Sangpo Bumtri

Sangpo Bumtri (Wylie: sangs po bum 'khri) is the creator god of Bon.[1] He has "neither eyes to see, nor hands to hold, nor ears to hear, or nose to smell, he has only his spirit".[2]


  1. Per Kværne (1995). The Bon Religion of Tibet: The Iconography of a Living Tradition. Serindia Publications. p. 26. ISBN 9780906026359.
  2. Andreas Gruschke (2000). Mythen und Leg-enden der Tibeter. Von Kriegern, Mönchen, Dämonen und dem Ursprung der Welt [Myths and Legends of the Tibetans. Of warriors, monks, demons, and the Origin of the World]. Wege der Weisheit ('Paths of Wisdom') (in German). Augsburg, Germany: Diederichs Gelbe ReiheDG 124.
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