
37.2561°N 4.4033°W / 37.2561; -4.4033 (Cueva de Belda I)This Site of Community Interest has no photo. Take one and upload it! Thanks!
ES6170019Río Verde
(official name: Río Verde)
Other names: n/a
36.5298°N 4.9577°W / 36.5298; -4.9577 (Río Verde)Looks like this Site of Community Interest has an image. Don't worry, you can take one of your own, and upload it too!
ES6170020Río Guadaiza
(official name: Río Guadaiza)
Other names: n/a
36.5041°N 4.9858°W / 36.5041; -4.9858 (Río Guadaiza)Looks like this Site of Community Interest has an image. Don't worry, you can take one of your own, and upload it too!
(official name: Río Guadalmina)
Other names: n/a
36.4983°N 5.0201°W / 36.4983; -5.0201 (Río Guadalmina)Looks like this Site of Community Interest has an image. Don't worry, you can take one of your own, and upload it too!
ES6170022Río Fuengirola
(official name: Río Fuengirola)
Other names: n/a
36.5443°N 4.7107°W / 36.5443; -4.7107 (Río Fuengirola)Looks like this Site of Community Interest has an image. Don't worry, you can take one of your own, and upload it too!
ES6170023Yeso III, Higuerones IX y El Marrubio
(official name: Yeso III, Higuerones IX y El Marrubio)
Other names: n/a
36.9801°N 4.7225°W / 36.9801; -4.7225 (Yeso III, Higuerones IX y El Marrubio)This Site of Community Interest has no photo. Take one and upload it! Thanks!
ES6170024Río Guadalmansa
(official name: Río Guadalmansa)
Other names: n/a
36.489°N 5.072°W / 36.489; -5.072 (Río Guadalmansa)This Site of Community Interest has no photo. Take one and upload it! Thanks!
ES6170025Río Real
(official name: Río Real)
Other names: n/a
36.5196°N 4.8476°W / 36.5196; -4.8476 (Río Real)This Site of Community Interest has no photo. Take one and upload it! Thanks!
ES6170026Río del Padrón
(official name: Río del Padrón)
Other names: n/a
36.4502°N 5.1258°W / 36.4502; -5.1258 (Río del Padrón)Looks like this Site of Community Interest has an image. Don't worry, you can take one of your own, and upload it too!
ES6170027Arroyo de La Cala
(official name: Arroyo de La Cala)
Other names: n/a
36.4604°N 5.1495°W / 36.4604; -5.1495 (Arroyo de La Cala)This Site of Community Interest has no photo. Take one and upload it! Thanks!
(official name: Río Guadalmedina)
Other names: n/a
36.8066°N 4.4371°W / 36.8066; -4.4371 (Río Guadalmedina)Looks like this Site of Community Interest has an image. Don't worry, you can take one of your own, and upload it too!
ES6170029Río Manilva
(official name: Río Manilva)
Other names: n/a
36.3856°N 5.2506°W / 36.3856; -5.2506 (Río Manilva)Looks like this Site of Community Interest has an image. Don't worry, you can take one of your own, and upload it too!
ES6170030Calahonda (Mijas)
(official name: Calahonda)
Other names: n/a
36.4948°N 4.6802°W / 36.4948; -4.6802 (Calahonda)Looks like this Site of Community Interest has an image. Don't worry, you can take one of your own, and upload it too!
ES6170031Guadiaro (river)
(official name: Río Guadiaro)
Other names: n/a
36.6309°N 5.3106°W / 36.6309; -5.3106 (Río Guadiaro)Looks like this Site of Community Interest has an image. Don't worry, you can take one of your own, and upload it too!
ES6170032Sierra Blanquilla
(official name: Sierra Blanquilla)
Other names: n/a
36.7872°N 5.0016°W / 36.7872; -5.0016 (Sierra Blanquilla)Looks like this Site of Community Interest has an image. Don't worry, you can take one of your own, and upload it too!
ES6170033Ríos Guadalhorce, Fahalas y Pereilas
(official name: Ríos Guadalhorce, Fahalas y Pereilas)
Other names: n/a
36.6879°N 4.6834°W / 36.6879; -4.6834 (Ríos Guadalhorce, Fahalas y Pereilas)Looks like this Site of Community Interest has an image. Don't worry, you can take one of your own, and upload it too!
ES6170034Río Guadalevín
(official name: Río Guadalevín)
Other names: n/a
36.7393°N 5.1623°W / 36.7393; -5.1623 (Río Guadalevín)Looks like this Site of Community Interest has an image. Don't worry, you can take one of your own, and upload it too!
ES6170038Montes de Málaga Natural Park
(official name: Montes de Málaga)
Other names: n/a
36.825°N 4.3885°W / 36.825; -4.3885 (Montes de Málaga)Looks like this Site of Community Interest has an image. Don't worry, you can take one of your own, and upload it too!
ES6180001Complejo endorreico de Utrera
(official name: Complejo endorreico de Utrera)
Other names: n/a
37.0423°N 5.8154°W / 37.0423; -5.8154 (Complejo endorreico de Utrera)This Site of Community Interest has no photo. Take one and upload it! Thanks!
ES6180002Complejo endorreico La Lantejuela
(official name: Complejo endorreico La Lantejuela)
Other names: n/a
37.3617°N 5.1809°W / 37.3617; -5.1809 (Complejo endorreico La Lantejuela)This Site of Community Interest has no photo. Take one and upload it! Thanks!
ES6180003Laguna del Gosque
(official name: Laguna del Gosque)
Other names: n/a
37.1324°N 4.9459°W / 37.1324; -4.9459 (Laguna del Gosque)This Site of Community Interest has no photo. Take one and upload it! Thanks!
ES6180004Sierra de Alanís
(official name: Sierra de Alanís)
Other names: n/a
38.1062°N 5.6137°W / 38.1062; -5.6137 (Sierra de Alanís)This Site of Community Interest has no photo. Take one and upload it! Thanks!
ES6180005Corredor Ecológico del Río Guadiamar
(official name: Corredor Ecológico del Río Guadiamar)
Other names: n/a
37.5762°N 6.3412°W / 37.5762; -6.3412 (Corredor Ecológico del Río Guadiamar)Looks like this Site of Community Interest has an image. Don't worry, you can take one of your own, and upload it too!
ES6180006Laguna de Coripe
(official name: Laguna de Coripe)
Other names: n/a
37.0089°N 5.3601°W / 37.0089; -5.3601 (Laguna de Coripe)This Site of Community Interest has no photo. Take one and upload it! Thanks!
ES6180007Arroyo de Santiago, Salado de Morón y Matabueyes/Garrapata
(official name: Arroyo de Santiago, Salado de Morón y Matabueyes/Garrapata)
Other names: n/a
36.9441°N 5.5776°W / 36.9441; -5.5776 (Arroyo de Santiago, Salado de Morón y Matabueyes/Garrapata)This Site of Community Interest has no photo. Take one and upload it! Thanks!
ES6180009Río del Viar
(official name: Río del Viar)
Other names: n/a
37.7154°N 5.8808°W / 37.7154; -5.8808 (Río del Viar)This Site of Community Interest has no photo. Take one and upload it! Thanks!
ES6180010Rivera de Cala
(official name: Rivera de Cala)
Other names: n/a
37.7761°N 6.1343°W / 37.7761; -6.1343 (Rivera de Cala)This Site of Community Interest has no photo. Take one and upload it! Thanks!
ES6180011Río Corbones
(official name: Río Corbones)
Other names: n/a
37.1236°N 5.2251°W / 37.1236; -5.2251 (Río Corbones)Looks like this Site of Community Interest has an image. Don't worry, you can take one of your own, and upload it too!
ES6180012Minas El Galayo y La Jabata
(official name: Minas El Galayo y La Jabata)
Other names: n/a
37.7886°N 5.4279°W / 37.7886; -5.4279 (Minas El Galayo y La Jabata)This Site of Community Interest has no photo. Take one and upload it! Thanks!
ES6180013Río Guadaira
(official name: Río Guadaira)
Other names: n/a
37.111°N 5.5288°W / 37.111; -5.5288 (Río Guadaira)Looks like this Site of Community Interest has an image. Don't worry, you can take one of your own, and upload it too!
ES6180014Salado de Lebrija-Las Cabezas
(official name: Salado de Lebrija-Las Cabezas)
Other names: n/a
36.8931°N 5.882999999999999°W / 36.8931; -5.882999999999999 (Salado de Lebrija-Las Cabezas)This Site of Community Interest has no photo. Take one and upload it! Thanks!
ES6180015Mina El Abrevadero
(official name: Mina El Abrevadero)
Other names: n/a
37.7054°N 5.7632°W / 37.7054; -5.7632 (Mina El Abrevadero)This Site of Community Interest has no photo. Take one and upload it! Thanks!
ES6180016Venta de Las Navas
(official name: Venta de Las Navas)
Other names: n/a
37.8361°N 5.5268°W / 37.8361; -5.5268 (Venta de Las Navas)This Site of Community Interest has no photo. Take one and upload it! Thanks!

See also


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