Michel Gigon

Michel Gigon (born 1929 in Caen, Calvados) is a French painter and stained-glass window designer. He began his artistic career in 1953.

stained-glass windows of Saint-Crépin church (Château-Thierry), create by Michel Gigon
Painting from private collection, Title: Ah si tu déchirais les cieux, Dimensions: 116x73, Created by Michel Gigon


Gigon had many exhibitions in France, Germany, Switzerland, Japan and Poland. Many of its paintings are in private collections in France, Switzerland, Germany, Spain.

  • Caen museum one painting.
  • Rennes museum severals drawings.
  • Arts et Lettres management of Paris one drawing.
  • Kłodzko museum (Poland) one painting.
  • CES Marcel Proust school at Illiers-Combray (Eure-et-Loir) one painting.
  • Saint Germain l’Auxerois church Paris, one painting.

North of France

  • Pas-de-Calais Courset, Chapelle du foyer de charité
  • Pas-de-Calais Saint-Omer, Chapelle de la Malassise « Ecole »
  • Pas-de-Calais Wisques, Abbaye des Moniales « Eglise »
  • Nord Aulnoye, Eglise Saint-Eloi
  • Nord Haumont, Eglise Saint-Michel
  • Nord Mont-des-Cats, Eglise paroissiale

Paris area

  • Yvelines Andrésy, Parish church
  • Yvelines Bois d’Arcy, Parish church
  • Aisne Château-Thierry, Saint-Crépin church
  • Val d'Oise Hodent near Magny-en-Vexin, stained-glass windows for an old monastic farm

In Normandy

  • Seine-Maritime Le Havre, CES Viviani, dalle de verre
  • Calvados Goustranville, Parish church
  • Manche Bricquebec, Abbaye Notre Dame de Grâce
  • Manche Canville la Roque, Eglise Saint Malo (to see painting « Transfiguration »)
  • Manche Cosqueville, Parish church
  • Manche Tamerville, Parish church

South of France

  • Lot Bovila, Parish church
  • Lot Rouillac, Parish church related to Montcuq
  • Lot Saint Geniez, Parish church related to Montcuq
  • Bouches-du-Rhône Aix-en-Provence, Chapelle du séminaire
  • Alpes-Maritimes Saint Honorat island, Lérins Abbey

See also

  • Ardennes Dom-le-Mesnil, Parish church
  • Charente-Maritime Saint-Sauvant, Parish church
  • Eure-et-Loir Dreux, school of la Sablonnière, stained-glass window and mosaic
  • Morbihan Arzal, church of Lantierne


  • Revue Vitrea: Vitrail - Verre - Architecture - Le vitrail français moderne

Revue du centre international du vitrail - n° 4 - 2eme semestre 1989 ISSN 0991-0131 Page 52: Les peintres et le vitrail

About Michel Gigon

  • Monograph "Michel Gigon"

Jil Silberstein, preface from André Frossard (1980).

  • Le vitrail français contemporain

Françoise Perrot - Centre international du vitrail - Chartres Edition: L'oeil & la main - La manufacture ISBN 2-904638-17-2 Diffusion LA MANUFACTURE 1984 Page 68

  • Le vitrail Contemporain "Comme un chant de lumière"

Jean-Marie Geron - Albert Moxhet Edition: Dexia - La renaissance du livre ISBN 2-8046-0557-4 Collection Références Pages 18, 146, 147

  • Revue: Exposition - Un siecle de vitrail en picardie

association Monuments de picardie April 1987

  • L'Homme nouveau - Number 1411 - December 22sd 2007

Pages 4, 5 Portrait "Un artiste déconcertant" Geneviève Bayle

  • a few works from Gigon
  • drouot-cotation: other works
  • Arte Comunicarte
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