Persona (2012 film)

Persona is a 2012 documentary film written and directed by George Arif. It follows the life story of actress Rita Matu Mona, an influential figure in the Indonesian stage scene. The film was nominated for Best Documentary Film in the 1st Annual Maya Awards, and was also nominated in the 2013 Denpasar Film Festival.

The film has been watched by more than 60.000 viewers during its roadshow screenings around Indonesia & Philippines.



  1. ""Ragat'e Anak" Film Terbaik Denpasar Film Festival 2013". (in Indonesian). 2013-08-25. Retrieved 2021-03-04.
  2. Setiawan, Ikwan. "Berteater sebagai sebuah jembatan: Membaca konsistensi dan keasyikan Rita Matu Mona dalam Persona". (in Indonesian). Retrieved 2021-03-04.
  3. "Semangat Lama, Kemasan Baru". Femina (Indonesia) (in Indonesian). 2013-03-07. Retrieved 2021-03-04.
  4. Adithia, Rangga. "Piala Maya 2012: Merayakan Cinta Film Indonesia". (in Indonesian). Retrieved 2021-03-04.
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