PopCultured is a Canadian television talk show, which aired on The Comedy Network in 2005 and 2006.[1] The program featured stand-up comedian Elvira Kurt and other cast members (Jean Paul, Laurie Elliott, David Reale, Ellen McKinney, Jamillah Ross and Levi MacDougall) poking fun at celebrities in the context of a mock newscast similar to The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, with one interview guest at the centre of each episode.[2]
The show began airing in April 2005.[3]
The show was widely panned by critics,[2] and was canceled after one season, in early 2006, due to poor ratings.
- Lindsay Brown, "Poking fun at silly celebs". Halifax Daily News, April 7, 2005.
- Joel Rubinoff, "Elvira goes bust in the night; Canada's new talk queen quickly joins a subculture she's supposed to be grilling". Waterloo Region Record, April 7, 2005.
- John McKay, "TV viewers can get Popcultured: On Elvira Kurt's new Comedy Network show". Welland Tribune, April 2, 2005.
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