Mosè Piccio

Mosè Piccio (Hebrew: משה בן יוסף פיגו, Moshe ben Yosef Figu; d. 1576) was an Ottoman lexicographer. Piccio compiled Zikhron Torat Moshe (Hebrew: זכרון תורת משה), which is a dictionary of aggadic terminology first published in Constantinople in 1552.[1] The dictionary's content reflects the impact of the massive migrations taking place at that time around the Mediterranean Basin.[2]


  1. Gottheil, R. & Elbogen, I. (1906). Pigo. In Jewish Encyclopedia. New York: Funk and Wagnalls.
  2. Kiron, A., & Jerchower, S. (2003). The meaning of words: Marcus Jastrow and the making of rabbinic dictionaries. Judaica Online Exhibitions. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania.

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