Musical hoax

A musical hoax (also musical forgery and musical mystification) is a piece of music composed by an individual who intentionally misattributes it to someone else.[1]

Ascribed to historical figures

Ascribed to non-existent or purported historical individuals


  1. Dan Hill. "Musical Crimes: Forgery, Deceit, and Socio-Hermeneutics". Archived from the original on September 18, 2008. Retrieved February 28, 2013.
  2. Christian Speck and Stanley Sadie,Boccherini,(Ridolfo)Luigi, Grove Music
  3. Lebermann W. Apokryph, "Plagiat, Korruptel oder Falsifikat?" Musikforschung 20 (1967): 413–25.
  4. Arthur Hutchings, "Personal View: 2. Du Côté de chez Zak", Musical Times 102, no. 1424 (October 1961): 623–24. Citation on p. 623.
  5. Library of Congress Fritz Kreisler Collection
  6. Rodney Slatford, "Review: Domenico Dragonetti in England (1794-1846): The Career of a Double Bass Virtuoso" Music & Letters 80, no. 2 (May 1999): 297–99
  7. Andrew Porter, "Zak's 'Mobile'", The Musical Times 123, no. 1671 (May 1982): 319.
  8. "Кажется, это не Бах: краткая история музыкальных мистификаций". Нож.
  10. "British Author Espies a Funerary Violin Vacuum and So Fills It". The New York Times. 4 October 2006.
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