Tobi (month)

Tobi (Coptic: Ⲧⲱⲃⲓ, Tōbi), also known as Tybi (Greek: Τυβί, Tybí) and Tubah[1] (Arabic: طوبه), is the fifth month of the ancient Egyptian and Coptic calendars. It lies between January 9 and February 7 of the Gregorian calendar. The month of Tobi is also the first month of the season of Proyet (Growth and Emergence) in Ancient Egypt, where the Nile floods recede and the crops start to grow throughout the land of Egypt.


The name of the month of Tobi comes from Amso Khem, a form of the Ancient Egyptian God Amun Ra.


Toubeh, (the ancient Tobi) : the 5th Coptic month. Corn and flax should be cleared from weeds, and land that is to be devoted to cotton, sesame, and summer cucurbita, is prepared until the 1st of Amshir. Land destined for the growth of culcas (colocasia), and sugar, should be inundated. Lands found to be uncultivable should be marked out and declared unproductive, in order that they may be exempt from taxation. The first cutting of sugar cane takes place (hasab er-rcis) -. sufficient being left for seed, viz : — one kirat in every feddan. At the end of the month work in canals and dykes should be taken in hand : and much care should be bestowed upon the repairing of sakhiehs ( water wheels), wells, &c. The Nile water is in its clearest and best state in Toubeh, and cisterns should be now filled in Cairo and all large towns. The flesh of sheep is better now than at any other season. Vegetables, especially carrots, are at their best. Horses and mules should be tethered in bersim, and it is now time for the sale of cattle. S. winds (Siba) are more prevalent than N. (Dabour). Taxes are now collected. There are various popular sayings respecting Toubeh, — e. g. that if rain falls on any of the first eleven days, but especially on the Festival of the Epiphany, it is a certain sign of good crops. The fellah says " Yfra en Nusrani" (the Christian is happy ) and asserts that God is contented with his people, and will reward them with a bounteous harvest.[2]

Coptic Synaxarium of the month of Tobi

Coptic Julian Gregorian Commemorations






  • Martyrdom of St. Stephen, the Archdeacon.
  • Martyrdom of St. Leontius.
  • Martyrdom of Aesculapius and Dioscorus of Akhmim
2 28 10
  • Departure of St. Theonas, the 16th Pope of Alexandria.
  • Martyrdom of St. Callinicus (Gallinicus), Bishop of Letopolis.
3 29 11
4 30 12
5 31 13
6 January


7 2 15
8 3 16
  • Consecration of the Church of St. Macarius
  • Departure of St. Andronicus, the 37th Pope of Alexandria
  • Departure of St. Benjamin, the 38th Pope of Alexandria
9 4 17
  • Departure of St. Abraam, friend of St. George (Ga'orgi) of Scetes
  • Departure of Bishop Karas, the 1st Bishop of the United States
10 5 18
  • Paramouni of Holy Theophany.
  • Departure of St. Demetrius II, the 111th Pope of Alexandria.
  • Commemoration of St. Justus, disciple of St. Samuel
11 6 19
12 7 20
  • Commemoration of Michael, the Archangel.
  • Martyrdom of St. Theodore El-Mishreke (the Oriental).
  • Martyrdom of St. Anatole (Anatolius).
13 8 21
14 9 22
15 10 23
16 11 24
  • Martyrdom of St. Philotheus.
  • Departure of St. John IV, the 48th Pope of Alexandria.
17 12 25
18 13 26
  • Departure of St. James, Bishop of Nisibis.
19 14 27
  • Discovery of the Relics of St. Abahor (Pihour) St. Bisoura (Pisoura) & their Mother St. Ampira (Asra).
20 15 28
  • Departure of St. Prochorus, one of the Seventy Disciples.
  • Commemoration of the Consecration of the Church of St. John, the Owner of the Golden Gospel, and the Transfer of His Relics to It.
  • Commemoration of the Martyrdom of St. Behna (Bahnou) and St. Kloag (Bagoug), the Priest.
21 16 29
22 17 30
23 18 31
24 19 February


  • Departure of St. Mary the Ascetic (The Shut-In).
  • Martyrdom of St. Bisada (Psati), the Priest.
25 20 2
  • Departure of St. Peter, the Worshipper.
  • Martyrdom of St. Askala (Asela), the Ascetic.
26 21 3
27 22 4
  • Martyrdom of St. Sarapion.
  • Commemoration of Sariel, the Archangel.
  • Relocation of the Relics of St. Timothy, the Apostle.
  • Martyrdom of St. Phoebammon (Abu-Fam), the Soldier.
28 23 5
29 24 6
  • Departure of St. Eksani (St. Xene).
  • Commemoration of St. Seriakos (Syriacus), the Fighter.
30 25 7
  • Martyrdom of Sts. Pistis, Helpis, Agape, & their Mother Sophia.
  • Departure of St. Andrews the Samuelite.

See also



  1. Gabra, Gawdat (2008), "Coptic Calendar", The A to Z of the Coptic Church, A to Z Guide Series, No. 107, Plymouth: The Scarecrow Press, pp. 70–1, ISBN 9780810870574.
  2. El-Makrizi


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