
PopCultured is a Canadian television talk show, which aired on The Comedy Network in 2005 and 2006.[1] The program featured stand-up comedian Elvira Kurt and other cast members (Jean Paul, Laurie Elliott, David Reale, Ellen McKinney, Jamillah Ross and Levi MacDougall) poking fun at celebrities in the context of a mock newscast similar to The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, with one interview guest at the centre of each episode.[2]

The show began airing in April 2005.[3]

The show was widely panned by critics,[2] and was canceled after one season, in early 2006, due to poor ratings.


  1. Lindsay Brown, "Poking fun at silly celebs". Halifax Daily News, April 7, 2005.
  2. Joel Rubinoff, "Elvira goes bust in the night; Canada's new talk queen quickly joins a subculture she's supposed to be grilling". Waterloo Region Record, April 7, 2005.
  3. John McKay, "TV viewers can get Popcultured: On Elvira Kurt's new Comedy Network show". Welland Tribune, April 2, 2005.

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