Skunnemunk Conglomerate

The Skunnemunk Conglomerate (also spelled Schunemunk) is a mapped bedrock unit in New Jersey and New York from the Middle Devonian period.[1] It forms the resistant ridge of Schunemunk Mountain in New York and Bearfort Mountain in New Jersey.[2]

Skunnemunk Conglomerate

Stratigraphic range:
Conglomerate rock typical of Schunemunk Mountain, New York.
TypeGeological formation
Unit ofGreen Pond Outlier
OverliesBellvale Sandstone
ThicknessAbout 3,000 ft.[1]
PrimaryConglomerate, Sandstone
ExtentNew Jersey, New York


The Skunnemunk is a Middle Devonian, grayish-purple to grayish-red, thin to very thick-bedded, locally cross–bedded, conglomerate and sandstone containing clasts of white vein quartz, red and green quartzite and sandstone, red and gray chert, and red shale.[1] It is a classic Puddingstone. Pieces of the conglomerate are easy to recognize and have been found in glacial deposits throughout the lower Hudson Valley region.[2]


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