Pelaghia Roșu

Pelaghia Roșu (1800 10 June 1870) was a Romanian revolutionary who participated in the Wallachian Revolution of 1848. She commanded a battalion of women in defense of her village.

She was born in Mărișel, a small village near Cluj-Napoca. Her father, Ioan Dufle, made military instructions at home, using Romanian books.

She was married to Ioan Roșu and had one child, named Indei (Andrei).


  • Păcățian, Teodor V. - Cartea de aur sau luptele politice-naționale ale românilor de sub coroana ungară, volume I, 2nd edition, Sibiu, Tipografia Iosif Marschall
  • Șandor, Teodor - Mărișel și Fântânele, istorie vie, Făclia, ziar independent de Cluj, 11 July 2008
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