Prix Félix-Robin

The Prix Félix-Robin is a prize awarded by the Société française de physique to reward a physicist for a career’s work.

The prize originated from the will of the engineer Félix Robin. He donated money aimed at rewarding remarkable scientific work carried out by a Frenchman in France. The prize was first awarded in 1922.[1]


  • Institut d'optique (1917)
  • Maurice de Broglie (1922)
  • Jean Cabannes (1924)
  • F. Croze (1926)
  • Antonin Andant (1928)
  • D. Chalonge (1930)
  • Étienne Hirsch (1931)
  • G. Foex (1932)
  • A. Dauvillier (1934)
  • Henri Adolphe Gondet (1936)
  • Louis Néel (1938)
  • Jean-Paul Mathieu (1940)
  • Louis Leprince-Ringuet (1942)
  • Albert Arnulf (1944)
  • Alfred Kastler (1946)
  • Gaston Dupouy (1948)
  • Henri Bizette (1950)
  • Jacques Yvon (1952)
  • Jean Brossel (1954)
  • Georges-Albert Boutry (1956)
  • Pierre Biquard (1958)
  • Maurice Lévy (1959)
  • Pierre Dufieux (1960)
  • Serge Nikitine (1961)
  • Maurice Françon (1962)
  • Jacques Friedel (1963)
  • L. Weill (1964)
  • Raimond Castaing (1965)
  • Michel Soutif (1966)
  • Jacques Thirion (1967)
  • Claude Bloch (1968)
  • Ionel Solomon (1969)
  • André Herpin (1970)
  • Évry Schatzman (1971)
  • Vittorio Luzzati (1972)
  • Charles Peyrou (1973)
  • Pierre Aigrain (1974)
  • Louis Michel (1975)
  • Jacques Prentki (1976)
  • Bernard Cagnac (1977)
  • Henri Benoit (1978)
  • Jean-Louis Steinberg (1979)
  • Bernard Jacrot (1980)
  • Marianne Lambert (1981)
  • Marc Lefort (1982)
  • Pierre Marin (1983)
  • Jacques des Cloizeaux (1984)
  • James Lequeux (1985)
  • Claude Mercier (1986)
  • Gérard Mainfray (1987)
  • Claude Itzykson (1988)
  • Sidney Leach (1989)
  • Bernard Jancovici (1990)
  • Claude Benoit à la Guillaume (1991)
  • André Samain (1992)
  • Georges Amsel (1993)[2]
  • Yves Petroff (1994)[2]
  • Pierre Bareyre (1995)[2]
  • Jean-Michel Besson (1996)[2]
  • Alain Omont (1997)[2]
  • Anne-Marie Levelut (1998)[2]
  • Michel Spiro (1999)[2]
  • François Ducastelle (2000)[2]
  • Jacques Haissinsky (2001)[2]
  • Jacques Bauche (2002)[2]
  • Dominique Levesque (2003)[2]
  • Liliane Léger (2004)[2]
  • Michel Lannoo (2005)[2]
  • Claude Boccara (2006)
  • Jean-Eudes Augustin (2007)[3]
  • Rémi Jullien (2008)[4]
  • Mikhail Dyakonov (2009)[5]
  • Élisabeth Giacobino (2010)[6]
  • Henri Godfrin (2011)[7]
  • Jean-Pierre Lasota (2012)[8]
  • Jean-Pierre Gauyacq (2013)
  • Sydney Galès (2014)[9]
  • Pawel Pieranski (2015)


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