Massimo Di Gesu

Massimo Di Gesu is an Italian composer, born in 1970.

Massimo Di Gesu (2010)

Academic studies

At the Milan Conservatory Di Gesu attained the Diploma in Piano in 1992, and the Diploma in Composition in 1995. He studied composition with Bruno Bettinelli,[1] and piano with Anita Porrini, one of Cortot's and Benedetti Michelangeli's pupils.[2] Besides further piano studies with Valerio Premuroso, he attended post-graduate composition courses at the Petrassi Academy (Parma), at the University of Central England (Birmingham), and at the University of Leeds.[3]


His approach to composition (alien to fashionable currents,[4] and based on a distinctly atonal harmonic idiom[3]) focuses on the symbols hidden in the syntax of sounds,[5][6] being his language characterised by the search for a perceptible principle of attraction[7] linking the elements of the musical narrative.[2][4]

Partnerships and collaborations

Di Gesu's debut at La Scala Theatre took place in May 2013, when La Scala String Quartet premiered his "Verdigo",[8][9] [10] a work which the ensemble had commissioned on the occasion of the bicentennial of Giuseppe Verdi's birth. La Scala String Quartet had already played Di Gesu's works such as "Ansikte mot ansikte" (for Serate Musicali - Milano, and Ente Concerti Pesaro[11]) and "WOLFiliGrANG" (at the Rovereto Mozart Festival[12]).

In 2014 the Teatro La Fenice (Venice) commissioned from him "Luci d'estate" which was premiered by the Ex Novo Ensemble in July of the same year.[13][14]

Other artistic partners of Di Gesu's are

Further fields of interest

Poems by Di Gesu, such as “La vita è un sogno”[19] and “Al giardino”,[20] have been recited by Maria Brivio and Federika Brivio within the radio broadcast, Diamo l’Abbrivio.[21]

Computer-based drawings of his appear on the cover of the CD “PianOLYPHONY”[15] recorded by Peter Bradley-Fulgoni (Foxglove Audio - FOX091), and in the score of “Geometria di un diletto” (edition db).[2][4][5][3]

Partial list of works

  • Rima petrosa (2019) for piano[1][22]
  • Das Eisemeer (2018) for piano[1][22]
  • Fulgida (2018) for piano[1][22]
  • Dionisiaco (2016) for piano[1][22]
  • Verdigo (2013) for string quartet[8][22]
  • Im Tempo eines Walzers (2012) for wind quintet and string quintet[22]
  • Aristocanto (2012) for voice and piano[22]
  • Geometria di un diletto (2011) for flute, clarinet, cello[22]
  • Omaggio a Novaro (2011) for flute and piano[22]
  • Sonata in 'F.' (2009) for cello and piano[18][22]
  • Music stamps (2006) for piano[22]
  • Through a glass... (2001) for piano[22]
  • Schegge (2001) for violin, cello, piano[4]
  • Trilogia dell'assenza (1999-2000) for piano[22]
  • Ansikte mot ansikte (1995-2000) for string quartet[22]


  1. Cresti, Renzo (2019-2021). Musica e presente Tendenze e compositori di oggi. Lucca: LIM, pp. 775–776. ISBN 9788855430012
  2. "CEMAT - composers - Di Gesu". CEMAT. Retrieved 2012-07-08.
  3. "edition db - Di Gesu". edition db.
  4. "ARCTURUS - Di Gesu". Arcturus. Archived from the original on 2015-06-10. Retrieved 2012-07-10.
  5. "CPSM - Di Gesu". CPSM. Archived from the original on 2012-02-19.
  6. Principe, Quirino -2 June 2013- "La Scala rinnovata dai giovani" Sole 24 ore
  7. "Bradley-Fulgoni, Peter. The mystery of modern dissonance. "arq" volume 16 number 2 - 2012; Cambridge University Press" (PDF). Peter Bradley-Fulgoni.
  8. "la Repubblica - Quartetto Scala 27/05/2013". la Repubblica. 27 May 2013.
  9. "Archivio Corriere della Sera".
  10. "Quartetto d'archi della Scala - Teatro alla Scala". Archived from the original on 2013-04-01. Retrieved 2013-06-02.
  11. - AdnKronos
  12. "MozartFestivalRovereto". MFR. Archived from the original on 2013-01-01. Retrieved 2012-08-12.
  15. "PianOLYPHONY" (PDF). Peter Bradley-Fulgoni.
  16. - Proposte 2012
  17. - Proposte 2011
  18. "Filarmonica di Trento". Trentino Cultura.
  19. Maria Brivio; minute 43:00, Itinerari di Cupido (8/2/23), Radio Itineraria
  20. Maria Brivio; Federika Brivio; minute 50:48, GreenBrivios (26/4/23), Radio Itineraria
  21. Diamo l’Abbrivio (2023), Diamo l'Abbrivio, Radio Itineraria
  22. "IMSLP - Di Gesu". IMSLP.
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