List of sports desegregation firsts

This is a list of sports desegregation firsts. Within each section, the entries are in chronological order by achievement.

Major League Baseball

National Football League

Note:, the official site of the league, recognizes players of the American Professional Football Association (APFA), which was renamed the National Football League (NFL) in 1921, as members of the NFL.


  • 1920: Fritz Pollard (1894–1986), one of the first two African-American players; also the first (co-)head coach
  • 1920: Bobby Marshall (1880–1958), one of the first two African-American players
  • 1927: Lou Molinet (1904–1976), first Hispanic, Cuban and Latin American player
  • 1927: Sneeze Achiu (1902–1989), first player of East Asian descent


  • 1921: Fritz Pollard: first (co-)head coach, of the Akron Pros of the APFA[1]
  • 1965: Burl Toler (1928–2009), first African-American official[2]
  • 1988: Johnny Grier (1947–2022), first African-American referee[2]

National Basketball Association

  • 1947: Wat Misaka (1923–2019), first non-white player and first of Asian descent
  • 1950: Nat Clifton (1922–1990), Chuck Cooper (1926–1984) and Earl Lloyd (1928–2015), the first African Americans in the NBA, with Lloyd being the first to play in a game

National Hockey League


  • 1902: Joe Gans (1874–1910), first African-American world champion
  • 1907: Jack Johnson (1878–1946), first African-American world heavyweight champion


  • 1945, 1958: Bob Ryland (1920-2020), first African-American to compete in the NCAA National Championships and first professional player
  • 1950: Althea Gibson (1927–2003), first African American to play in the United States National Championships (now the US Open) and first to win a Grand Slam title
  • 1963: Arthur Ashe (1943–1993), first African American selected to the United States Davis Cup team


Association football

  • 1881: Andrew Watson (1856–1921), considered the first black person to play association football at the international level
  • 1889: Arthur Wharton (1865–1930), widely considered to be the first black professional footballer in the world

Rugby union

  • 1871: James Robertson (c. 1854–1900), Scottish rugby union player reputed to be the first black rugby union player in the world


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