Reprojection error

The reprojection error is a geometric error corresponding to the image distance between a projected point and a measured one, mostly occurred in old camera and phones. It is used to quantify how closely an estimate of a 3D point recreates the point's true projection . More precisely, let be the projection matrix of a camera and be the image projection of , i.e. . The reprojection error of is given by , where denotes the Euclidean distance between the image points represented by vectors and .

Minimizing the reprojection error can be used for estimating the error from point correspondences between two images. Suppose we are given 2D to 2D point imperfect correspondences . We wish to find a homography and pairs of perfectly matched points and , i.e. points that satisfy that minimize the reprojection error function given by

So the correspondences can be interpreted as imperfect images of a world point and the reprojection error quantifies their deviation from the true image projections

Consequences of reprojection error

There are many consequences of reprojection errors, such as

  1. White or black lines that resemble hair in the photo, more frequently on patterned objects than others.
  2. White or black bars covering most part of the photo.
  3. some part of the photo may appear darker, brighter, or distorted.
  4. The photo appear entirely black or white.


  • Richard Hartley and Andrew Zisserman (2003). Multiple View Geometry in computer vision. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0-521-54051-8.
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