Nyeri High School
Nyeri High School, also known as Nyeri High, is a boys boarding school situated in Nyeri, Kenya near Mathari Consolata Mission Hospital, which provides secondary education as stipulated by the 8-4-4 Curriculum. Despite being acknowledged as an academic giant in the region,[1] the school has also developed a notoriety for student unrest culminating in the death of four school prefects in a fire caused by student arson[2] and followed a few years later by a student strike that led to an official government inquiry into the running of the school.[3]
In 2006, Nyeri High School was ranked 22nd best high school in Kenya based on Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education results.[4]
The present Nyeri High school was founded in 1907 as a primary school together with the neighbouring St. Paul Seminary and the Mathari Mission Hospital by the Consolata Missionary Sisters on a parcel of land acquired from a local chief a few years earlier. In the 1930s the school began offering K.A.P.E certificates and by the time Kenya gained its political independence in 1963, had developed into a full high school offering both O-Level and A-Level certificates.
Notable alumni
- Nderitu Gachagua, 1st governor of Nyeri County
- Bonaya Godana, former Member of Parliament for North Horr,
- Eng. Michael Kamau, former Minister for Roads and Transport
- Joseph Kamotho, former Member of Parliament for Mathioya and Former Minister of Education
- Julius Waweru Karangi, former head of Kenya Defence Forces (KDF)
- Mwai Kibaki, former President of the Republic of Kenya, Member of Parliament, Othaya Constituency
- Musikari Kombo, nominated Member of Parliament
- John Michuki, Minister for Environment, Republic of Kenya, Member of Parliament, Kangema Constituency
- Francis Muthaura, Former secretary to the cabinet & head of public service in Kenya
- Dr. Chris Murungaru, former Minister for Internal Security & MP for Kieni Constituency
- Benson Wairegi, former CEO of Britain Insurance Group
- Koigi wa Wamwere, former Member of parliament for Nakuru North (formerly Subukia)
- Joseph Gethenji - former MP Tetu constituency
- Mwangi Githaiga, CEO & MD KWFT Bank
- Amb. Isaiya Kaberia, Kenya's High commissioner to Australia
- Ngata Kariuki, former MP Kerugoya Central & CEO Sarova Group of Hotels
- Godfrey Kiruhi, proprietor, Outspan Hospital, Nyeri
- Andrew Karuga Maina, Managing Director, Histoto Ltd
- James Kigwa Maina, current school principal
- Reagan Orina Momanyi, President Student Union of Egerton University 2018. Politician from Nyamira County.
- Gitonga Muchiri
- Charles Mutua Mulwa, Lecturer, Kenyatta University
- Babu Muraya, Country Manager, Tuk Tuk Media
- Karega Mutahi, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Local Government
- Kijana Steve Maina Nderi, Party Leader, Empowerment and Liberation Party, ELP.
- Peter Ndiang'ui, Country Manager, OLX
- James Wagema Ruitha, Managing Director, National Housing Corporation (NHC)
- Ngunjiri Martin Deric Wambugu, current Member of Parliament (MP), Nyeri Town
- http://allafrica.com/stories/200802291039.html, Kenya: Murang'a, Nyeri High Schools Lead, AllAffrica.com
- http://www.nationaudio.com/News/DailyNation/17072000/Features/Features4.html, Winston J. Akala, A long history of pupils' discontent and strikes, Daily Nation
- http://allafrica.com/stories/10020231.html%5B%5D, Kenya: Ministry Officials Probe Nyeri High School Riots AllAfrica.com
- The Standard, March 1, 2007: Top 100 Schools Overall