Navigation authority
A navigation authority is a company or statutory body which is concerned with the management of a navigable canal or river.
Rights of a navigation authority
Whilst the rights of individual authorities vary, a navigation authority will typically have a right to:
Responsibilities of a navigation authority
Again, responsibilities vary, but will usually include:
Ownership of the waterway
Whilst a navigation authority may own the land over which the waterway runs, and usually does in the case of artificial waterways, this is not invariably the case, and particularly in the case of river navigations, the land beneath the river may belong to riparian landowners.
List of navigation authorities
United Kingdom
Major authorities
- Canal & River Trust - most canals and approximately half of all rivers
- Environment Agency
- Fens and Anglian system: Ancholme, Glen, Great Ouse, Nene, Stour, Welland
- Medway
- Wye and Lugg
- Non-tidal Thames
- Royal Military Canal
Minor authorities
Other bodies
The Netherlands
United States
- British Transport Commission. "General Canal Byelaws 1965" (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on 2006-10-12.
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