List of compositions by Artemy Vedel

Artemy Lukyanovich Vedel (Ukrainian: Ведель Артем Лук'янович; 13 April 1767  26 July 1808) was a Ukrainian composer of liturgical music, who made an important contribution in the music history of Ukraine. Together with Maxim Berezovsky and Dmitry Bortniansky, Vedel is recognized as one of the 'Golden Three' composers of 18th century Ukrainian classical music, and one of Russia's greatest choral composers. Musicologists consider him to the archetypal composer of Ukrainian music from the baroque era.

An incomplete list of the known works by Artemy Lukyanovich Vedel[1] (data from the Orthodox Sacred Music Reference Library; V = online video available)
Original titleTranslated titleDescriptionNotes on composition
Vsenoshchnoe bdenie ("Всеношна")VAll-Night VigilAll-night vigil-
Priidite poklonimsia ("Приїдіте, поклонімся") No. 2Come, let us worship No. 2--
Svete tikhii ("Світе Тихії")V No. 2Gladsome Light No. 2--
Nyne otpushchaeshi [No. 2]Lord, now lettest Thou--
Slava v vyshnikh Bogu No. 1Glory to God in the highest--
Khvalite imia Gospodne [No. 2]Praise the name of the Lord-Text based on Psalm 135:1,21; :Psalm 136 1,26
Khvalite imia Gospodne [No. 3]Praise the name of the Lord-Text based on Psalm 135:1,21; Psalm 136:1,26
Ot iunosti moeiaFrom my youth--
Liturgiia Sv. Ioanna ZlatoustagoLiturgy of St. John ChrysostomLiturgySix parts of the liturgy are found in Vedel's only surviving autograph score.[2]
Sugubaia ekteniia [No. 2]Augmented Litany--
Kheruvimskaia pesn' [No. 2]Cherubic Hymn No. 2--
Milost' mira ("Милость мира")V [No. 2]The grace of peace--
Dostoino est' [No. 2]It is truly meet--
Otche nash [No. 2]Our Father--
Otche nash [No. 3]Our Father--
Da ispolniatsia ustaLet our mouths be filled--
Irmosy Rozhdestvu KhristovuThe Heirmoi [of the Kanon] of the Nativity of Christ--
Kanon Sv. PaskhiThe [Heirmoi of the] Kanon of Pascha--
Kto est' sei Tsar' slavy?Who is this King of glory?--
Ne otvrati litsa Tvoego ("Не відврати обличчя Твого")VHide not Thy face--
Plachu i rydaiuI weep and lament--
Pokaianiia otverzi mi dveri ("Покаяния отверзи ми двери")To repentance open the pathV--
Razboinika blagorazumnagoThe wise thiefTrio-
Blagoslovliu Gospoda vrazumivshago miaI will bless the Lord Who gives me counselChoral concerto-
Bozhe, priidosha iazytsy v dostoianie TvoeO God, the heathen have come into Thy inheritanceChoral concertoText based on Psalm 79
Bozhe, zakonoprestupnitsy vozstasha na mia ("Боже мой, законопреступницы восташа на мя")O God, the proud are risen against meVChoral concertoChoral concerto No. 11, text from Psalm 86:14: I. Andante; II. Allegro affetuso; III. Adagio; IV. Allegro assai
Dnes' Vladyka tvariToday the Lord of creationVChoral concerto-
Dokole, Gospodi, zabudeshi mia do kontsa ("Доколе, Господи, забудеши мя")How long wilt Thou forget me?VChoral concerto-
Glasom moimI cried unto the Lord with my voiceVChoral concertoText based on Psalm 142
Gospodi Bozhe moi, na Tia upovakhO Lord my God, in Thee have I put my trustChoral concerto-
K Tebe, Gospodi, vozzovuTo Thee, O Lord, I callChoral concerto-
Na rekakh Vavilonskikh [No. 1]By the waters of BabylonV?Choral concertoText based on Psalm 137
Na rekakh Vavilonskikh [No. 2]By the waters of BabylonChoral concertoText based on Psalm 137
Pomilui mia, Gospodi, iako nemoshchen esm'Have mercy upon me, O Lord, for I am afflictedChoral concertoText from Psalm 6: I. Adagio; II Allegro; III Adagio; IV Allegro vivace etc.
Skazhi mi, Gospodi, konchinu moiuLord, let me know my endChoral concerto-
Slyshi, dshchi, i vizhd'Hear, O daughter, and considerChoral concerto-
Ty moja kripos't' Hospedy (Gospodi)Thou art my strength, O LordVChoral concerto-
Uslyshi, Gospodi, glas moiHear, O Lord, when I cry aloudChoral concerto"Услыши Господи глас мой" is dated 6 October 1796[3]
Velichaia velichaiu Tia, Gospodi ("Величая величаю Тя, Господи")VMagnifying, I magnify Thee, O Lord--
Vsemirnuiu slavuLet us praise the Glory of the world--
Zastupnik moi esiMy rock, why hast Thou forgotten me?--
Tebe Boga khvalimWe praise Thee, O God-
V molitvakh neusypaiushchuiu Bogoroditsu ("В молитвах нeусипающую Богородицу")[4]The Birthgiver of GodV who is constant in supplicationsChoral concerto1 of 12 choral pieces in Vedel's only surviving autograph score.[2][5] External link - YT
Spasy mya, Bozhe, yako vnydosha vody ("Спаси мя, Боже, яко внидоша води")[6]Save me, O God,V for the waters are comeChoral concerto2 of 12 choral pieces in Vedel's only surviving autograph score.[2][5]
("Доколі, Господи, забудеши мя")[7]How long, O Lord,V wilt thou forget meChoral concerto3 of 12 choral pieces in Vedel's only surviving autograph score.[2]
("Пою Богу моєму, пою дондеже єсм")[8]I will praise the Lord while I liveVChoral concerto4 of 12 choral pieces in Vedel's only surviving autograph score.[2]
("Блажен разуміваяй на нища і убога")[9]Blessed is he that considers the poorVChoral concerto5 of 12 choral pieces in Vedel's only surviving autograph score.[2]
("Помилуй мя, Господи, яко немощен єсм")[10]Have mercy on me, O Lord,V for I am weakChoral concerto6 of 12 choral pieces in Vedel's only surviving autograph score.[2]
("Воскресни, Господи, да судятся язици пред Тобою")[11]Arise, O Lord,V let the gentiles be judged in thy sightChoral concerto7 of 12 choral pieces in Vedel's only surviving autograph score.[2]
("Услиши, Господи, глас мой")[12]Hear, O Lord,V my voiceChoral concerto8 of 12 choral pieces in Vedel's only surviving autograph score,[2] completed in Kharkiv, October-November 1796.[13]
("Проповідника віри і слугу слова")[14](To the Apostle Andrew): A preacher of the faithV and a servant of the WordChoral concerto9 of 12 choral pieces in Vedel's only surviving autograph score,[2] completed in Kharkiv, October-November 1796.[13] Composed for two choirs.[15]
("Господь пасет мя")[16]The Lord is my shepherdVChoral concerto10 of 12 choral pieces in Vedel's only surviving autograph score, [2] written in Kharkiv in 1796.[13]
("Боже законоприступницы восташа на мя"[17]O God, the wicked are risen up against meVChoral concerto11 of 12 choral pieces in Vedel's only surviving autograph score,[2] written 11 November 1798, after his return from Kharkiv).[3] Performed in the Kyiv Fraternal Epiphany and St. Sophia Cathedrals.[3]
("Ко Господу, внегда скорбіти ми")[18]In my trouble I cried to the LordVChoral concertoThe last of 12 choral pieces in Vedel's only surviving autograph score,[2] written after he returned to Kyiv in 1798.[13]
("Воскресни Боже")[3]Resurrect God--
("Господь пасет мя")The Lord Feeds Metwo-choir concertoThe concerto was written in Kharkiv.[3]
("Покаянія отверзи ми двери")[3]Repentance We Open the Doorone of six trios-
("Ко Господу всегда скорбыти ми")[3]To the Lord we always mournChoral concertoPerformed in 1798 in the Kyiv Fraternal Epiphany and St. Sophia Cathedrals.[3]
-Easter canonV--
("Херувимская песньV III")Cherubic Hymn No. 3--
("Доколе Господи") No. 2V-Choral concerto-
-The Lord ruleth me.[15]Choral concerto for two choirs-
-2 concertos in honour of the Virgin Mary; concerto on Christ's Passion [15]Choral concertos-
-Now lettest Thou departV[19]--


  1. Data
  2. "Score of Divine Liturgy of Saint John Chrysostom and Other Compositions by Artemiĭ Vedelʹ". Library of Congress. Retrieved 25 December 2013.
  3. "Ведель Артем Лук'янович – композитор, диригент, співак, скрипаль" [Artem Lukyanovich in charge: composer, conductor, singer, violinist]. History of the Academy (in Ukrainian). National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy. Archived from the original on 16 February 2010. Retrieved 19 March 2022.
  4. Filenko 2018, p. 12.
  5. Filenko 2018, p. 3.
  6. Filenko 2018, p. 13.
  7. Filenko 2018, p. 14.
  8. Filenko 2018, p. 15.
  9. Filenko 2018, p. 16.
  10. Filenko 2018, p. 17.
  11. Filenko 2018, p. 18.
  12. Filenko 2018, p. 19.
  13. Filenko 2018.
  14. Filenko 2018, p. 20.
  15. Sonevytsky 1966, p. 165.
  16. Filenko 2018, p. 21.
  17. Filenko 2018, p. 22.
  18. Filenko 2018, p. 23.
  19. "Vedel - "Now Lettest Thou depart"". YouTube. Retrieved 1 April 2022.


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