
Morinje (Morinjski zaljev, Italian: Morigne, Lago di Castello Andreis) is the toponym for a bay in Croatia.

Morinje is located in Croatia
Coordinates43.68°N 15.95°E / 43.68; 15.95

The Morinje Bay in Dalmatia, with a surface area of 3.5 km² and a maximum depth of 21 metres, is situated five kilometres south-east of Šibenik in the central part of the eastern Adriatic coast. It is hydrogeomorphologically divided into two parts – a shallow northern funnel (Morinje) and the deeper southern channel-shaped Jadrtovac passage. With the postglacial rising of the sea level, the bay took its current shape.[1] Morinje has no permanent riverine inflow, only an insignificant and intermittent superficial rivulet (Ribnik) and several underwater springs.[2]

In the 13th century, the area at Morinje was mentioned as Campus marinus.[3] A German nobleman in the late 15th century called the place “Moreya”.[4] The historical settlement Jadrtovac developed from a fortification on the eastern shore.[5] North-east of the bay is the Gothic church of Saint Lawrence (Sv. Lovro), the site of pre-Romanesque reliefs.[6] From the 15th century Morinje was known for its salt production. In modern times, economic activities in the area are primarily associated with agriculture and seasonal tourism.


  1. Filipčić, Anita: Neolitsko naselje Danilo kod Šibenika i razina Jadranskog mora, in: Hrvatski geografski glasnik 54/1 (1992), pp. 33-43.
  2. Mihelčić, Goran/ Lojen, Sonja/ Dolenec, Tadej/ Kniewald, Goran: Trace Metals Conservation in Morinje Bay Sediment. Historical Record of Anthropogenic Imissions into a Shallow Adriatic Bay, in: Croatica Chemica Acta 79/1 (2006), pp. 161-167.
  3. Burić, Tonči: Srednjovjekovna Bosiljina (topografsko – arheološka skica), in: Starohrvatska prosvjeta 36 (2009), pp. 283-291, p. 287.
  4. Die Reise eines niederadeligen Anonymus ins Heilige Land im Jahre 1494. Ed. by G. Fouquet et al. Frankfurt 2007, pp. 246-247.
  5. Glavaš, Ivo: Kaštel Andreis u Zamurvi (Jadrtovcu) u Morinjskom zaljevu kod Šibenika, in: Godišnjak zaštite spomenika kulture Hrvatske 39 (2015), pp. 125-130.
  6. Jakšić, Nikola/ Krnčević, Željko: Predromanički reljefi iz crkvice Sv. Lovre u Morinju kraj Šibenika, in: Starohrvatska prosvjeta 24 (1997), pp. 91-110.
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