OntoUML is an ontologically well-founded language for Ontology-driven Conceptual Modeling. OntoUML is built as a lightweight extension of Unified Modeling Language (UML) based on the Unified Foundational Ontology (UFO). Through UML’s profiling mechanism, OntoUML defines a collection of class and association stereotypes that reflect the ontological distinctions present in UFO. OntoUML also defines a set of semantically-motivated syntactical constraints that govern how the language’s constructs can be employed and ensures that every syntactically correct model represents a sound UFO-based ontology. [1]

Year started2005
Base standardsUnified Foundational Ontology (UFO)
Related standardsUML
DomainConceptual Modeling

The foundations of UFO and OntoUML can be traced back to Giancarlo Guizzardi's Ph.D. thesis "Ontological foundations for structural conceptual models".[2] In his work, he proposed a novel foundational ontology for conceptual modeling (UFO) and employed it to evaluate and re-design a fragment of the UML 2.0 metamodel for the purposes of conceptual modeling and domain ontology engineering.

OntoUML has been adopted by many academic, corporate and governmental institutions worldwide[3] for the development of conceptual models in a variety of domains. Finally, some of the foundational theories underlying OntoUML have also influenced other popular conceptual modeling languages such as ORM 2.0.

Several papers about ontologies and OntoUML have been authored by members of the following research groups: Federal University of Espírito Santo's Ontology & Conceptual Modeling Research Group,[4] Free University of Bozen-Bolzano's Conceptual and Cognitive Modelling Research Group (CORE),[5] Faculty of Information Technology's Center for Conceptual Modelling and Implementation (CCMi),[6] and University of Twente's Semantics, Cybersecurity & Services (SCS).[7]

Current Developments and Supporting Tools

OntoUML/UFO Catalog

The OntoUML/UFO Catalog is a comprehensive catalog of OntoUML and UFO ontology models, serving as a robust, structured, and open-source platform for Ontology-Driven Conceptual Modeling Research. Established with a vision to foster collaborative work and ensure seamless accessibility for all its users, it embeds itself as a pivotal tool, not only for the OntoUML and UFO communities but also for the broader spectrum of conceptual modeling researchers and practitioners. Its aim is to allow empirical research across these areas by supplying curated, structured, and machine-processable data that elucidate the 'why', 'where', and 'how' of various modeling methodologies and applications.

The OntoUML/UFO Catalog presents a rich set of models, crafted by modelers with diverse expertise, across assorted domains, and for different purposes, ensuring it encompasses a broad sweep of use-cases and applications. These models, available in machine-readable formats such as JSON and Turtle, ensure easy and persistent accessibility via permanent identifiers.[8]


The OpenPonk, formerly known as DynaCASE, is a universal modeling platform developed at the Center for Conceptual Modelling and Implementation from the Faculty of Information Technology, CTU in Prague. The OpenPonk is characterized by simple, clean, accessible based architecture, pure object technology Pharo. Among other modeling languages, the OpenPonk provides support and features for OntoUML.[9]


Tonto, short for "Textual Ontology," is a user-friendly written language designed for creating ontology models. Developed using Typescript and the Langium tool, it produces a Visual Studio Code Extension with a Language server. Tonto's primary focus is to support the UFO foundational ontology, allowing for the detection of unnoticed ontology errors. It can be transformed into various languages, including UML (specifically OntoUML), OWL (for gUFO-based ontologies), Alloy, Common Logic, and the TPTP syntax. This language enables UFO-based annotations, high-order types for multi-level taxonomies, structured comments for documentation generation, precise constraint specifications, and ontology testing directives. Tonto's integration with source control tools like git simplifies ontology management, and its VS Code extension offers features like syntax verification, syntax highlighting, content assistance, and ontology visualization preview, all enhanced by integration with the OntoUML server for OWL transformation and database schema generation.


The OntoUML-JS is a Javascript library utility for manipulating OntoUML models.[6]

OntoUML Vocabulary

The OntoUML Vocabulary is an implementation of the OntoUML Metamodel in the Web Ontology Language (OWL) that is easily interoperable with ontouml-js and ontouml-schema.[10]

OntoUML Schema

The OntoUML Schema defines a JSON Schema message format for the exchange of OntoUML models.[9]

This project is defined under the umbrella of the OntoUML Server project.

OntoUML Json2Graph Decoder

The OntoUML JSON2Graph application transforms compliant JSON files into OntoUML Vocabulary adherent graph files, allowing users to select the depth of model representation and perform semantic and syntactical checks. It supports various serialization formats like Turtle, RDF/XML, and JSON-LD.[11]

Inactive and unsupported tools

In 2006, Guizzardi co-founded the Ontology & Conceptual Modeling Research Group (NEMO)[12] located at the Federal University of Espírito Santo (UFES) in Vitória city, state of Espírito Santo, Brazil. Since then, NEMO has been responsible for most of the developments in OntoUML. These include tool support to the language both as extensions of UML production-grade tools to support OntoUML (e.g., the MDG for Enterprise Architect), as well as a standalone tool called the OntoUML Lightweight Editor (OLED) for the development, verification, validation, anti-pattern detection and rectification, verbalization and implementation of domain ontologies.

In 2016 a group of former students from NEMO founded Menthor, a startup aiming at providing ontology engineering-related products and services. Among these products, they offer the Menthor Editor, an open-source ontology engineering tool for dealing with OntoUML models. It also includes OntoUML syntax validation, Alloy simulation,[2][3] Anti-Pattern verification,[4] and MDA transformations from OntoUML to OWL,[5][6] SBVR and Natural Language (Brazilian Portuguese). Menthor Editor is derived from OLED.

In 2017, as an initiative championed by the Czech Technical University in Czech Republic, an OntoUML portal has been launched.[13]


  1. Guizzardi, Giancarlo; Botti Benevides, Alessander; Fonseca, Claudenir M.; Porello, Daniele; Almeida, João Paulo A.; Prince Sales, Tiago (2022-01-01). "UFO: Unified Foundational Ontology". Applied Ontology. 17 (1): 167–210. doi:10.3233/AO-210256. ISSN 1570-5838.
  2. Guizzardi, Giancarlo (2005). "Ontological foundations for structural conceptual models" (PDF). University of Twente Research Information. Enschede: Telematica Instituut Fundamental Research Series.
  3. Towards ontological foundations for conceptual modeling: The unified foundational ontology (UFO) story
  4. "NEMO publications".
  5. "CORE – KRDB Research Centre for Knowledge and Data". Retrieved 2023-06-29.
  6. portadesign.cz. "Centre for Conceptual Modelling and Implementation (CCMi)". fit.cvut.cz. Retrieved 2023-06-29.
  7. "Semantics, Cybersecurity & Services". Universiteit Twente. Retrieved 2023-06-29.
  8. OntoUML/UFO Catalog, OntoUML, 2023-09-18, retrieved 2023-10-09
  9. "OpenPonk modeling platform". openponk.org. Retrieved 2023-06-28.
  10. OntoUML/UFO Catalog, OntoUML, 2023-05-12, retrieved 2023-06-29
  11. Favato Barcelos, Pedro Paulo; Semantics, Cybersecurity & Services (2023-08-09), OntoUML JSON2Graph Decoder, retrieved 2023-10-09
  12. "Ontology & Conceptual Modeling Research Group (NEMO)".
  13. "OntoUML Portal".

See also

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