Panehesy (vizier)

Panehesy (also written Panehsy) was a vizier of ancient Egypt. He served during the reign of Merenptah during the 19th Dynasty.[2]

Dynasty19th Dynasty
in hieroglyphs
Era: New Kingdom
(1550–1069 BC)

Monuments and documents

Panehesy appears on a monument in Gebel el-Silsila. In the Great Speos, which was originally constructed by Horemheb in the 18th Dynasty but added on to in the 19th Dynasty, we find a chapel of Panehesy. He is shown adoring King Merneptah and in a scene in the doorway he appears with Merneptah, Queen Isetnofret II and Prince Seti-Merneptah. Panehesy's chapel on the south side of the Speos is balanced by a chapel of the vizier Paser on the north side.

Elsewhere in the Speos, Panehesy is depicted on a stela located in the gallery. One stela is located at the northern end of the Speos and the main scene shows Merneptah before the gods Amun-Ra, Monthu, Sobek and Hathor. Another stela is located to the left of the entrance of the sanctuary. On this stela, Penehesy is shown behind Merneptah and Queen Isetnofret II.[1]

Panehesy also appears on a stela near the royal shrines in Gebel el-Silsila. Rock shrines of Sethi I, Ramesses II and Merenptah were erected in the 19th Dynasty. The stela between the shrines of Merneptah and Ramesses II shows Merneptah followed by a Prince (possibly Seti-Merneptah) and the vizier Panehesy. The king offers an image of Maat to Amun-Re.[1]

The Chester Beatty Papyri (III, vs 4-5) contain a letter from a scribe of the necropolis to the Vizier Panehesy. The beginning of the letter says:

The scribe Kenhikhopeshef of the Great Necropolis of Baenre-miamon, the son of Re, Merenptah-hetephimaat, in the estate of Amun communicates to his lord, the fanbearer [on] the king's right, the city prefect and vizier of Upper and Lower Egypt, Panehsy: In life, prosperity and health! This is a missive to inform my lord.(Wente).

The letter continues on to report that work on the Great Place of the Pharaoh (his tomb) is progressing well. There is however a shortage of spikes and gypsum. The scribe requests that some necessary equipment and supplies be sent.[3]


  1. Porter and Moss Topographical Bibliography, Volume V, Upper Egypt, Griffith Institute, 2004 (first published 1937)
  2. K.A. Kitchen, Ramesside Inscriptions: Merenptah & the late Nineteenth Dynasty, Wiley-Blackwell, 2003, pg 74
  3. Wente, E., Letters from Ancient Egypt, Scholars Express, Atlanta, GA, 1990, pg 48-49

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