Předmostí 3
Předmostí 3 was an Upper Paleolithic Homo sapiens from the Czech Republic, geologically dated to the Late Pleistocene.[1]
It was found in Předmostí, Moravia, and dated to 26,000 B.P.[2] and has a cranial capacity of 1580 cubic centimetres (Holloway 2000;Holloway et al 2004)[3]
The specimen was destroyed in 1945 in the Second World War as retreating German troops set fire to Mikulov Castle where the remains were stored.[1]
In a morphometric analysis of cranio-facial traits compared to modern humans, Předmostí 3 was found to correlate to a 73% similarity.[4]
Upper Paleolithic skulls are at least as flat-faced as modern ones, except for Predmosti 3[5]
The skull belongs to a morphological Upper Palaeolithic group that also includes Grotte des Enfants 4, Barma Grande 5, Pavlov 1 and Sunghir 1.[6] Predmosti 3 had a retromolar space, which is absent from most modern humans.[7] Předmostí 3's hand is similar to that of the Middle Paleolithic Skhul IV.[8]
- "The Upper Paleolithic burial area at Předmostí: ritual and taphonomy".
- Clark Spencer Larsen, Robert M. Matter, Daniel Lee Gebo
- Human origins: the fossil record
- 225 pages
- Waveland Press, 1998
- ISBN 1577660021
- [Retrieved 2012-01-02]
- Matt Cartmill, Fred H. Smith
- The human lineage
- 609 pages
- John Wiley and Sons, 30 Mar 2009
- ISBN 0-471-21491-4
- Retrieved 2012-01-02
- Kyle D. Lubson, Robert Corruccini - Southern Illinois University
- Journal of Contemporary Anthropology 2011
- Copyright © Kyle D.Lubson and Robert.Corruccini
- Retrieved 2012-01-02
- Société d'anthropologie de Paris, Centre de recherches anthropologiques
- page 333 of Bulletins et mémoires de la Société d'anthropologie de Paris
- Doin, 1982
- Retrieved 2012-01-02
- (originally from a holding of the University of California [+google.co.uk])
- A.Buzhilova. M.Kovlovskaya. M.Mednikova
- Lab. of Physical Anthropology of RAS, Moscow
- The Sunghir Archaeological site
- Retrieved 2012-01-02
- Cartmill, Matt; Smith, Fred H. (2009-03-30). The Human Lineage. ISBN 9780471214915.
- Smith, Shelley L. (1995). "Pattern profile analysis of hominid and chimpanzee hand bones". American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 96 (3): 283–300. doi:10.1002/ajpa.1330960306. PMID 7785726.