Political parties and political designations in Massachusetts

In the Commonwealth of Massachusetts (a U.S. state), there are three recognized political parties and an additional 29 political designations in which registered voters may choose to enroll. Voters may also choose to remain as "unenrolled voters" (i.e., independents). Political parties hold primary elections, while political designations do not. A political designation is a one-to-three word descriptive term which may appear next to candidates' names on election ballots.


To be recognized as a political designation in Massachusetts, fifty registered voters must file a document with the state seeking this status. To be recognized as a political party, a designation must either have obtained at least 3% of the vote for any state-wide office at the preceding biennial state election, or have enrolled at least 1% of all registered voters.[1]

Election ballots include the candidates' names followed by either the candidates' party or their designation. In many cases, non-party designations still include the word "party" in their name. In 2023, however, only three such designations are recognized as parties: the Republican Party, the Democratic Party, and the Libertarian Party.

Enrolled and unenrolled voters

In Massachusetts, registered voters may choose to (1) enroll in a political party; (2) enroll with a political designation; or (3) choose to be an unenrolled voter (i.e., an independent).[2][3]

Voters may change their enrollment status with their election official, with a deadline twenty days before an election.[2]

All registered voters may vote in general elections. Massachusetts voters enrolled in a particular party may vote only in that party's primary, and cannot cross-over to vote in another party's primary,[2] but "unenrolled" voters may cast a primary ballot for one of the four parties.[4][5] Political designations are treated as "unenrolled" voters for primary purposes, and so they too may choose to vote in one of the party primaries.[4]

Under Massachusetts law, a political designation is created when fifty registered Massachusetts voters "file a form with the Secretary of the Commonwealth requesting that they, or any other voters, may change their registration to such designation."[6] These non-party political designations may field candidates for statewide office, if they petition with a sufficient number of signatures (10,000).[7]

The various political designations have generally small membership, although they have attracted some media attention.[8][3]

List of current parties and designations

As of 2023, the Secretary of the Commonwealth listed three officially recognized political parties and 30 officially recognized political designations in Massachusetts.[2][9][10]

DesignationMA AbbreviationType
Democratic PartyDpolitical party
Republican PartyRpolitical party
LibertarianLpolitical party
America First PartyVnon-party political designation
American Independent PartyQnon-party political designation
American Term LimitsBBnon-party political designation
Conservative PartyAnon-party political designation
Constitution PartyKnon-party political designation
Green Party USAGnon-party political designation
Green-Rainbow PartyJnon-party political designation
Interdependent 3rd PartyTnon-party political designation
Latino-Vote PartyEEnon-party political designation
Massachusetts Independent PartyOnon-party political designation
Natural Law PartyBnon-party political designation
New Alliance PartyNnon-party political designation
New World CouncilCnon-party political designation
PirateXnon-party political designation
Pizza PartyAAnon-party political designation
Prohibition PartyPnon-party political designation
Rainbow CoalitionFnon-party political designation
Reform PartyEnon-party political designation
SocialistSnon-party political designation
People's PartyFFnon-party political designation
Twelve Visions PartyDDnon-party political designation
Timesizing Not DownsizingMnon-party political designation
United Independent PartyCCnon-party political designation
Unity Party-non-party political designation
Veterans Party AmericaWnon-party political designation
We The PeopleHnon-party political designation
Workers Party-non-party political designation
Working FamiliesZnon-party political designation
World Citizens PartyYnon-party political designation

See also



    1. "General Laws, Part I, Title VIII, Chapter 50, Section 1". The General Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. State of Massachusetts. Retrieved 2022-11-28.
    2. "Massachusetts Directory of Political Parties and Designations". sec.state.ma.us. Secretary of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Retrieved February 19, 2022.
    3. Rhodes, George (6 August 2015). "In Mass., there's even a Pizza Party". Sun Chronicle. Retrieved 8 August 2016.
    4. Political Parties and Political Designations, As of 12/31/2014, Town of North Reading (accessed August 27, 2016).
    5. State Primary Election Types, National Conference of State Legislatures (July 21, 2016).
    6. Frequently Asked Questions for New Voters, City of Boston Election Department (accessed August 27, 2016).
    7. Winger, Richard (8 August 2016). "Libertarian Petition in Massachusetts Has Enough Valid Signatures". Ballot Access News. Retrieved 8 August 2016.
    8. Quinn, Tom (14 April 2016). "Tired of politics as usual? Tap your inner pirate, or try pizza". Worcester Magazine. Retrieved 8 August 2016.
    9. Cambridge Election Commission Voter Registration Training Manual. Cambridge, Massachusetts: City of Cambridge. 2011. p. 5.
    10. "Town of Reading Election Staff Manual". Elections. Town of Reading, Massachusetts. March 26, 2022. Retrieved February 4, 2023.
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