Sigtuna rib

The Sigtuna rib (signum U NOR1998;25) is a 12th-century runic amulet found in the 1990s in Sigtuna, Uppland, Sweden[1]

Sigtuna rib (U NOR1998;25)
WritingYounger Futhark
Sigtuna, kv. Professorn 4
Present location59.6158, 17.7213
Rundata IDU NOR1998;25
Text – Native
Old Norse: See article.
See article.


The amulet is a rib bone with writing on both sides of it. The inscription appears to be a spell against disease. [2]


Scandinavian Runic-text Database

The Scandinavian Runic-text Database offers the following "standard" readings:[3]


§A iorils × ouriþ × uaksna ur : kroke × bat han × riþu × bar-…
§B han : riþu × aok × siþa × sarþ × sararan × uara × hafir × fult ¶ f(e)kit × fly : braot riþa

Old West Norse normalization

§A Jórils vrið!/óvrið vaksna ur Króki! Bant hann riðu, bar[ði](?)
§B hann riðu. Ok síða(?) sarð sára-rann. Vara hefir (hann) fullt fengit. Flý braut riða!

Runic Swedish normalization

§A Iōrils vrið!/ovrið vaksna uʀ Krōki! Bant hann riðu, bar[ði](?)
§B hann riðu. Ok sīða(?) sarð sāra-rann. Vara hafiʀ (hann) fullt fængit. Flȳ braut riða!

English translation

§A Jórill's woundcauser / Jórill's abnormal stomach-ache disappear from Krókr! He bound the fever, he fought(?)
§B the fever. And did away with the abscess. (He) has fully cought the pus. Flee away, fever!


  1. "Startar..." Retrieved 2022-07-07.
  2. " – U NOR1998;25". Retrieved 2022-07-07.
  3. "Runic inscription U NOR1998;25", Scandinavian Runic-text Database, Department of Scandinavian Languages, Uppsala University, 2020, retrieved February 26, 2022

See also

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