Phạm Công Tắc

Phạm Công Tắc (1890–1959) was a leader in the establishment and development of the Caodaism religion, founded in 1926.[1][2][3] He was the leader of the Tây Ninh branch, the dominant branch of Caodaism in southern Vietnam.

Hộ Pháp

Phạm Công Tắc
BornJune 21, 1890
Binh Lap village, Chau Thanh district
Citadel degree
Known forProtecting the Caodaism religion
SpouseNguyễn Hương Nhiều

Personal life

Phạm Công Tắc was born on June 21, 1890 (ie, May 5 of year of the Tiger) in Binh Lap village, Chau Thanh district, Tan An province (now in Tan An city, Long An province). He is the 7th child in a family of 8 children.

His father is Mr. Pham Cong Thien, a colonial government official, born in An Hoa village, Trang Bang district, Tay Ninh province. His mother is La Thi Duong, also from An Hoa village.

In 1896, he started attending primary school in Tan An, where his father worked, but then his father quit his job and brought the whole family back to his hometown. He was baptized at Tay Ninh church in 1900. Two years later, his father died. Although his family was very difficult, in 1906, Pham Cong Tac continued to study at Chasseloup-Laubat School in Saigon. In 1907, he passed the Citadel degree.

Social Activities

During high school, Pham Cong Tac actively participated in the Dong Du movement in Saigon led by two Mr. Gilbert Tran Chanh Chieu and Duong Khac Ninh. In 1908, he was prepared to be sent abroad by Minh Tan Association, an organization that initiated the Dong Du movement; But then, it was revealed that he couldn't go. Due to the attention of the government, he had to drop out of school.

Due to his general qualifications, Pham Cong Tac is recognized as a merchant. During this time, he collaborated with newspapers such as Cong An, La Cloche Fêlée by Nguyen An Ninh, La Voix Libre (Voice of Freedom), Luc Tinh Tan Van by Pierre Jeantet, and Mr. Gilbert Chieu. as editor... under the pseudonym Ai Dan. These are newspapers that more or less promote the national spirit, so they become thorns in the eyes of the colonial government. After Mr. Gilbert Chieu was arrested, the publication was suspended, and he returned to his hometown.

In 1910, the family fell into poverty, so Pham Cong Tac had to apply for a job at the Saigon Department of Commerce. After getting a job, he married Mrs. Nguyen Huong Many. They had 3 children together (1 son, 2 girls) but the son died early when he was 4 years old. Although he is a public employee, his family is still struggling because of a poor lifestyle

Because of his position, Pham Cong Tac was transferred to many places, first to Cai Nhum (Vinh Long), Quy Nhon, then to Saigon, and finally to Nam Vang (Phnom Penh). During his time as a civil servant for the French colonial government, he held only a low-level position as secretary of the Department of Commerce.

Building the Church

With Mr. Vuong Quang Ky's contact, there was a reciprocal relationship between the muscle groups. On February 21, 1926 (January 9 ), in the year of the Tiger, in a planchette writing session at Mr. Ky's house, famous figures of planchette writing groups were invited to attend, a poem was circulated as follows: The destiny of God, including the names of 13 people, was later proclaimed by Cao Dai followers as the first followers of the religion, with Mr. Ngo Van Chieu being honored as Big Brother.

At a ceremony on April 17, 1926 (March 6 in the Year of the Tiger) at Tu Lam Tu, Pham Cong Tac, along with Mr. Le Van Trung , Cao Quynh Cu and Mrs. Nguyen Thi Hieu, received the standard promotion. He was converted into a religious uniform to confer Mr. Ngo Van Chieu. However, Mr. Chieu refused and returned the money to sew this costume. Since then, he has not participated in any popularizing activities, but only selected a small number of his own followers to practice according to the way of the inner teachings. split into a separate sect, forming the Cao Dai Chieu Minh sect.

The formation of the Church did not stop there. From April 22 to 26, 1926, during planchette writing meetings, key believers were ordained to high positions to form the church, including:

Ông Lê Văn Trung phong Đầu sư Thượng Trung Nhựt.

Ông Lê Văn Lịch phong Đầu sư Ngọc Lịch Nguyệt.

Ông Phạm Công Tắc phong Hộ giá Tiên đồng Tá cơ Đạo sĩ

Ông Cao Quỳnh Cư phong Tiên Hạc Tá cơ Đạo sĩ

Các ông Trương Hữu Đức và Nguyễn Trung Hậu phong Tiên Hạc Phò cơ Đạo sĩ

Ông Vương Quang Kỳ phong Tiên Sắc Lang Quân nhậm Thuyết Đạo Giáo sư

Ông Đoàn Văn Bản phong Tiên Đạo Công Thần nhậm Thuyết Đạo Giáo sư.

Thus, in the organization of the original Church, the position of the Patriarch, the Master, the Taoist Ta Co, the Pho Co, and the Professor was formed. Because Mr. Chieu refused the Catholic throne, the leadership role was taken by the two gurus Le Van Trung and Le Van Lich.

At that time, the titles of Dharma Protector, Senior High, and Thuong Sanh were not officially ordained at that time, but only through the positions of standing ceremony, later formed high-ranking positions in Hiep Thien Dai.

"The children are: Nghia, Hau, Duc, Trang, Cu, Tac, Sang, all dressed in white, in order to follow this class: Nghia, Duc stand outside, are at the altar of Dharma protector, then Hau and Trang stand. the next couple, then the last three: Middle, Cu face, Left."

From these first dignitaries, the church gradually developed into 6 Ouija boards in Cochinchina, gaining more followers. On September 29, 1926 (August 23 in the year of the Tiger), he and 246 followers set up a sheet of martyrdom (the list of believers). In the Declaration of Enlightenment sent to the Governor of Cochinchina Le Pol on October 7, 1926 (ie September 1), his name ranked 18th among 28 fellow believers who signed the declaration. Then the followers divided into 3 groups to go to Cochinchina in Luc province.

In 1927, the French colonial government moved him to Nam Vang (Phnom Penh). Here, as a Colonel, he recruited a number of believers and ordained according to his pen, thereby forming the Overseas Missionary Service to evangelize abroad. Among the first dignitaries of the Pagan Church, some became influential figures later on, such as Receptionist Cao Duc Trong, Professor Thuong Chu Thanh (Dang Trung Chu) and advisor to the Western Provincial Resistance Committee. Ninh, Coordinator Thuong Vinh Thanh (Tran Quang Vinh) Commander-in-Chief of the Cao Dai army... Due to his active activities and the Pagan Church, which influenced a number of French intellectuals and officials, May In February 1932, the French National Assembly approved for Cao Dai followers to enjoy freedom of religion throughout Indochina.

Religious life

In 1925, Tắc and two colleagues (Cao Quynh Cu and Cao Hoai Sang) tried to contact spiritual entities. Using table-tapping, they supposedly got messages: from their deceased relatives first, then from saints, and then from God. They all were admitted to be God's first disciples in the Third Religious Amnesty.

Caodaism believes that on 25 April 1926, eighteen mediums, including Tắc, were chosen by God to spread his teachings and carry out his instructions. Tắc wrote the Cao Đài Religious Constitution and scriptures currently worshipped by Caodaiists. He was promoted to Hộ Pháp, one of the top-ranking posts of the clergy.

In 1927, Tắc was transferred to Cambodia by the colonial government; he took the opportunity to establish Cao Đài Foreign Missions.

After acting Pope Lê Văn Trung's death, he became the religious head and established a number of other religious organs.

Tắc gave the order to begin the construction of the Tây Ninh Holy See and later officiated the inauguration. Other buildings and houses were set up under his supervision, including the Temple of Intuition, the Temple of Enlightenment, Long Hoa Market, the Temple of Acknowledgement, and the Temple of the Goddess. Others were planned for more favorable conditions such as the Temple of Thousands of Dharma, the Main Entrance Avenue, and Cao Đài University which have not been started as of 2007.

Tắc was also a missionary; he gave speeches on the Holy Never Pathway and Esoteric Practice which were shorthanded by stenographers and published in 1970.

A religious figure in Vietnam from 1940s to 1950s

Establishment of Phuoc Thien Agency On December 10, 1938, he and Pope Ly Thai Bach issued Decree No. 48/PT to establish the Phuoc Thien Agency with 12 dignitaries called the Divine Twelve. This Phuoc Thien agency is the agency that creates economic bases and creates material wealth for Cao Dai religion in order to support activities in the religion and provide social charity for orphaned children. lonely old man. And organize relief efforts for victims of wars and natural disasters.

In 1941, many Vietnamese rebellions against French colonists broke out throughout the country. French rulers did what they could to suppress the movement, imprisoning those who challenged their power. Notably, they felt threatened by the quick development of Cao Đài. Hộ Pháp Phạm Công Tắc and at least four other Cao Đài dignitaries were sent into exile in Madagascar. During this period, French soldiers seized the Tây Ninh Holy See and the other religious offices, temporarily prohibiting all religious activities.

As a result, the Cao Đài Armed Forces were founded by General Tran Quang Vinh in Southern Vietnam so as to protect Cao Đài believers as well as to overthrow the French government with Japanese military aid. However, Japanese Armed Forces were defeated in 1945 and withdrew. The Vietnamese people in general, and the Cao Đài Army in particular, were faced with the Allied, then French, return to Vietnam.

In 1946, the political situation changed. Faced with the threat of the communist-led Việt Minh in the south, the French decided to bring back Hộ Pháp Phạm Công Tắc from exile and to ask for his cooperation in the struggle against the communists. Phạm Công Tắc agreed, but not all Cao Đài leaders followed his lead. A treaty was signed between General Tran Quang Vinh and the French colonists on 9 June 1946. From then on, Hộ Pháp Phạm Công Tắc resumed his post as leader of the Tây Ninh branch of the Cao Đài. Phạm Cong Tác collaborated with the French with the aim of securing the independence of at least the southern part of Vietnam.

Build 3 Palaces 3 Caves He also built the 3 Palaces and 3 Caves, and made a Pure House to impart the Secret Method of Dao training to the followers of Chan.

In 1947, he built Tri Hue Cung - Thien Hy cave as a sanctuary for women and completed it on January 22, 1951.

On December 29, 1954, he issued Instruction No. 285/VP-HP, building Tri Giac palace - Dia Linh as a retreat for both men and women. [17]

On November 23, 1954, he personally went to Ba Den mountain to set up a place to build a private room named Van Phap Cung - Nhon Hoa Dong used as a net room for men. In March 1955, officially started construction.

Store Long Hoa Market From 1947 onward, the Viet Minh's war of independence against the French army spread everywhere, causing Cao Dai followers from all over the world to flock to Tay Ninh Holy Land to settle down more and more. winter. So on November 12, Nham Thin year (dl December 28, 1952), he started construction of Long Hoa market according to his location and drawings so that Cao Dai followers could have a place to do business. Today, this is the largest market in Tay Ninh province and was renamed Long Hoa Trade Center. The market is located in Hoa Thanh Town , about 1 km from Tay Ninh Holy See. [19]

A zealous missionary In addition to the task of leading the Tam Ky Pho Do Church of Tay Ninh Holy See , he is also a monk. To Cao Dai followers , he preached the truth in the name of God in the world. Not to mention the speeches in religious ceremonies, his sermons on the Sacred Way of Life and the Secret Law were recorded and published by the Tay Ninh Holy See Shorthand Board. Cao Dai followers consider this document very important because the content of these lectures contains the philosophy and formal practices that are so characteristic of Cao Dai.

In 1954, Vietnamese Head of State Bảo Đại asked Hộ Pháp Phạm Công Tắc to be one of the advisors for the Vietnamese delegates in Geneva, Switzerland. He went to Paris and tried to prevent Vietnam from being partitioned. His persuasion failed. After that, he paid visits to Taiwanese and South Korean leaders. In 1955, General Nguyen Thanh Phuong, unofficially instigated by Ngô Đình Nhu, surrounded Tây Ninh Holy See, demanding an internal purification; this was actually a raid on those who opposed Ngô Đình Diệm's regime. Hộ Pháp Phạm Công Tắc fled the country, seeking political asylum in Cambodia. He lived there until his death in 1959.

A building planner It was he who started the construction of the Holy See in 1936 and held the inauguration ceremony of the Tay Ninh Holy See in 1955 . The Holy See is the most important institution of the Cao Dai religion (the most important dharma).

Without this legal body, Cao Dai religion could not develop into a regulated religion.

It is important that the whole formula and plan to build a new world "in Charity and Justice" was deposited by him in architectural works to serve as a model for his writing...

The philosophy of Caodaism comes from God .

The philosophy of Cao Dai religion was formed by the protector Pham Cong Tac.

In addition, many other facilities were also built during his reign of Cao Dai Patriarch, such as: Tri Hue Palace, Tri Giac Cung, Long Hoa Market, Bao An Tu (Temporary Mother Buddha Temple) , etc. ..

There are also a number of other facilities already planned for later implementation.

To date, these facilities have not yet commenced construction. Among these can be mentioned Van Phap Palace, the official Temple of the Mother Buddha; Trihui Palace airport. And it was he who founded the first Pure House of Cao Dai religion, Tri Hue Cung.

He held the power of the Supreme Being in the world to promulgate: General Laws of Associations; Internal Law of Nhon Sanh Association; Internal Law of the Church; in 03 Van Linh Association. (Without these three laws, there is no right to Van Linh in Cao Dai religion). Especially, the Law of the Year of the Tiger "1938" established the four pillars of Cao Dai religious administration: Administrative, Phuoc Thien, Pho Te and Toa Dao.

The religious practice "like vegetarianism - practicing benevolence" was brought into society and dissolved into the hearts of the inhabitants of Cao Dai Holy Land , creating a cultural lifestyle in the society and people of Tay Ninh in particular and all over the world. Cao Dai followers in the world in general to this day.

The most obvious marks are:

- Arrange infrastructure in Tay Ninh Holy Land. (The highest rate of roads in Vietnam today)

- Two facts that have been properly verified are:

Currently, the Holy Land is a place where many people work, meaning "Voluntarily helping others without receiving money" nowhere else can "Funeral is solemnly celebrated and completely free...." Currently, it is the place with the highest percentage of vegetarians in Vietnam and the whole world...


Phạm Công Tắc was the author of many books on Cao Đài, including:

  • How to practice Caodaism under the pen-name Ai Dan (1928)
  • A Visit to Heaven (1927)
  • The Third Method of Practicing Caodaism (1947)
  • Breviaries for secular activities

A symbol of esoterism for Caodaists

It is believed that Hộ Pháp Phạm Công Tắc was taught how to practice esoterism by God. He established the first meditation house, the Temple of Intuition, and entered for the first esoteric performance. However, there has been no evidence that he taught someone else to do so. He was the only Cao Đài leader who preached esoteric and exoteric practices of Caodaism.


  • Bí Pháp – Tài liệu Tòa Thánh Tây Ninh- 1973


  1. Serguei A. Blagov -Caodaism: Vietnamese Traditionalism and Its Leap Into Modernity 2001- Page 78 "800 delegates, representing some 135,000 adepts, reportedly attended. However, Lê Vàn Trung declined to attend the meeting. Consequently, the Council supported Trang's allegations. Phạm Công Tắc initiated an attempt to clinch a peace ...
  2. Nghia M. Vo Saigon: A History 2011 page 111 Phạm Công Tắc
  3. Philippe M. F. Peycam -The Birth of Vietnamese Political Journalism: Saigon, 1916-1930 - Page 151 2013 "This was reflected in the social origin of the religion's founders, who for the most part were second-rank clerical employees in the civil service (Ngô Văn Chiêu, Phạm Công Tắc) or were like Lê Văn Trung, a bankrupt businessman and former
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