Nestor Léon Marchand
Nestor Léon Marchand (15 April 1833 – 16 April 1911) was a French medical doctor, pharmacist, and botanist. He is known for his studies of the flowering plant family Anacardiaceae.

The portrait of Nestor Léon Marchand
He studied in Tours and Paris, subsequently earning a bachelor of science degree (1860), a doctorate in medicine (1861), a first-class license in pharmacy (1864) and a doctorate in natural sciences (1867).[1] He later became a professor of botanical cryptogamy at the École supérieure de pharmacie in Paris.[2] He was mayor of Thiais, France from 1881 to 1887.[1]
Selected publications
- Du Croton tiglium : recherches botaniques et thérapeutiques, 1861 - Croton tiglium: botanical and therapeutic research.
- Recherches organographiques et organogéniques sur le Coffea arabica L., 1864 - Organographic and organogenic research of Coffea arabica.
- Recherches sur l'organisation des burséracées, 1868 - Research on the organization of Burseraceae
- Histoire de l'ancien groupe des térébin-thacées, 1869 - History of the former group Terebinthaceae. Digital edition by the University and State Library Düsseldorf
- Enumération des Substances fournies a la Médecine et a la Pharmacie par l'ancien Groupe des Térébinthacées . LaHure, Paris 1869 Digital edition by the University and State Library Düsseldorf
- Botanique cryptogamique pharmaco-médicale: Programme raisonné d'un cours professé à l'Ecole supérieure de pharmacie de Paris, 1880.
- Révision du groupe des Anacardiacées - Revision involving the group Anacardiaceae.
- Synopsis et tableau synoptique des familles qui composent la classe des mycophytes (Champignons et Lichens), 1894 - Synopsis with a synoptic table of families that make up the class of mycophytes (mushrooms and lichens).[3]
- Société d'Histoire de la Pharmacie G. Dillemann. Historique des Facultés de pharmacie. Produits et problèmes pharmaceutiques, années 1970
- Google Books Catalogue des thèses de sciences: soutenues en France de 1810 à 1890 ... by Albert Maire
- OCLC Classify (publications)
- International Plant Names Index. Marchand.
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