Manfred Hutter

Manfred Hutter (born 6 June 1957)[1] is a professor at Bonn University. He is usually interested in writing about minority religions, comparative religions and pre-Islamic Arabia.

Manfred Hutter understands scientific studies of religions decidedly as a human-scientific and empirically working discipline of cultural studies, because it understands religion as a partial aspect of culture and examines the interactions between man, culture and society.[2] Therefore, he pleads for a formal and substantive demarcation of the subject from theology and philosophy of religion. For him, religious studies consists of both historical and systematic approaches, since one cannot carry out a comparative systematization without sound historical and philological basic knowledge. The comparison across religious and national borders is for him the added value of religious studies compared to regional studies, which also deal with religions. In this way, for example, "niche products" are made visible that hardly receive any attention in regional studies, as can be seen in his studies on Hinduism in Southeast Asia, on forms of Christianity in Asia, and on small Jewish communities in Thailand, Myanmar and Cambodia.[3][4]


  • Between Mumbai and Manila: Judaism in Asia since the Founding of the State of Israel, 2013
  • Die Weltreligionen, 2011
  • Religionswissenschaft im Kontext der Asienwissenschaften: 99 Jahre religionswissenschaftliche Lehre und Forschung in Bonn, 2009
  • Die Bahá?í, 1994
  • Die Religion der Hethiter: ihre Rolle für den Alten Orient und für das AT, 1986


  1. "Manfred Hutter". Universität Bonn (in German). Retrieved 2016-04-13.
  2. Manfred Hutter: Religionswissenschaft im Kontext der Humanwissenschaften. In: Zeitschrift für Missions- und Religionswissenschaft, Band 87, 2003, Heft 1, S. 3–20.
  3. Manfred Hutter (Hrsg.): Religionsinterne Kritik und religiöser Pluralismus im gegenwärtigen Südostasien (= Religionswissenschaft. Band 15). Peter Lang, Frankfurt am Main 2008.
  4. Manfred Hutter: Das Christentum in Asien als Gegenstand religionswissenschaftlicher Forschung. In: Michael Stausberg (Hrsg.): Religionswissenschaft. Walter de Gruyter, Berlin/New York 2012, S. 197–209.

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