Peter Milligan bibliography

This article is a bibliography of the British comic book writer Peter Milligan.

Peter Milligan bibliography
Active period1978–present
2000 AD1981–present
DC Comics1989–present
Marvel Comics1996–present

UK publishers

Titles published by various British publishers include:

  • Sounds: "The Electric Hoax" (with Brendan McCarthy, strip in the weekly music-themed newspaper, United Newspapers, 14 Oct 1978–24 Mar 1979)
    • Milligan joined McCarthy as the writer after the first few episodes;[1] both creators were credited under various pseudonyms for most of the strip's run.[2][3]
    • Six episodes were reprinted in The Best of Milligan and McCarthy (hc, 264 pages, Dark Horse, 2013, ISBN 1-61655-153-4)
  • 2000 AD (anthology — published by IPC Media until 1986, Fleetway until 2000, and Rebellion since then):
    • Tharg's Future Shocks:
      • The Best of Tharg's Future Shocks (tpb, 160 pages, 2008, ISBN 1-905437-81-1) includes:
        • "The Man Who Was Too Clever" (with Brett Ewins, in #216, 1981)
        • "The Subterraneans!" (with Jose Casanovas, in #365, 1984)
        • "Bill Tompkins Meets... Bill Tompkins!" (with Jose Casanovas, in #371, 1984)
        • "Bad Timing" (with Massimo Belardinelli, in #375, 1984)
        • "The Castaway!" (with Geoff Senior, in #390, 1984)
        • "60 Hours that Shook the World!" (with Brendan McCarthy, in #391, 1984)
        • "Medusa!" (with Cliff Robinson, in #394, 1984)
        • "The Search for Spot" (with Jeff Anderson, in #398, 1984)
        • "Bad Maxwell!" (with Brendan McCarthy, in #402, 1985)
        • "Crazy War" (with Anthony Jozwiak, in #404, 1985)
        • "Extra! Extra!" (with Jose Casanovas, in #407, 1985)
        • "Nerves of Steel!" (with Will Simpson, in #408, 1985)
        • "But is It Art?" (with Eric Bradbury, in #409, 1985)
        • "Eggravation" (with Eric Bradbury, in #420, 1985)
        • "Grainger in Paradise!" (with Kev Hopgood, in #426, 1985)
        • "Car Wars" (with John Higgins) and "Speak No Evil" (with Eric Bradbury, in #434, 1985)
        • "The Long Sleep" (with Jeff Anderson, in #435, 1985)
        • "Project Salvation!" (with John Higgins, in #436, 1985)
        • "The War with the Slobb!" (with Barry Kitson, in #437, 1985)
        • "The Revenge of the Yallop Cringe!" (with Geoff Senior, in #438, 1985)
        • "Eric the Wild!" (with Anthony Jozwiak, in #439, 1985)
        • "Prisoner of Conscience!" (with Barry Kitson, in #440, 1985)
        • "Doing Time!" (with Robin Smith, in #441, 1985)
        • "It's the Thought That Counts!" (with Steve Dillon, in #442, 1985)
        • "The Armageddon Game" (with Anthony Jozwiak, in #462, 1986)
        • "The Possessed" (with Trevor Goring, in #375, 1984)
      • "The Ghost Outside the Machine!" (with Jose Casanovas, in #374, 1984)
      • "The Snikker Snack" (with Jeff Anderson, in #410, 1985)
      • Sooner or Later (tpb, 96 pages, 2016, ISBN 1-7810-8428-9) includes:
        • "Breathless" (with Brendan McCarthy, in #420, 1985)
      • "Do You Copy?" (with Brendan McCarthy, in Sci-Fi Special '85, 1985)
    • Sooner or Later:
      • Sooner or Later (tpb, 96 pages, 2016, ISBN 1-7810-8428-9) collects:
        • "Sooner or Later" (with Brendan McCarthy, in #468–496 and 498–499, 1986)
        • "Swifty's Return" (with Jamie Hewlett, in #614–617, 1989)
    • Rogue Trooper (with José Ortiz):
      • Rogue Trooper: Tales of Nu-Earth Volume 3 (tpb, 400 pages, 2012, ISBN 1-7810-8068-2) includes:
        • "The Fanatics" (in Sci-Fi Special '86, 1986)
        • "Nort by Nortwest" (in Annual '87, 1986)
    • Bad Company:
      • The Complete Bad Company (tpb, 368 pages, 2011, ISBN 1-9075-1946-7) collects:
        • "Bad Company" (with Brett Ewins, in #500–519, 1986–1987)
        • "Bad Company II: The Bewilderness" (with Brett Ewins, in #548–557, 1987–1988)
        • "Bad Company II: The Krool Heart" (with Brett Ewins, in #576–585, 1988)
        • "Young Men Marching" (with Brett Ewins, in Annual '89, 1988)
        • "Simply" (with Brett Ewins, in #601, 1988)
        • "Kano" (with Brett Ewins, in #828–837, 1993)
        • "Down Among the Dead Men" (with Brett Ewins, in Prog 2001, 2000)
        • "Bad Company 2002" (with Brett Ewins, in Prog 2002 and #1273–1277, 2001–2002)
      • "Ararat" (prose story with illustrations by Brett Ewins, in Annual '90, 1989)
      • "First Casualties" (with Rufus Dayglo, in #1950–1961, 2015) collected as Bad Company: First Casualties (tpb, 96 pages, 2016, ISBN 1-781-08442-4)
      • "Terrorists" (with Rufus Dayglo, in #2061–2072, 2017–2018)
    • The Dead (with Massimo Belardinelli, in #510–519, 1987)
    • Freaks (with John Higgins, in #542–547, 1987)
    • Judge Anderson: "Dear Diary" (prose story with illustrations by Eddy Cant, in Annual '88, 1987) collected in Judge Anderson: The Psi Files Volume 3 (tpb, 304 pages, 2013, ISBN 1-7810-8106-9)
    • Tribal Memories (with Tony Riot, in #585–588, 1988) collected in 2000 AD Presents: Sci-Fi Thrillers (tpb, 320 pages, 2013, ISBN 1-7810-8177-8)
    • Bix Barton (with Jim McCarthy, in #663–668, Sci-Fi Special '90, Winter Special '90, 723–728, 737–741, 761–766, Yearbook '93, Sci-Fi Special '93, Winter Special '94 and 912–917, 1990–1994)
    • Shadows (with Richard Elson, in #672–681, 1990)
    • Hewligan's Haircut (with Jamie Hewlett, in #700–707, 1990) collected as Hewligan's Haircut (hc, 64 pages, 2003, ISBN 1-9042-6506-5; tpb, 2011, ISBN 1-9067-3598-0)
    • Judge Dredd: "Judge Planet" (with Shaky Kane, in Judge Dredd Mega-Special #4, 1991) collected in Judge Dredd: The Restricted Files Volume 3 (tpb, 288 pages, 2011, ISBN 1-9079-9221-9)
    • Counterfeit Girl (with Rufus Dayglo, in #2000–2008 and 2010, 2016) collected as Counterfeit Girl (tpb, 64 pages, 2019, ISBN 1-7810-8724-5)
  • Intergalactic Quest (series of gamebooks illustrated by an uncredited artist and published by Macdonald and Co.):
    • Cosmic Triangle (32 pages, 1986, ISBN 0-3610-7241-4)
    • Doomed World (32 pages, 1986, ISBN 0-3610-7242-2)
    • Kidnap in Space (32 pages, 1986, ISBN 0-361-07243-0)
    • Slavers of Devron (32 pages, 1986, ISBN 0-36107-244-9)
  • Eagle #242–258: "Clovis and Chowdhary: The Hard Men" (with Mike Western, anthology, IPC Media, 1986–1987)
  • News on Sunday Extra: "Summer of Love" (with Brendan McCarthy, strip in the monthly newspaper supplement, 1987)
    • Seven episodes were published between April and November 1987;[4] according to McCarthy, four more episodes were produced.[5]
    • The seven published episodes were reprinted in The Best of Milligan and McCarthy (hc, 264 pages, Dark Horse, 2013, ISBN 1-61655-153-4)
  • Deadline (anthology, Deadline Publications):
    • "Johnny Nemo" (with Brett Ewins and Steve Dillon (#6 and 12), in #1–12 and 50, 1988–1989 + 1993)
      • The Johnny Nemo feature in issue #5 is a four-page prose story with an illustration by Ewins.
      • The stories in issues #7–9 are reprints of the strips originally published in Strange Days #1–3 (Eclipse, 1984–1985)
      • The stories in issues #10–11 are reprints of the strip originally published in The Johnny Nemo Magazine #3 (Eclipse, 1986)
      • The reprint in issue #11 omits the last page of the original strip, and the story in issue #12 presents an all-new 8-page ending for it.
      • The stories from issues #1–4, 6–9 and 50 are collected in The Complete Johnny Nemo (hc, 160 pages, Titan, 2014, ISBN 1-7827-6070-9)
    • "The Writer" (two-page prose story with an illustration by Shaky Kane, in #1, 1988)
    • "The Golem" (two-page prose story with an illustration by Brett Ewins, in #2, 1988)
    • "Nobody" (three-page prose story, in #3, 1988)
    • "The Christmas My Great Uncle Spent with Hemingway and the Joyces" (three-page prose story, in #14, 1989)
  • A1 (anthology, Atomeka):
    • "The Hollow Circus" (with Brendan McCarthy, in #1, 1989) collected in The Best of Milligan and McCarthy (hc, 264 pages, Dark Horse, 2013, ISBN 1-61655-153-4)
    • "Big Death" (with David Lloyd, in #2, 1990)
    • "The Temple of Sweat" (prose story with illustrations by John Higgins, in the True Life Bikini Confidential one-shot, 1990)
    • "In the Penal Colony" (adaptation of the short story by Franz Kafka; script by Milligan, art by Brett Ewins, in #5, 1991)
  • Fleetway:
  • Skin (with Brendan McCarthy, graphic novel, 48 pages, Tundra UK, 1992, ISBN 1-85809-000-8)
    • The story was initially slated to appear as a serial in Fleetway's Crisis anthology series, but ended up shelved due to its controversial subject matter.[6]
    • The graphic novel was subsequently reprinted in The Best of Milligan and McCarthy (hc, 264 pages, Dark Horse, 2013, ISBN 1-61655-153-4)
  • Titan:
    • The Complete Johnny Nemo: "The Make Over" (with Brett Ewins, Rufus Dayglo, Jock and Ashley Wood; story created for the collected edition, hc, 160 pages, 2014, ISBN 1-7827-6070-9)
    • The Mummy: Palimpsest #1–5 (with Ronilson Freire, Hammer Comics, 2016–2017) collected as The Mummy: Palimpsest (tpb, 128 pages, 2017, ISBN 1-7858-5978-1)
    • Dan Dare vol. 2 #1–4 (with Alberto Foche, 2017–2018) collected as Dan Dare: He Who Dares (tpb, 112 pages, 2018, ISBN 1-785-86147-6)
    • The Prisoner vol. 2 #1–4 (with Colin Lorimer, 2018) collected as The Prisoner: The Uncertainty Machine (tpb, 112 pages, 2018, ISBN 1-78585-915-3)
  • Judge Dredd Megazine #378–379: "Judge Dredd: Psicho" (with Tiernen Trevallion, anthology, Rebellion, 2016–2017)
  • The Spirit Centenary Newspaper (with Duncan Fegredo, untitled 1-page story in the tabloid-sized anthology, LICAF, 2017)

US publishers

Early work

Titles published by various American publishers in the earlier part of Milligan's career include:

  • Vanguard Illustrated (anthology, Pacific Comics):
    • "Freakwave!" (with Brendan McCarthy, in #1–3, 1983–1984)
      • The concept was initially developed by Milligan and McCarthy as a film pitch;[7][8] further three episodes were published in Milligan/McCarthy/Brett Ewins' anthology series Strange Days.[9]
      • First episode of the Vanguard Illustrated strip and the entire Strange Days serial are collected in The Best of Milligan and McCarthy (hc, 264 pages, Dark Horse, 2013, ISBN 1-61655-153-4)
    • "The God Run" (with George Freeman, in #6, 1984)
  • Strange Days #1–3 (anthology, Eclipse, 1984–1985) featuring:
    • "Freakwave" (with Brendan McCarthy and Brett Ewins)
    • "Johnny Nemo: The Orb of Harmony" (with Brett Ewins)
      • A spin-off 3-issue limited series, written by Milligan and drawn by Ewins, was published as The Johnny Nemo Magazine (Eclipse, 1985–1986) featuring:
        • "Johnny Nemo: The Spice of Death" (in #1–2)
        • "Johnny Nemo: New London Pride" (in #3)
        • "Sindi Shade" (in #1–3)
      • In 1989, a reprint of "The Orb of Harmony" and an expanded version of "New London Pride" (with an additional 8-page chapter drawn by Steve Dillon) were published in black-and-white in the UK magazine Deadline.
      • The Johnny Nemo stories from The Johnny Nemo Magazine and the black-and-white version of "The Orb of Harmony" are collected in The Complete Johnny Nemo (hc, 160 pages, Titan, 2014, ISBN 1-7827-6070-9)
    • "Paradax!" (with Brendan McCarthy)
      • An untitled 1-page Paradax strip, written by Milligan and drawn by McCarthy, was published in the UK anthology volume Strip AIDS (56 pages, Willyprods/Small Time Ink, 1987, ISBN 0-951-25220-8)
      • A spin-off 2-issue limited series, consisting of an issue featuring three new short stories and an issue reprinting the Strange Days serial with new colouring by McCarthy,[10] was published as Paradax! (Vortex, 1987)
      • The Strip AIDS strip, issue #1 of the Paradax! series and the Strange Days serial with the original colouring are collected in The Best of Milligan and McCarthy (hc, 264 pages, Dark Horse, 2013, ISBN 1-61655-153-4)
    • "Tales from the 4th Dimension" (with Brett Ewins, 1-page strip in #1)
    • "Krazy Foam" (with Brendan McCarthy, 1-page strip in #1)
    • "3 Wise Men" (with Brett Ewins and Brendan McCarthy, 1-page strip in #2)
    • "Tales from Eutopia" (with Tony Riot, 1-page strip in #3)
    • "Einstein's Blue Baby of the Month" (text for an illustration by Brett Ewins, in #3)
  • Mister X Special: "Mister Insect X" (with Brett Ewins, one-shot, Vortex, 1990) collected in Mister X: The Brides of Mister X and Other Stories (hc, 320 pages, Dark Horse, 2011, ISBN 1-59582-645-9)

DC Comics

Titles published by DC Comics and its various imprints include:

  • Skreemer #1–6 (with Brett Ewins and Steve Dillon, 1989) collected as Skreemer (tpb, 176 pages, Vertigo, 2002, ISBN 1-56389-925-6)
  • Shade, the Changing Man vol. 2 #1–70 (with Chris Bachalo, Bill Jaaska (#10), Bryan Talbot (#14), Jan Duursema (#20), Brendan McCarthy (#22), Colleen Doran (#27–29, 31–32), Duncan Eagleson (#30), Glyn Dillon (#34, 38, 40–41, 45), Peter Gross (#36), Scot Eaton (#39), Philip Bond (#40, 43, 48), Steve Yeowell (#42), Mark Buckingham (#49–50, 54–57, 59–60), Sean Phillips (#51–53), Michael Lark (#56, 58–59), Richard Case (#61–63, 65–70), Andy Pritchett (#62) and Jamie Tolagson (#64 and 67); published under the Vertigo imprint starting with issue #33, 1990–1996)
    • During the series' run, a short story titled "The Vision" (art by Mike Allred) was published in Vertigo Jam (anthology one-shot, 1993)
    • The series has been partially collected in the following volumes:
      • The American Scream (collects #1–6, tpb, 168 pages, Vertigo, 2003, ISBN 1-84023-716-3)
      • The Edge of Vision (collects #7–13, tpb, 192 pages, Vertigo, 2009, ISBN 1-4012-2539-X)
      • Scream Time (collects #14–19, tpb, 176 pages, Vertigo, 2010, ISBN 1-4012-2768-6)
  • Batman:
  • Animal Man #27–32 (with Chas Truog and Steve Dillon (#29), 1990–1991) collected in Animal Man: Born to be Wild (tpb, 288 pages, Vertigo, 2013, ISBN 1-4012-3801-7)
  • Generation Hex (with Adam Pollina, one-shot, Amalgam, 1997) collected in Return to the Amalgam Age of Comics Volume 1 (tpb, 160 pages, 1997, ISBN 1-56389-382-7)
  • JLA: Classified #37–41 (with Carlos D'Anda, 2007) collected as JLA: Kid Amazo! (tpb, 128 pages, 2008, ISBN 1-4012-1630-7)
    • The story was initially announced for a 2004 release[11] in the form of an original graphic novel titled JLA: Kid Amazo (hc, 96 pages, ISBN 1-4012-0048-6)
    • The graphic novel was cancelled soon after the announcement;[12] another delay occurred after the story was solicited to begin in JLA: Classified #26.[13][14]
  • The Programme (with C. P. Smith, Wildstorm, 2007–2008) collected as:
    • Volume 1 (collects #1–6, tpb, 144 pages, 2008, ISBN 1-4012-1815-6)
    • Volume 2 (collects #7–12, tpb, 144 pages, 2008, ISBN 1-4012-1998-5)
  • Infinity, Inc. vol. 2:
    • Luthor's Monsters (tpb, 128 pages, 2008, ISBN 1-4012-1815-6) collects:
    • The Bogeyman (tpb, 128 pages, 2008, ISBN 1-4012-1998-5) collects:
      • "The Influencing Machines of Metropolis" (with Matt Camp, in #6–7, 2008)
      • "The Bogeyman" (with Pete Woods, in #8–10, 2008)
    • "Schizomania" (with Javier Aranda, in #11–12, 2008)
  • New Line Cinema's Tales of Horror: "The Texas Chainsaw Salesman" (with Tom Feister, co-feature in one-shot, Wildstorm, 2007)
  • Flashpoint: Secret Seven #1–3 (with George Pérez (#1) and Fernando Blanco, 2011) collected in Flashpoint: The World of Flashpoint Featuring Batman (tpb, 272 pages, 2012, ISBN 1-4012-3405-4)
  • Red Lanterns (with Ed Benes, Diego Bernard (#4–7), Jorge Jiménez (#8), Andres Guinaldo (#8 and 16), Tomás Giorello (#9), Miguel Sepulveda, Ardian Syaf (#0) and Will Conrad (#19–20), 2011–2013) collected as:
    • Blood and Rage (collects #1–7, tpb, 160 pages, 2012, ISBN 1-4012-3491-7)
    • Death of the Red Lanterns (collects #8–12 and Stormwatch vol. 5 #9, tpb, 144 pages, 2013, ISBN 1-4012-3847-5)
    • The Second Prophecy (collects #0 and 13–20, tpb, 272 pages, 2013, ISBN 1-4012-4414-9)
  • Justice League Dark (with Mikel Janín, Admira Wijaya (#7) and Daniel Sampere (#7–8), 2011–2012) collected in:
    • In the Dark (collects #1–6, tpb, 144 pages, 2012, ISBN 1-4012-3704-5)
    • The Books of Magic (includes #7–8, tpb, 224 pages, 2013, ISBN 1-4012-4024-0)
    • The New 52 Omnibus (includes #1–8, hc, 1,648 pages, 2021, ISBN 1-7795-1313-5)
  • Stormwatch vol. 5 (with Miguel Sepulveda (#9), Ignacio Calero (#10–11), Eduardo Pansica (#11 and 16), Will Conrad, Julio Ferreira (#12 and 16) and Cliff Richards (#13–15), 2012–2013) collected as:
  • Adventures of Superman vol. 2 #34–36: "The Demolisher" (with Agustín Padilla, digital anthology, 2013) collected in Adventures of Superman Volume 3 (tpb, 160 pages, 2014, ISBN 1-4012-5330-X)


Titles published by DC Comics' Vertigo imprint include:

  • Enigma #1–8 (with Duncan Fegredo, 1993) collected as Enigma (tpb, 208 pages, 1995, ISBN 1-56389-192-1; hc, 264 pages, Dark Horse, 2021, ISBN 1-5067-2069-2)
  • The Extremist #1–4 (with Ted McKeever, 1993)
  • Vertigo Voices (umbrella title for a series of one-shots):
  • Tank Girl:
    • Tank Girl: The Movie Adaptation (with Andy Pritchett, graphic novel, 64 pages, 1995, ISBN 1-56389-219-7)
    • Tank Girl: The Odyssey #1–4 (with Jamie Hewlett, 1995) collected as Tank Girl: The Odyssey (tpb, 104 pages, Titan, 2003, ISBN 1-84023-494-6)
  • Egypt #1–7 (with Glyn Dillon (#1–2) and Roberto Corona, 1995–1996)
    • A collected edition was solicited for a 2016 release but subsequently cancelled: Egypt (tpb, 192 pages, ISBN 1-4012-6136-1)
  • Vertigo Vérité: Girl #1–3 (with Duncan Fegredo, 1996) collected as Girl (tpb, 80 pages, DC Black Label, 2020, ISBN 1-7795-0818-2)
  • Weird War Tales vol. 2 #4: "War + Peas" (with Duncan Fegredo, anthology, 1997)
  • The Minx (with Sean Phillips):
    • Vertigo: Winter's Edge #1: "Mazel Tov, Leo" (short story in the anthology, 1998)
    • The Minx #1–8 (1998–1999)
    • Vertigo: Winter's Edge #2 (framing sequence for the anthology, 1999)
  • Heart Throbs vol. 2 #3: "The Death of a Romantic" (with Eduardo Risso, anthology, 1999)
  • Human Target:
    • Human Target: Chance Meetings (tpb, 200 pages, 2010, ISBN 1-4012-2666-3) collects:
      • Human Target #1–4 (with Edvin Biuković, 1999) also collected as Human Target (tpb, 104 pages, 2000, ISBN 1-5638-9693-1)
      • Human Target: Final Cut (with Javier Pulido, graphic novel, hc, 96 pages, 2002, ISBN 1-5638-9889-6; sc, 2003, ISBN 1-56389-904-3)
    • Human Target vol. 2 #1–21 (with Javier Pulido (#1–5, 11–13, 18), Cliff Chiang (#6–10, 14–16, 19–21) and Cameron Stewart (#17), 2003–2005)
      • Issues #1–10 are collected as Human Target: Second Chances (tpb, 256 pages, 2011, ISBN 1-4012-3061-X)
  • Weird Western Tales vol. 2 #4: "What a Man's Gotta Do" (with Duncan Fegredo, anthology, 2001)
  • Vertigo Pop! London #1–4: "My Generation" (with Philip Bond, 2003)
  • Vertigo X Anniversary Preview: "One Girl's Crazy Story" (with Mike Allred, co-feature in the promotional one-shot, 2003)
  • Hellblazer:
    • Hellblazer (with Eddie Campbell (#250), Giuseppe Camuncoli, Goran Sudžuka (#254–255), Simon Bisley (#259–260, 265–266, 271–274, 276, 282, 292) and Gael Bertrand (#280, 284, 291), 2009–2013) collected as:
      • John Constantine, Hellblazer Volume 22 (collects #250–260, tpb, 392 pages, 2020, ISBN 1-4012-9568-1)
      • John Constantine, Hellblazer Volume 23 (includes #261–266, tpb, 392 pages, 2020, ISBN 1-7795-0305-9)
      • John Constantine, Hellblazer Volume 24 (includes #267–275, tpb, 352 pages, 2021, ISBN 1-7795-0952-9)
      • John Constantine, Hellblazer Volume 25 (collects #276–291, tpb, 352 pages, 2021, ISBN 1-779-51029-2)
      • John Constantine, Hellblazer Volume 26 (collects #292–300 and Annual #1, tpb, 352 pages, 2022, ISBN 1-779-51498-0)
    • House of Mystery Halloween Annual (with Giuseppe Camuncoli):
      • "Letter from a Suicide" (co-feature in #1, 2009) collected in House of Mystery: The Beauty of Decay (tpb, 160 pages, 2010, ISBN 1-4012-2756-2)
      • "Bonfire Night" (co-feature in #2, 2010) collected in House of Mystery: Conception (tpb, 160 pages, 2012, ISBN 1-4012-3264-7)
  • Greek Street (with Davide Gianfelice and Werther Dell'Edera (#12–14), 2009–2010) collected as:
    • Blood Calls for Blood (collects #1–5, tpb, 144 pages, 2010, ISBN 1-4012-2573-X)
    • Cassandra Complex (collects #6–11, tpb, 144 pages, 2010, ISBN 1-4012-2847-X)
    • Madea's Luck (collects #12–16, tpb, 128 pages, 2011, ISBN 1-4012-3280-9)
  • Vertigo Crime: The Bronx Kill (with James Romberger, graphic novel, hc, 184 pages, 2010, ISBN 1-84856-418-X; sc, 2011, ISBN 1-4012-2631-0)
  • Strange Adventures: "P•A•R•T•N•E•R•S" (with Sylvain Savoia, anthology one-shot, 2011) collected in Strange Adventures (tpb, 160 pages, 2014, ISBN 1-4012-4393-2)
  • Time Warp: "She's Not There" (with M. K. Perker, anthology one-shot, 2013)
  • Vertigo Quarterly (series of bimonthly themed anthologies):
    • CMYK #2: "The Shoe in the Attic" (with Rufus Dayglo, 2014) collected in CMYK (tpb, 296 pages, 2015, ISBN 1-4012-5336-9)
    • SFX #1: "Pop Psychology" (with Celia Calle, 2015) collected in SFX (tpb, 296 pages, 2016, ISBN 1-4012-6147-7)
  • The Names #1–9 (with Leandro Fernández, 2014–2015) collected as The Names (tpb, 200 pages, 2015, ISBN 1-4012-5243-5)
  • New Romancer #1–6 (with Brett Parson, 2016) collected as New Romancer (tpb, 144 pages, 2016, ISBN 1-4012-6351-8)

Marvel Comics

Titles published by Marvel and its various imprints include:

  • A1 vol. 2 #2–4: "King Leon" (with Jamie Hewlett, anthology, Epic, 1992)
  • X-Men:
    • Archangel: "Phantom Wings" (with Leonardo Manco, one-shot, 1996) collected in X-Men: The Road to Onslaught Volume 3 (tpb, 448 pages, 2015, ISBN 0-7851-9005-8)
    • The Further Adventures of Cyclops and Phoenix #1–4 (with John Paul Leon, 1996)
      • Collected as The Further Adventures of Cyclops and Phoenix (tpb, 112 pages, 1997, ISBN 0-7851-0556-5)
      • Collected in X-Men: The Rise of Apocalypse (tpb, 400 pages, 2016, ISBN 1-3029-0069-2)
    • Magneto #1–4 (scripted by Jorge González from a plot by Milligan, drawn by Kelley Jones, 1996–1997)
    • X-Statix Omnibus (hc, 1,200 pages, 2011, ISBN 0-7851-5844-8) collects:
      • X-Force #116–129 (with Mike Allred, Darwyn Cooke (#124) and Duncan Fegredo (#129), 2001–2002)
        • Also collected as X-Force: Famous, Mutant and Mortal (hc, 288 pages, 2003, ISBN 0-7851-1023-2)
        • Also collected in X-Statix: The Complete Collection Volume 1 (tpb, 504 pages, 2020, ISBN 1-3029-2403-6)
      • X-Statix (with Mike Allred, Paul Pope (#5), Philip Bond (#10) and Nick Dragotta (#20), 2002–2004) also collected as:
        • Good Omens (collects #1–5, tpb, 128 pages, 2003, ISBN 0-7851-1059-3)
        • Good Guys and Bad Guys (collects #6–10, tpb, 176 pages, 2003, ISBN 0-7851-1139-5)
          • Includes the 2-issue spin-off limited series Wolverine/Doop (written by Milligan, art by Darwyn Cooke, 2003)
        • Back from the Dead (collects #11–18, tpb, 192 pages, 2004, ISBN 0-7851-1140-9)
        • X-Statix vs. the Avengers (collects #19–26, tpb, 192 pages, 2004, ISBN 0-7851-1537-4)
      • I ♥ Marvel: My Mutant Heart: "How Love Works" (with Marcos Martín, anthology one-shot, 2006)
      • X-Statix Presents: Dead Girl #1–5 (with Nick Dragotta, Marvel Knights, 2006) also collected as X-Statix Presents: Dead Girl (tpb, 120 pages, 2006, ISBN 0-7851-2031-9)
      • Nation X #4: "Dooptopia" (with Mike Allred, anthology, 2010) also collected in Nation X (hc, 360 pages, 2010, ISBN 0-7851-3873-0; tpb, 2010, ISBN 0-7851-4103-0)
    • X-Men vol. 2 (with Salvador Larroca and Roger Cruz (#180–181), 2005–2006) collected as:
      • X-Men by Peter Milligan: Dangerous Liaisons (collects #166–176, tpb, 320 pages, 2019, ISBN 1-30291-650-5)
      • X-Men by Peter Milligan: Blood of Apocalypse (collects #177–187, tpb, 336 pages, 2022, ISBN 1-3029-3090-7)
    • All-New Doop #1–5 (with David Lafuente, Jacopo Camagni (#3) and Federico Santagati (#4–5), 2014) collected as All-New Doop (tpb, 112 pages, 2014, ISBN 0-7851-9042-2)
    • Legion #1–5 (with Wilfredo Torres and Lee Ferguson (#4–5), 2018) collected as Legion: Trauma (tpb, 112 pages, 2018, ISBN 1-3029-1162-7)
    • The X-Cellent: Hereditary-X (tpb, 152 pages, 2022, ISBN 1-3029-1698-X) collects:
      • Giant-Size X-Statix: "Hereditary-X" (with Mike Allred, 2019)
      • The X-Cellent #1–5: "New Blood, New World" (with Mike Allred, 2022)
  • Elektra #1–13, -1 (with Mike Deodato, Jr., 1996–1997) collected in Elektra by Peter Milligan, Larry Hama and Mike Deodato, Jr.: The Complete Collection (tpb, 480 pages, 2017, ISBN 1-3029-0433-7)
  • Spider-Man:
    • Spider-Man's Tangled Web #5–6: "Flowers for Rhino" (with Duncan Fegredo, anthology, 2001)
      • Collected in Spider-Man's Tangled Web Volume 1 (tpb, 144 pages, 2002, ISBN 0-7851-0803-3)
      • Collected in Spider-Man's Tangled Web Omnibus (hc, 560 pages, 2017, ISBN 1-302-90682-8)
    • Venom vs. Carnage #1–4 (with Clayton Crain, 2004)
      • Collected as Venom vs. Carnage (tpb, 96 pages, 2004, ISBN 0-7851-1524-2)
      • Collected in Carnage Omnibus (hc, 1,168 pages, 2018, ISBN 1-3029-1227-5)
      • Collected in Venomnibus Volume 3 (hc, 1,088 pages, 2020, ISBN 1-3029-2632-2)
    • Toxin #1–6 (with Darick Robertson, 2005) collected as Toxin: The Devil You Know (tpb, 144 pages, 2005, ISBN 0-7851-1804-7)
  • Punisher:
  • Sub-Mariner: The Depths #1–5 (with Esad Ribić, Marvel Knights, 2008–2009) collected as Sub-Mariner: The Depths (hc, 120 pages, 2009, ISBN 0-7851-3329-1; tpb, 2009, ISBN 0-7851-3337-2)
  • Moon Knight: Silent Knight (with Laurence Campbell, one-shot, 2009)
    • Collected in Moon Knight: The Death of Marc Spector (hc, 152 pages, 2009, ISBN 0-7851-3218-X; tpb, 2009, ISBN 0-7851-3298-8)
    • Collected in Moon Knight by Huston, Benson and Hurwitz Omnibus (hc, 1,184 pages, 2022, ISBN 1-3029-3456-2)
  • Thor: The Trial of Thor (tpb, 288 pages, 2017, ISBN 1-3029-0795-6) includes:
    • Dark Reign: The Cabal: "Dinner with Doom" (with Tonči Zonjić, anthology one-shot, 2009) also collected in Siege Prelude (tpb, 264 pages, 2010, ISBN 0-7851-4310-6)
    • The Trial of Thor (with Cary Nord, one-shot, 2009)
    • Thor vol. 3 Annual #1: "The Hand of Grog" (with Tom Grindberg and Mico Suayan, 2009) also collected in Thor: Wolves of the North (tpb, 104 pages, 2011, ISBN 0-7851-5614-3)
    • The Rage of Thor (with Mico Suayan, one-shot, 2010)
  • The Mystic Hands of Doctor Strange: "Melancholia" (with Frank Brunner, anthology one-shot, 2010) collected in Doctor Strange: The Flight of Bones (tpb, 192 pages, 2016, ISBN 1-302-90167-2)
  • Daredevil: Black and White: "Second Sight" (with Jason Latour, anthology one-shot, 2010)
  • 5 Ronin #1–5 (with Tomm Coker (#1), Dalibor Talajić (#2), Laurence Campbell (#3), Goran Parlov (#4) and Leandro Fernández (#5), 2011) collected as 5 Ronin (hc, 136 pages, 2011, ISBN 0-7851-5632-1; tpb, 2011, ISBN 0-7851-5101-X)
  • Fear Itself: Home Front #1–4: "The Age of Anxiety" (with Elia Bonetti, anthology, 2011) collected in Fear Itself: Home Front (hc, 240 pages, 2012, ISBN 0-7851-6389-1; tpb, 2012, ISBN 0-7851-5667-4)
  • Kiss Kiss Bang Bang vol. 2 (with Ramon Rosanas, unreleased 4-issue limited series intended for publication under the CrossGen imprint — initially announced for December 2011;[16] postponed indefinitely in March 2012)[17]
  • All-New Miracleman Annual: "Seriously Miraculous" (with Mike Allred, co-feature, 2015) collected in Miracleman: Olympus (hc, 328 pages, 2015, ISBN 0-7851-5466-3)

Valiant Comics

Titles published by Valiant include:

  • Shadowman: The Deluxe Edition Book Two (hc, 304 pages, 2017, ISBN 1-68215-107-7) collects:
    • Shadowman vol. 4 #13X, 13–16 (with Diego Bernard (#13X) and Roberto de la Torre, 2013–2014) also collected as Shadowman: Fear, Blood and Shadows (tpb, 112 pages, 2014, ISBN 1-9393-4627-4)
    • Shadowman: End Times #1–3 (with Valentine De Landro, 2014) also collected as Shadowman: End Times (tpb, 104 pages, 2014, ISBN 1-9393-4637-1)
    • Punk Mambo: "Mayhem and Revenge" (with Robert Gill, one-shot, 2014) also collected in Punk Mambo (tpb, 144 pages, 2019, ISBN 1-6821-5330-4)
  • Bloodshot vol. 3 #25: "The Glitch" (with Lewis LaRosa, 2014) collected in Bloodshot: The Glitch and Other Tales (tpb, 112 pages, 2015, ISBN 1-9393-4671-1)
  • Eternal Warrior: Days of Steel #1–3 (with Cary Nord, 2014–2015) collected as Eternal Warrior: Days of Steel (tpb, 104 pages, 2015, ISBN 1-9393-4674-6)
  • Britannia (hc, 320 pages, 2019, ISBN 1-6821-5320-7) collects:
    • Britannia #1–4 (with Juan José Ryp, 2016) also collected as Britannia (tpb, 112 pages, 2017, ISBN 1-6821-5185-9)
    • Britannia: We Who are About to Die #1–4 (with Juan José Ryp, 2017) also collected as Britannia: We Who are About to Die (tpb, 112 pages, 2017, ISBN 1-68215-213-8)
    • Britannia: Lost Eagles of Rome #1–4 (with Robert Gill, 2018) also collected as Britannia: Lost Eagles of Rome (tpb, 112 pages, 2018, ISBN 1-6821-5291-X)


Titles published by various American publishers after Milligan became an established Big Two writer:

  • Dark Horse:
    • Aliens vol. 2 #9–12: "Aliens: Sacrifice" (with Paul Johnson, strip in the magazine, 1993)
      • Collected by Dark Horse in Aliens Omnibus Volume 3 (tpb, 376 pages, 2008, ISBN 1-5930-7872-2)
      • Collected by Marvel in Aliens: The Original Years Omnibus Volume 2 (hc, 1,032 pages, 2022, ISBN 1-3029-2890-2)
    • Tomorrow #1–2 (of 5)[18][19][20] (with Jesús Hervás, Berger Books, 2020)
      • The last three issues of the series were cancelled as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.[21]
      • The entire story was eventually published as a single volume titled Tomorrow (tpb, 128 pages, 2020, ISBN 1-5067-1803-5)
  • The Dark Gate: "The Hunger Artists" (with Brett Ewins, anthology graphic novel, 64 pages, Cyberosia, 2004, ISBN 0-9742-7136-5)
  • IDW Publishing:
    • Army of Two #1–6: "Across the Border" (with Dexter Soy, EA Comics, 2010) collected as Army of Two (tpb, 144 pages, 2010, ISBN 1-60010-739-7)
    • Kid Lobotomy #1–6 (with Tess Fowler, Black Crown, 2017–2018) collected as Kid Lobotomy: A Lad Insane (tpb, 152 pages, 2018, ISBN 1-6840-5244-0)
    • Black Crown Quarterly #3: "Tales from the Raygun" (with Kristian Rossi, anthology, 2018) collected in Black Crown Omnibus (tpb, 240 pages, 2018, ISBN 1-6840-5364-1)
  • After Dark #0–3 (script by Milligan based on the concept by Antoine Fuqua and Wesley Snipes, art by Jeff Nentrup and Leonardo Manco (#2–3), Radical, 2010–2011)
    • A collected edition was solicited for a 2011 release but subsequently cancelled: After Dark (tpb, 168 pages, ISBN 1-9354-1745-2)
  • Image:
    • Madman 20th Anniversary Monster: "Tuning Up" (with Philip Bond, anthology graphic novel, 264 pages, 2011, ISBN 1-6070-6472-3)
    • The Discipline #1–6 (with Leandro Fernández, 2016) collected as The Discipline (tpb, 160 pages, 2016, ISBN 1-6321-5922-8)
    • Hit-Girl: Season Two #9–12: "India" (with Alison Sampson, 2019–2020) collected as Hit-Girl in India (tpb, 104 pages, 2020, ISBN 1-5343-1548-9)
  • Terminal Hero #1–6 (with Piotr Kowalski, Dynamite, 2014–2015) collected as Terminal Hero: The Death and Life of Rory Fletcher (tpb, 144 pages, 2015, ISBN 1-6069-0697-6)
  • Ahoy Comics:
    • Edgar Allan Poe's Snifter of Terror Volume 1 (tpb, 192 pages, 2019, ISBN 0-9980-4423-7) includes:
      • Edgar Allan Poe's Snifter of Terror (anthology):
        • "The Fall of the White House of President Usher" (with Richard Case, in #5, 2019)
        • "William Wilson, Inc." (with Sarah Burrini, in #6, 2019)
    • Happy Hour #1–6 (with Michael Montenat, 2020–2021) collected as Happy Hour (tpb, 144 pages, 2021, ISBN 1-9520-9005-9)
  • AWA Studios:
    • American Ronin #1–5 (with Aco, 2020–2021) collected as American Ronin (tpb, 128 pages, 2021, ISBN 1-953-16504-4)
    • Absolution #1–5 (with Mike Deodato, Jr., 2022) collected as Absolution (tpb, 128 pages, 2023, ISBN 1-9531-6542-7)
    • Sacrament #1–5 (with Marcelo Frusin, 2022) collected as Sacrament (tpb, 128 pages, 2023, ISBN 1-9531-6543-5)
  • Aftershock:
    • Out of Body #1–5 (with Inaki Miranda, 2021) collected as Out of Body (tpb, 120 pages, 2023, ISBN 1-9490-2886-0)
    • God of Tremors (with Piotr Kowalski, one-shot, 2021) collected in Shock Treatment (tpb, 136 pages, 2022, ISBN 1-9490-2892-5)
    • Dogs of London #1–5 (with Artecida, 2022) collected as Dogs of London (tpb, 128 pages, 2023, ISBN 1-9567-3113-X)
  • Bad Idea:
    • Pyrate Queen #1–4 (with Adam Pollina, 2021–2022)
    • The Lot #3: "Monsters in My Life" (with Sarah Burrini, co-feature, 2021)
    • Werewolf (with Robert Gill, one-shot — distributed directly by the publisher via mail order,[22] 2021)
  • Human Remains #1–8 (with Sally Cantirino, Vault, 2021–2022) collected as Human Remains: The Complete Series (tpb, 192 pages, 2022, ISBN 1-6384-9110-0)
  • The Most Important Comic Book on Earth: "Humanity: Annual Report" (with Guillermo Ortego, anthology graphic novel, 352 pages, DK, 2021, ISBN 0-7440-4282-8)


  1. McCarthy, Brendan. "The Electric Hoax". Archived from the original on 16 May 2008.
  2. Hine, David (15 January 2012). "The Electric Hoax by Brendan McCarthy". Waiting for the Trade. Archived from the original on 30 January 2012.
  3. Foakes, Kevin (14 June 2014). "Electric Hoax". Archived from the original on 18 August 2022.
  4. Kardwell, Mark (10 July 2012). "Milligan & McCarthy's 'Summer of Love' — a little comics archeology". Comic Book Resources. Archived from the original on 15 July 2012.
  5. McCarthy, Brendan. "Summer of Love". Archived from the original on 16 May 2008.
  6. Allen, Tom. "Crisis - A 2000AD publication". FortuneCity. Archived from the original on 11 October 1999. In issue #30 'True Faith' had 16 pages, because...... This issue had some trouble surrounding the McCarthy/Milligan Creation 'Skin'. First the "first episode of SKIN. all we can say is sorry, since it visibly ain't here ..The reproduction company who make our printing film refused to handle the strip because of the content. We are currently taking legal advice, trying to find another repro house and understandably miffed creators."
  7. McCarthy, Brendan [@mysticmccarthy] (19 February 2017). "ART VAULT: FREAKWAVE! 1983 Movie pitch with Peter Milligan" (Tweet). Archived from the original on 20 August 2022 via Twitter.
  8. McCarthy, Brendan [@mysticmccarthy] (5 June 2022). "Came across this the other day, the original movie pitch for FREAKWAVE. It was 'Mad Max goes surfing' and predated Waterworld by a few centuries" (Tweet). Archived from the original on 5 June 2022 via Twitter.
  9. McCarthy, Brendan. "Freakwave". Archived from the original on 16 May 2008.
  10. Seneca, Matt (30 May 2012). "Greatest Comic of All Time: Paradax! Remix". Comic Book Resources. Archived from the original on 2 June 2012.
  11. "DC Feature Articles - April 2004". Toon Zone. Archived from the original on 24 January 2004.
  12. Brady, Matt (16 March 2004). "KID AMAZO POSTPONED". Newsarama. Archived from the original on 29 September 2007.
  13. Allstetter, Rob (15 May 2006). "DC COMICS FOR AUGUST". Comics Continuum. Archived from the original on 18 June 2006.
  14. Singh, Arune (13 June 2006). "DC COMICS SLATES A NEW STORY FOR JLA CLASSIFIED #26". Comic Book Resources. Archived from the original on 16 June 2006.
  15. Collins, Brad; Simons, Eric. "The Bizarre Boys". The House of Vertigo. Archived from the original on 12 December 2000.
  16. Beard, Jim (29 August 2011). "Fan Expo Canada 2011: Kiss Kiss Bang Bang". Archived from the original on 9 March 2012.
  17. Melrose, Kevin (7 March 2012). "Kiss Kiss Bang Bang and Route 666 revivals 'shelved' by Marvel". Comic Book Resources. Archived from the original on 9 March 2012.
  18. Allstetter, Rob (23 January 2020). "DARK HORSE COMICS FOR APRIL". Comics Continuum. Archived from the original on 27 August 2022.
  19. Allstetter, Rob (20 February 2020). "DARK HORSE COMICS FOR MAY". Comics Continuum. Archived from the original on 29 February 2020.
  20. Allstetter, Rob (19 March 2020). "DARK HORSE COMICS FOR JUNE". Comics Continuum. Archived from the original on 27 August 2022.
  21. Milligan, Peter [@1PeterMilligan] (25 June 2020). "Regarding Tomorrow, due to covid I believe we're going straight to the trade paperback rather than publish the last few issues. Sign of the times" (Tweet). Archived from the original on 26 June 2020 via Twitter.
  22. Adams, Tim (3 September 2021). "Bad Idea Announces Comics You Can Only Buy With Pins It Gave Out in March". Archived from the original on 3 September 2021.
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