Manga BB
Manga Basket-Ball, also known as Manga BB or simply Manga, is a Gabonese basketball club based in Moanda. The club has been active internationally representing Gabon in the FIBA Africa Basketball League.[1] The team is founded and sponsored by manganese mining company Compagnie minière de l'Ogooué (COMILOG).[2] The club name is derived from manganese, which is the chemical element the company mines.
Manga BB | ||
Leagues | Gabonese Division 1 | |
Location | Moanda, Gabon | |
Main sponsor | COMILOG | |
President | Olivier Tessier | |
Head coach | John Masnoudji | |
- "Manga Basket basketball, News, Roster, Rumors, Stats, Awards, Transactions, Details - afrobasket". Eurobasket LLC. Retrieved 19 October 2019.
- "Manga Basket Ball s'adjuge la coupe du Gabon 2019". Gabon Media Time. Retrieved 19 October 2019.
External links
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