Select committee (parliamentary system)

A select committee is a committee made up of a small number of parliamentary members appointed to deal with particular areas or issues originating in the Westminster system of parliamentary democracy. Select committees exist in the British Parliament, as well as in other parliaments based on the Westminster model, such as those in Australia, Canada, Malaysia, India, Sri Lanka and New Zealand.

It is a special subcommittee of a legislature or assembly governed under a committee system, like Robert's Rules of Order. They are often investigative in nature, collecting data or evidence for a law or problem, and will dissolve immediately[1] after they report their findings to their superiors.[2]

These are very common in government legislatures, and are used to solve special problems, hence their name.



Under Rule 125 of the Rajya Sabha Rules and Procedures, any member may move as an amendment that a bill be referred to a select committee and, if the motion is carried, the bill shall be referred to such a committee. The House decides the members of such committee.[3]


Sri Lanka

Parliament will appoint ad-hoc committees to inquire into and report to the House on a particular matter.[4]

New Zealand

United Kingdom

See also


  1. In Italy the Constitutional Court, in its judgment no. 241 of 2007, stated that, at the ending of a Committee, its legal standing is absorbed by the House as a whole: Buonomo, Giampiero (2008). "Caso Ilaria Alpi: quando la leale collaborazione tra poteri dello Stato è tradita (e non dai magistrati)". Diritto&Giustizia Edizione Online. Archived from the original on 2012-08-01. Retrieved 2016-04-09.
  2. - Education 2020, definition of "select committee"
  3. - Select Committee in India
  4. "Select Committees". Parliament of Sri Lanka. Retrieved 11 March 2022.
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