Siegfried Schnabl

Siegfried Schnabl (27 February 1927 – 4 August 2015) was a German sexologist and psychotherapist who contributed to the work of sex education in East Germany and other nations. He was born in Limbach, Sachsen.[1]


  • Untersuchungen typologischer und allgemeiner Besonderheiten der höheren Nerventätigkeit des Menschen mit einer Komplexmethode. (English: Studies and general typological characteristics of higher nervous activity of man with a complex method) Dissertation, University of Leipzig, 1955
  • Einführung in die Psychopathologie. (English: Introduction to Psychopathology) Potsdam: Institut für Weiterbildung Mittlerer Medizinischer Fachkräfte 1967 (Lesson)
  • Mann und Frau intim. Fragen des gesunden und des gestörten Geschlechtslebens. (English: Man and Woman, Intimately: Issues of Healthy and Unhealthy Sex Life) Rudolstadt: Greifenverlag, 1 August 1969 (with illustrations by Helmut Fliege)
    18 August 1990 ISBN 3-333-00471-2
    • Mann und Frau intim. Gesundes Geschlechtsleben, gestörtes Geschlechtsleben. (English: Man and Woman, Intimately: Healthy Sex Life and Unhealthy Sex Life) (slightly abridged edition license for the Federal Republic of Germany) Gütersloh: Bertelsmann guide publication, 1 August 1969 (with illustrations by Horst and Gisela Keuer. Sex Positions: Horst Günther)
    • Muž a žena intímne. Otázky zdravého a narušeného pohlavného života. (English: Man and Woman, Intimately: Issues of Healthy and Unhealthy Sex Life) Martin: Publishing house Osveta, 1 August 1972 (Slovakian)
    • Мъжаът и жената интимно. Проблеми на нормалния и смутения полов живот. (English: Man and Woman, Intimately: Issues of Healthy and Unhealthy Sex Life) Sofia: Medicine and Sports (Медицина и Физкултура), 1 August 1979 (Bulgarian)
    • El hombre y la mujer en la intimidad. (English: Man and Woman, Intimately) Havanna: Editorial Científico-Técnica, 1979 (Spanish)
    • Мужчина и женщина: интимные отношения. (English: Man and Woman: Intimate relationships) Kischinjow: Publishing house Stiinca (Стиинца) 1982 (Russian)
    • O homem e a mulher na intimidade. Questões da vida sexual. (English: Man and Woman, Intimately: Issues of Sex Life) Lissabon: Editorial Caminho, 1983 (Portuguese)
    • Seksologijos pagrindai. (English: Basic Sexology) Vilnius: Science 1990 (Lithuanian) ISBN 5-420-00321-X
    • Die Lust des Liebens. Frau und Mann intim. (English: The Joy of Love: Man and Woman, Intimately) Frankfurt am Main: published by Ullstein Verlag in paperback, 1992, (completely revised and enlarged edition) ISBN 3-548-34932-3
    • Barbatul şi femeia. Relaţii intime. (English: Men and Women: Intimate Relationships) Chișinău: EUS 1993 (Romanian) ISBN 5-88568-042-6
  • Intimverhalten, Sexualstörungen, Persönlichkeit. (English: Intimate Behavior, Sexual Disorders, Personality.) Habilitation, University of Leipzig, 1972, (As a book) Berlin, Publicly Owned Operation German Academic Publishers, 1972
    • Comportamento sessuale e personalità. (English: Sexual Behavior and Personality) Milan: Teti (circa 1976) (Italian)
  • Nervös? Ursachen, Erscheinungsformen, Vorbeugen u. Überwindung psychosozialer Gesundheitsstörungen. (English: Are you Nervous? Causes, Symptoms, Prevention and Overcoming of Psychosocial Health Problems) Berlin, Volkseigener Betrieb, published in People and Health, 1 August 1975
    • Нервен ли сте? (English: Are you Nervous?) Sofia: Medicine and Sports (Медицина и Физкултура), 1 August 1984 (Bulgarian)
    • Nervioso? (English: Are you Nervous?) Havanna: Editorial Científico-Técnica, 1985 (Spanish)
  • Plädoyer für die Liebe. (English: Plea for Love) Leipzig/Jena/Berlin: Urania-Verlag, 2 August 1978
    • Разговор за любовта. (English: Talking about Love) Sofia: Medicine and Sports (Медицина и Физкултура), 1 August 1982 (Bulgarian)
    • En defensa del amor. (English: In Defense of Love) Havanna: Editorial Científico-Técnica, 2 August 1985 (Spanish)
  • Der Liebe Lust, der Liebe Leid. (English: The Joy of Love, The Pain of Love) Berlin: Berliner Verlag 1987 ISBN 3-86020-007-0
  • 100 Fragen zu Sex und Liebe. (English: 100 Questions about Sex and Love) Frankfurt am Main: published by Ullstein Verlag in paperback, 1994 ISBN 3-548-35341-X

Further reading

  • Christoph Links: Schnabl, Siegfried . In: Wer war wer in der DDR? 5th issue. Volume 2. Chapter Links, Berlin 2010, ISBN 978-3-86153-561-4.


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