Natalya Yakovenko
Natalya Nykolayivna Yakovenko (Ukrainian: Наталя Миколаївна Яковенко, born 16 October 1942) is a Ukrainian historian (Doctor of Historical Sciences), specialist in Latin language, and professor of the National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy.

Historian, Doctor of Historical Sciences (1994), Professor. Graduated from the Classics Department of the Faculty of Foreign Languages at Lviv University (1967). In 1970-1981 she worked as a senior researcher at the Central State Historical Archive of Ukraine, in 1981-1987 she was a lecturer at Kyiv University, in 1987-1991 she was a senior researcher at the Institute of History of Ukraine of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, in 1991-1995 she was the head of the department of the Institute of Ukrainian Archeography and Source Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, since 1995 she has been a leading researcher of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, and since 1992 she has been a professor at the Kyiv-Mohyla Academy and the head of the Department of History at the National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy. At the Institute of History of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, she defended her dissertation on Latin paleography (on documents originating in Ukraine). Subsequently, she began working as a professional historian, starting with the history of the Ukrainian gentry.
- Myronova, V., Yakvenko, N. Textbook of Latin language.
- Yakovenko, N. Ukrainian nobility from the end of 14th century to the mid of 17th century. Ed.1. Naukova dumka. Kiev 1993.
- Yakovenko, N. Ukrainian nobility from the end of 14th century to the mid of 17th century. Ed.2. Krytyka. Kiev 2008. ISBN 966-8978-14-5.
- Yakovenko, N. Outline of history of Ukraine from Ancient times to the end of 18th century. Ed.1. Heneza. Kiev 1997. ISBN 966-504-021-9.
- Yakovenko, N. Outline of history of Ukraine from Ancient times to the end of 18th century. Ed.2. Krytyka. Kiev 2005. ISBN 966-7679-73-X.
- Yakovenko, N. Outline of history of Ukraine from Ancient times to the end of 18th century. Ed.3. Krytyka. Kiev 2006. ISBN 966-7679-82-9.
- Yakovenko, N. Parallel world. Research on history of representations and ideas in Ukraine in the 16th-17th centuries. Krytyka. Kiev 2002. ISBN 966-7679-23-3.
- Yakovenko, N. Introduction to History. Krytyka. Kiev 2007. ISBN 966-8978-17-X.
- Yakovenko, N. Mirror of identity. Research on history of representations and ideas in Ukraine in the 17th century - beginning of 18th centuries. Laurus. Kiev 2012. ISBN 978-966-2449-20-4.
See also
External links
Personal interview
- Klochko, D. In order to move forward it is necessary to talk the language of the end of 20th century. Newspaper Den. 21 January 2000
- Desyatyryk, D. Great illusion. Newspaper Den. 2 August 2002
- Chornei, Yu. For historian it is not given to realize the world as it used to be. Mirror Weekly. 25 January 2003
- Makhun, S. A historian is a slave of source. Mirror Weekly. 16 October 2004
- Makhun, S. ...To find real normal person that lost in history. Mirror Weekly. 3 December 2005
Others about N.Yakovenko
- Desyatyryk, D. A wonderful parallel world. Newspaper Den. (recension on the work "Parallel world. Research on history of representations and ideas in Ukraine in 16th – 17th centuries")
- Hudzyk, K. Parallel world. Newspaper Den. (recension on the work "Parallel world. Research on history of representations and ideas in Ukraine in 16th – 17th centuries")
- Yakovenko's profile at the National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy website
- Nahorna, T. Freedon lecture. Without quotations. Zbruč. 29 May 2013
- Marynovych, M. Presentation of Natalia Yakvenko. Zbruč. 31 May 2013
- Hrytsak, Ya. Word of gratitude to Natalia Yakovenko. Zbruč 30 May 2013