
Mitinti (Philistine: š¤Œš¤•š¤•[1] *MÄ«tÄ«t or *MatÄ«t;[2] Akkadian: mi-ti-in-ti and me-ti-in-ti[3][4][5]) was the name of several Philistine kings in the 8th and 7th century BC:

  • Mitinti I, king of Ascalon and contemporary of Rezin of Aram-Damascus, Ahaz of Judah, Qaus-malaka of Edom, and Shanip of Ammon. The annals of Tiglath-Pileser III record that he was amongst the kings who rebelled against Neo-Assyrian suzerainty over the Levant, and that following the defeat of Rezin and the conquest of Aram-Damascus, the throne of Ascalon was usurped by a man named Rukibtu.
  • Mitinti II, another king of Ashkelon, son of Sidqa, who apparently succeeded Rukibtu. He ruled Ashkelon during the reign of Ashurbanipal. A seal belonging to his servant, ā€˜Abdā€™eliā€™ab, was recovered in Ireland in the 19th century and is now housed in the British Museum.[1][6] How Mitinti II came to rule Ashkelon is somewhat unclear ā€“ the annals of Sennacherib state that he had deposed Sidqa as king of Ashkelon and replaced him with Rukibtu's son Å arru-lu-dari after Sidqa instigated a failed revolt against Assyria, however, Å arru-lu-dari was apparently relegated to the governor of Pelusium during the reign of Esarhaddon - how Sidqa's son was then able to claim the throne is unexplained.
  • Mitinti, king of Ashdod. He ruled during the reign of Sennacherib. His rule was apparently contemporaneous with that of Sidqa, as Sennacherib's annals report that he was among a retinue of kings that brought him an exuberant payment of tribute before Sidqa's rebellion.


  1. NAVEH, JOSEPH. ā€œWriting and Scripts in Seventh-Century B.C.E. Philistia: The New Evidence from Tell Jemmeh.ā€ Israel Exploration Journal, vol. 35, no. 1, Israel Exploration Society, 1985, pp. 8ā€“21,
  2. Bergman, A. ā€œTwo Hebrew Seals of the ā€™Ebed Class.ā€ Journal of Biblical Literature, vol. 55, no. 3, Society of Biblical Literature, 1936, p. 224,
  3. "Mitinti [MITINTI I, KING OF ASHKELON] (RN)". Open Richly Annotated Cuneiform Corpus. University of Pennsylvania.
  4. "Mitinti [MITINTI II, KING OF ASHKELON] (RN)". Open Richly Annotated Cuneiform Corpus. University of Pennsylvania.
  5. "Mitinti [KING OF ASHDOD] (RN)". Open Richly Annotated Cuneiform Corpus. University of Pennsylvania.
  6. BM E48502, 1861,1201.1, British Museum
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