Ziwei enclosure

The Purple Forbidden enclosure (紫微垣 Zǐ wēi yuán) is one of the San Yuan (三垣 Sān yuán) or Three Enclosures. Stars and constellations of this group lie near the north celestial pole and are visible all year from temperate latitudes in the Northern Hemisphere.


The asterisms are:

English nameChinese nameNumber of starsWestern ConstellationAdditional notesRepresenting
Northern Pole北極5Ursa Minor / CamelopardalisConsists of :
  • The Crown Prince (太子) → 1st star
  • The Emperor () → 2nd star
  • The Son of Concubine (庶子) → 3rd star
  • The Concubine (後宮) → 4th star
  • The Celestial Pivot (天樞) → 5th star
Five Star of North Pole
Four Advisors四輔4Ursa Minor / CamelopardalisFour assistants of ancient Emperor Chen
Celestial Great One天乙1DracoOne of the three gods of ancient legend
First Great One太乙1DracoOne of the three gods of ancient legend
Left Wall紫微左垣8Draco / Cepheus / CassiopeiaConsists of :
  • The Left Pivot (左樞) → 1st star
  • The First Premier (上宰) → 2nd star
  • The Second Premier (少宰) → 3rd star
  • The First Minister (上弼) → 4th star
  • The Second Minister (少弼) → 5th star
  • The First Imperial Guard (上卫) → 6th star
  • The Second Imperial Guard (少卫) → 7th star
  • The Second Prime Minister (少丞) → 8th star
Eight guardian stars in the left
Right Wall紫微右垣7Ursa Major / Draco / CamelopardalisConsists of :
  • The Right Pivot (右樞) → 1st star
  • The Second Chief Judge (少尉) → 2nd star
  • The First Minister (上辅) → 3rd star
  • The Second Minister (少辅) → 4th star
  • The First imperial Guard (上卫) → 5th star
  • The Second Imperial Guard (少卫) → 6th star
  • The First Prime Minister (上丞) → 7th star
Seven guardian stars in the right
Hidden Virtue陰德2DracoHidden matters of the Emperor and prohibited to know
Royal Secretary尚書5Ursa Minor / DracoThe position of the royal
Female Protocol女史1DracoFemale officer for the Queen etiquette
Official of Royal Archives柱史1DracoOfficer which have responsibility to the historical record
Maids-in-waiting御女4DracoWives or concubines
Celestial Pillar天柱5Draco / CepheusPillar of the local post decree, also responsible for supporting earth
Chief Judge大理2CamelopardalisThe hearing judge
Curved Array勾陳6Ursa Minor / CepheusCurved matters like a hook, in ancient times was regarded as the Yellow Emperor's harem or Princess of Heaven
Six Jia六甲6Camelopardalis / CepheusAttribution to match from the six decades
Great Emperor of Heaven天皇大帝1CepheusEmperor of Heaven
Interior Seats of the Five Emperors五帝內座5Cepheus / CassiopeiaFive parties of the emperor of heaven
Canopy of the Emperor華蓋7CassiopeiaUmbrella shelter used by the emperor
Canopy Support9Camelopardalis / CassiopeiaThe handle of canopy
Guest House傳舍9Camelopardalis / Cassiopeia / CepheusWelcome ancient premises
Inner Steps內階6Ursa MajorThe ladder to connect of Purple Palace
Celestial Kitchen天廚6DracoGeneral officers kitchen
Eight Kinds of Crops八穀8Camelopardalis / AurigaEight kind of crops, refer to rice, millet, barley, wheat, soybean, bean, chestnut, hemp, or the land management officials
Celestial Flail天棓5Draco / HerculesAgricultural device for threshing
Inner Kitchen內廚2DracoKitchen designed for the temple
Administrative Center文昌6Ursa MajorSix government departments or officials
Three Top Instructors三師3Ursa Major
Three Excellencies三公3Canes Venatici
Celestial Bed天床6Ursa Minor / DracoLeft child of the bed
Royals太尊1Ursa MajorRoyal, or the royal ancestor
Celestial Prison天牢6Ursa MajorAristocratic prison confinement
Guard of the Sun太陽守1Ursa MajorMinister or the general
Eunuch4Leo MinorThe eunuchs
Prime Minister1Canes VenaticiThe prime minister
Sombre Lance玄戈1BoötesA weapon
Judge for Nobility天理4Ursa MajorImprisonment in prison or magistrate noble
Northern Dipper北斗7Ursa MajorConsists of :
  • The Celestial Pivot (天樞) → 1st star
  • The Celestial Rotating Jade (天璇) → 2nd star
  • The Celestial Shining Pearl (天機) → 3rd star
  • The Celestial Balance (天權) → 4th star
  • The Jade Sighting-Tube (玉衡) → 5th star
  • The Opener of Heat (開陽) → 6th star
  • The Twinkling Brilliance (搖光) → 7th star
The Big Dipper
Assistant1Ursa MajorMinister of the North Star (Fǔchú)
Celestial Spear天槍3BoötesWeapon guard

See also


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