Robbins' problem

In probability theory, Robbins' problem of optimal stopping, named after Herbert Robbins, is sometimes referred to as the fourth secretary problem or the problem of minimizing the expected rank with full information.

Let X1, ... , Xn be independent, identically distributed random variables, uniform on [0, 1]. We observe the Xk's sequentially and must stop on exactly one of them. No recall of preceding observations is permitted. What stopping rule minimizes the expected rank of the selected observation, and what is its corresponding value?

The general solution to this full-information expected rank problem is unknown. The major difficulty is that the problem is fully history-dependent, that is, the optimal rule depends at every stage on all preceding values, and not only on simpler sufficient statistics of these. Only bounds are known for the limiting value v as n goes to infinity, namely 1.908 < v < 2.329. It is known that there is some room to improve the lower bound by further computations for a truncated

version of the problem. It is still not known how to improve on the upper bound which stems from the subclass of memoryless threshold rules.

Chow-Robbins game

Another optimal stopping problem bearing Robbins' name is the Chow-Robbins game:[1]

Given an infinite sequence of IID random variables with distribution , how to decide when to stop, in order to maximize the sample average where is the stopping time? The probability of eventually stopping must be 1 (that is, you are not allowed to keep sampling and never stop).

For any distribution with finite second moment, there exists an optimal strategy, defined by a sequence of numbers . The strategy is to keep sampling until .[2][3]

Optimal strategy for very large n

If has finite second moment, then after subtracting the mean and dividing by the standard deviation, we get a distribution with mean zero and variance one. Consequently it suffices to study the case of with mean zero and variance one.

With this, , where is the solution to the equation[note 1]

which can be proved by solving the same problem with continuous time, with a Wiener process. At the limit of , the discrete time problem becomes the same as the continuous time problem.

This was proved independently[4] by.[5][6][7]

When the game is a fair coin toss game, with heads being +1 and tails being -1, then there is a sharper result[8]

where is the Riemann zeta function.

Optimal strategy for small n

When n is small, the asymptotic bound does not apply, and finding the value of is much more difficult. Even the simplest case, where are fair coin tosses, is not fully solved.

For the fair coin toss, a strategy is a binary decision: after tosses, with k heads and (n-k) tails, should one continue or should one stop? Since 1D random walk is recurrent, starting at any , the probability of eventually having more heads than tails is 1. So, if , one should always continue. However, if , it is tricky to decide whether to stop or continue.[9]

[10] found an exact solution for all .

[8] found exact solutions for all , and it found an almost always optimal decision rule, of stopping as soon as where


One of the motivations to study Robbins' problem is that with its solution all classical (four) secretary problems would be solved. But the major reason is to understand how to cope with full history dependence in a (deceptively easy-looking) problem. On the Ester's Book International Conference in Israel (2006) Robbins' problem was accordingly named one of the four most important problems in the field of optimal stopping and sequential analysis.


Herbert Robbins presented the above described problem at the International Conference on Search and Selection in Real Time in Amherst, 1990. He concluded his address with the words I should like to see this problem solved before I die. Scientists working in the field of optimal stopping have since called this problem Robbins' problem. Robbins himself died in 2001.


  • Chow, Y.S.; Moriguti, S.; Robbins, H.; Samuels, S.M. (1964). "Optimal Selection Based on Relative Rank". Israel Journal of Mathematics. 2 (2): 81–90. doi:10.1007/bf02759948.
  • "Minimizing the expected rank with full information", F. Thomas Bruss and Thomas S. Ferguson, Journal of Applied Probability Volume 30, #1 (1993), pp. 616626
  • Half-Prophets and Robbins' Problem of Minimizing the expected rank, F. Thomas Bruss and Thomas S. Ferguson Springer Lecture Notes in Statistics Volume 1 in honor of J.M. Gani, (1996), pp. 117
  • "The secretary problem; minimizing the expected rank with i.i.d. random variables", D. Assaf and E. Samuel-Cahn, Adv. Appl. Prob. Volume 28, (1996), pp. 828852 Cat.Inist
  • "What is known about Robbins' Problem?" F. Thomas Bruss, Journal of Applied Probability Volume 42, #1 (2005), pp. 108120 Euclid
  • "A continuous-time approach to Robbins' problem of minimizing the expected rank", F. Thomas Bruss and Yves Caoimhin Swan, Journal of Applied Probability Volume 46 #1, 118, (2009).
  1. Chow, Y. S.; Robbins, Herbert (September 1965). "On optimal stopping rules for $S_{n}/n$". Illinois Journal of Mathematics. 9 (3): 444–454. doi:10.1215/ijm/1256068146. ISSN 0019-2082.
  2. Dvoretzky, Aryeh. "Existence and properties of certain optimal stopping rules." Proc. Fifth Berkeley Symp. Math. Statist. Prob. Vol. 1. 1967.
  3. Teicher, H.; Wolfowitz, J. (1966-12-01). "Existence of optimal stopping rules for linear and quadratic rewards". Zeitschrift für Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie und Verwandte Gebiete. 5 (4): 361–368. doi:10.1007/BF00535366. ISSN 1432-2064.
  4. Simons, Gordon; Yao, Yi-Ching (1989-08-01). "Optimally stopping the sample mean of a wiener process with an unknown drift". Stochastic Processes and their Applications. 32 (2): 347–354. doi:10.1016/0304-4149(89)90084-7. ISSN 0304-4149.
  5. Shepp, L. A. (June 1969). "Explicit Solutions to Some Problems of Optimal Stopping". The Annals of Mathematical Statistics. 40 (3): 993–1010. doi:10.1214/aoms/1177697604. ISSN 0003-4851.
  6. Taylor, Howard M. (1968). "Optimal Stopping in a Markov Process". The Annals of Mathematical Statistics. 39 (4): 1333–1344. ISSN 0003-4851.
  7. Walker, Leroy H. (1969). "Regarding stopping rules for Brownian motion and random walks". Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society. 75 (1): 46–50. doi:10.1090/S0002-9904-1969-12140-3. ISSN 0002-9904.
  8. Elton, John H. (2022-05-01). "Exact Solution to the Chow-Robbins Game for almost all n, using the Catalan Triangle". {{cite journal}}: Cite journal requires |journal= (help)
  9. Olle Häggström; Johan Wästlund (2013). "Rigorous Computer Analysis of the Chow–Robbins Game". The American Mathematical Monthly. 120 (10): 893. doi:10.4169/amer.math.monthly.120.10.893.
  10. Christensen, Sören; Fischer, Simon (June 2022). "On the Sn/n problem". Journal of Applied Probability. 59 (2): 571–583. doi:10.1017/jpr.2021.73. ISSN 0021-9002.


  1. import numpy as np
    from scipy.integrate import quad
    from scipy.optimize import root
    def f(lambda_, alpha):
        return np.exp(lambda_ * alpha - lambda_**2 / 2)
    def equation(alpha):
        integral, error = quad(f, 0, np.inf, args=(alpha))
        return integral * (1 - alpha**2) - alpha
    solution = root(equation, 0.83992, tol=1e-15)
    # Print the solution
    if solution.success:
        print(f"Solved α = {solution.x[0]} with a residual of {[0]}")
        print("Solution did not converge")
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