List of Slovenian films
This is a list of notable films produced in Slovenia or the predecessor countries on its territory.

A plaque commemorating first Slovene film recording made in 1905 by Karol Grossmann in Ljutomer
Slovenia declared its independence from Yugoslavia on June 25, 1991. Slovene-language films produced in Yugoslavia before this date are also listed. Titles, translated titles, and release dates correspond to official entries in the Slovenian Film Fund database,[1] which sometimes differ from entries in other film databases (such as the IMDb).
Earliest films
Title | Director | Principal cast | Genre | Notes | ||
1898 | ||||||
Razgled po Ljubljani (View of Ljubljana; also known as Razgled Ljubljane, Panorama Ljubljane, or Razgled po Ljubljani) | cinematographers of Lumière | short/documentary | Considered the first film recorded in the territory of the present-day Slovenia. It was presumably filmed by deputies of Auguste and Louis Lumière, although the director Srđan Kneževič ascribed it to Bläser. It was filmed from Ljubljana Castle or some other high point in the town in autumn 1898, when Ljubljana was receiving numerous visits due to the 1895 earthquake. It was about 2 minutes long and was shown by the businessman Johann Bläser in Tivoli Park (Latterman Avenue) from 7 until 14 May 1899. The film has been lost.[2] | |||
1905 | ||||||
Sejem v Ljutomeru (Fair At Ljutomer) Odhod z maše v Ljutomeru ("Dismissal from Mass in Ljutomer") Na domačem vrtu (In the Family Garden) | Karol Grossmann | short/documentary | Considered the first examples of Slovene film[3] | |||
1909 | ||||||
Ljubljana 1909 | Salvatore Spina Company, Trieste | documentary/reportage | Original title: Ljubljana. The oldest preserved video recordings of Ljubljana, the capital of Slovenia. On the 25th anniversary of the Slavec Workers’ Choir of Ljubljana. 1909, 35 mm, black and white, 166 m, 7', silent. | |||
1931 | ||||||
V kraljestvu Zlatoroga (In the Kingdom of the Goldhorn) | Janko Ravnik | Joža Čop, Miha Potočnik, Franica Sodja, Herbert Drofenik | acted (a trip to mountains)/documentary | The first Slovenian feature film[3] | ||
1932 | ||||||
Triglavske strmine (The Slopes of Mount Triglav) | Ferdo Delak | Milka Badjura, Anton Danilo Cerar, Pavla Marinko, Miha Potočnik, Uroš Zupančič | acted (love story)/documentary | |||
1941 | ||||||
O, Vrba | Marijan Foerster | documentary | A key Slovene pre-war film that presents the birth house and the birth village of France Prešeren, the Slovene national poet. It contains a number of sound innovations, as well as rare preserved recordings of the voices of Fran Saleški Finžgar, who presented the house, and Oton Župančič, who read the poem "O Vrba". Due to the cultural silence, the film was released only on 26 August 1945. | |||
1946 | ||||||
Ljubljana pozdravlja osvoboditelje (Ljubljana Welcomes Liberators) | Marijan Foerster | acted/documentary | The first post-war film, released on 17 July 1945. On 26 August 1945, it was rereleased with some acted scenes. | |||
1948 | ||||||
Na svoji zemlji (On Our Own Land) | France Štiglic | Miro Kopač, Angela Rakar, Stane Sever | war film | The first Slovenian feature film with sound;[4] nominated for Palme d'Or at the 1949 Cannes Film Festival.[5] | ||
Title | Director | Principal cast | Genre | Notes | ||
1950 | ||||||
1951 | ||||||
Kekec | Jože Gale | Matija Barl, France Presetnik | youth adventure | The first Slovenian film with an international award - Golden Lion for youth film at the 16th Venice International Film Festival[6] | ||
1952 | ||||||
Svet na Kajžarju (World at Kajžar) | France Štiglic | Miro Kopač | drama | |||
1953 | ||||||
Jara gospoda (Parvenus) | Bojan Stupica | Bojan Stupica, Stane Sever | historical drama | |||
Vesna | František Čáp | Metka Gabrijelčič, Franek Trefalt, Jure Furlan, Janez Čuk, Elvira Kralj | romantic comedy | Followed by a sequel Ne čakaj na maj | ||
1954 | ||||||
1955 | ||||||
Trenutki odločitve (Moments of Decision) | František Čáp | Stane Sever | war drama | |||
Tri zgodbe (Three Stories) | Jane Kavčič | drama | ||||
1956 | ||||||
Dolina miru (The Valley of Peace) | France Štiglic | Tugo Štiglic, Eveline Wohlfeiler, John Kitzmiller | war drama | Best actor award (John Kitzmiller) and Palme d'Or nomination at the 1957 Cannes Film Festival[7] | ||
1957 | ||||||
Ne čakaj na maj (Don't Whisper) | František Čáp | Metka Gabrijelčič, Franek Trefalt, Elvira Kralj, Stane Sever | romantic comedy | Sequel to Vesna | ||
1958 | ||||||
Dobro morje (The Good Sea) | Mirko Grobler | Janez Vrhovec, Stane Potokar | drama | |||
Kala | Krešimir Golik, Andrej Hieng | Jure Doležal | war drama/ family adventure | |||
1959 | ||||||
Dobri stari pianino (The Good Old Piano) | France Kosmač | Frane Milčinski - Ježek, Vida Kuhar | war drama | |||
Tri četrtine sonca (Three Quarters of the Sun) | Jože Babič | Arnold Tovornik, Bert Sotlar, Lojze Potokar | drama |
Title | Director | Principal cast | Genre | Notes | ||
1960 | ||||||
Veselica (The Feast) | Jože Babič | Miha Baloh, Velimir Gjurin, Mira Sardoč | romance/drama | |||
Akcija (Action) | Jane Kavčič | Lojze Rozman, Aleksander Valič, Stane Potokar, Janez Albreht, Branko Pleša, Arnold Tovornik | war film | |||
1961 | ||||||
Nočni izlet (Night Trip) | Mirko Grobler | Primož Rode, Špela Rozin | drama | |||
Ples v dežju (Dance in the Rain) | Boštjan Hladnik | Miha Baloh, Duša Počkaj | drama | |||
Balada o trobenti in oblaku (The Ballad of the Trumpet and the Cloud) | France Štiglic | Lojze Potokar | war drama | |||
Družinski dnevnik (Family Diary) | Jože Gale | comedy | ||||
1962 | ||||||
Minuta za umor (A Minute for Murder) | Jane Kavčič | Demeter Bitenc, Vanja Drach, Zlatko Madunič, Duša Počkaj, Lojze Rozman | drama | |||
Naš avto (Our Car) | František Čáp | comedy | ||||
Peščeni grad (The Castle of Sand) | Boštjan Hladnik | Milena Dravić, Ali Raner, Ljubiša Samardžić | drama | |||
Tistega lepega dne (That Beautiful Day) | France Štiglic | Bert Sotlar, Marija Šeme, Duša Počkaj | comedy | |||
1963 | ||||||
Srečno, Kekec! (Good Luck, Kekec) | Jože Gale | Velimir Gjurin, Marin Mele, Ruša Bojc | youth adventure | The first Slovenian color film[8] | ||
Samorastniki (Wildlings) | Igor Pretnar | Rudi Kosmač, Majda Potokar | historical drama | |||
1964 | ||||||
Ne joči, Peter (Don't Cry, Peter) | France Štiglic | war film/ youth adventure | ||||
1965 | ||||||
Lažnivka (Liar) | Igor Pretnar | Majda Potokar, Irena Prosen, Vera Šipov, Angelca Hlebce, Dušan Antonijević, Bata Živojinović | drama | |||
Lucija (Lucia) | France Kosmač | Alenka Vipotnik | drama | |||
Po isti poti se ne vračaj (Don't Come Back by the Same Way) | Jože Babič | drama | ||||
1966 | ||||||
Amandus | France Štiglic | Boris Kralj | historical drama | |||
1967 | ||||||
Grajski biki (Thugs from the Castle) | Jože Pogačnik | drama | ||||
Na papirnatih avionih (On Wings of Paper) | Matjaž Klopčič | drama | ||||
Nevidni bataljon (The Invisible Battalion) | Jane Kavčič | war film | ||||
Zgodba, ki je ni (On the Run) | Matjaž Klopčič | Polde Bibič, Mirko Bogataj, Vinko Hrastelj, Milena Dravić | drama | |||
1968 | ||||||
Kekčeve ukane (Kekec's Tricks) | Jože Gale | Zlatko Krasnič, Boris Ivanovski, Jasna Krofak, Milorad Radovič, Polde Bibič | youth adventure | |||
Sončni krik (The Shout of the Sun) | Boštjan Hladnik | action/comedy | ||||
Peta zaseda (The Fifth Ambush) | France Kosmač | Tone Gogala, Boris Cavazza | war film | |||
1969 | ||||||
Sedmina (Funeral Feast) | Matjaž Klopčič | Rade Šerbedžija, Snežana Nikšić, Milena Dravić, Mirko Bogataj, Relja Bašić, Tone Slodnjak | war film |
Title | Director | Principal cast | Genre | Notes | ||
1970 | ||||||
Onkraj (Beyond) | Jože Gale | Janez Škof | drama | |||
Rdeče Klasje (Red Wheat) | Živojin Pavlović | drama | ||||
1971 | ||||||
Maškarada (Masquerade) | Boštjan Hladnik | Vida Jerman, Miha Baloh, Igor Galo | erotic drama | Considered pornography and heavily censored at first, integral version was only shown in 1982[9] | ||
Mrtva ladja (Death Ship) | Rajko Ranfl | Franc Uršič, Polde Bibič | romance/horror/mystery | |||
1972 | ||||||
Ko pride lev (The Lion is Coming) | Boštjan Hladnik | Marko Simčič, Milena Dravić, Marina Urbanc | comedy/romance | |||
1973 | ||||||
Begunec (The Fugitive) | Jane Kavčič | war drama | ||||
Cvetje v jeseni (Blossoms in Autumn) | Matjaž Klopčič | Polde Bibič, Milena Zupančič | romance | |||
Let mrtve ptice (The Flight of Dead Bird) | Živojin Pavlović | drama | ||||
Ljubezen na odru (Love on the Furrows) | Vojko Duletič | Metka Franko, Iztok Jereb, Aleksander Valič | romance/drama | |||
Pastirci (Little Shepherds) | France Štiglic | Bogo Ropotar, Ksenija Sinur, Miha Levstek, Andrej Čevka | youth drama | |||
1974 | ||||||
Pomladni veter (Spring Wind) | Rajko Ranfl | Mirjana Nikolić, Marinko Šebez | romance | |||
Strah (Fear) | Matjaž Klopčič | |||||
1975 | ||||||
Čudoviti prah (Wonderful Dust) | Milan Ljubić | Ljubiša Samardžić, Silvo Božič | war drama | |||
Med strahom in dolžnostjo (Between Fear and Duty) | Vojko Duletič | Demeter Bitenc, Marjeta Gregorac, Angelca Hlebce | war drama | |||
Povest o dobrih ljudeh (The Story of Good People) | France Štiglic | Olga Kacjan, Bata Živojinović, Karel Pogorelec, Elvira Kralj | drama | |||
1976 | ||||||
Idealist | Igor Pretnar | Radko Polič, Milena Zupančič | drama | |||
Vdovstvo Karoline Žašler (The Widowhood of Karolina Žašler) | Matjaž Klopčič | Milena Zupančič, Zlatko Šugman, Polde Bibič | drama | Nominated for Golden Bear at the 27th Berlin International Film Festival.[10] | ||
1977 | ||||||
Sreča na vrvici (Hang on, Doggy) | Jane Kavčič | Matjaž Gruden, Nino de Gleria, Vesna Jevnikar | youth comedy | |||
To so gadi (Real Pests) | Jože Bevc | Bert Sotlar, Dare Valič, Majda Potokar | comedy | |||
1978 | ||||||
Ko zorijo jagode (Strawberry Time) | Rajko Ranfl | Irena Kranjc, Roman Goršič, Metod Pevec | youth romance | |||
Praznovanje pomladi (Spring Celebration) | France Štiglic | Zvone Agrež, Zvezdana Mlakar, Radko Polič | historical drama | |||
1979 | ||||||
Draga moja Iza (My Dear Iza) | Vojko Duletič | Zvone Hribar, Judita Zidar | drama | |||
Iskanja (Temptations) | Matjaž Klopčič | Boris Cavazza, Boris Juh | drama | |||
Krč (Spasm) | Božo Šprajc | Ivo Ban | ||||
Ubij me nežno (Kill Me Tenderly) | Boštjan Hladnik | Duša Počkaj, Janez Starina, Miranda Caharija, Igor Samobor, Marina Urbanc | drama |
Title | Director | Principal cast | Genre | Notes | ||
1980 | ||||||
Nasvidenje v naslednji vojni (See You in the Next War) | Živojin Pavlović | Metod Pevec, Hans Christian Blech | war drama | |||
Prestop (Transgression) | Matija Milčinski | Mirko Bogataj | drama | |||
Splav meduze (The Raft of Medusa) | Karpo Godina | Olga Kacjan, Vladislava Milosavljević, Boris Komnenić | drama | |||
1981 | ||||||
Boj na požiralniku (Battle at Požiralnik) | Janez Drozg | drama | ||||
Krizno obdobje (The Time of Crisis) | Franci Slak | Ana Avbar, Roberto Batelli, Peter Božič, Tanja Premk, Joži Prepeluh, Dušanka Ristič | drama | |||
1982 | ||||||
Deseti brat (The Tenth Brother) | Vojko Duletič | Matjaž Višnar, Jana Habjan, Radko Polič | historical drama | |||
Pustota (Wasteland) | Jože Gale | historical drama | ||||
Razseljena oseba (Displaced Person) | Marjan Ciglič | Matjaž Višnar, Ivo Ban | drama | |||
Rdeči boogie ali Kaj ti je deklica (Red Boogie) | Karpo Godina | Boris Cavazza, Ivo Ban, Jožef Ropoša | drama | |||
Učna leta izumitelja Polža (Apprenticeship of the Inventor Polž) | Jane Kavčič | Miha Petrovčič, Tanja Vrenk, Bogdan Zupan | comedy | |||
1983 | ||||||
Dih (A Breath of Air) | Božo Šprajc | Draga Potočnjak, Ivo Ban, Faruk Begolli | drama/thriller | |||
Eva | Franci Slak | Miranda Caharija | drama | |||
1984 | ||||||
Dediščina (Heritage) | Matjaž Klopčič | Ivo Ban, Majda Potokar | drama | |||
Leta odločitve (The Years of Decision) | Boštjan Vrhovec | Boris Ostan, Boris Cavazza, Damjana Černe | drama | |||
Ljubezen (Love) | Rajko Ranfl | Rok Bogataj, Vesna Jevnikar, Bernarda Gašperčič | war drama | |||
Veselo gostivanje (The Merry Wedding) | France Štiglic | Danilo Benedičič, Polde Bibič, Zvezdana Mlakar, Lojze Rozman, Igor Samobor, Bert Sotlar | romance | |||
1985 | ||||||
Butnskala (Bumpstone) | Franci Slak | Emil Filipčič, Marko Derganc, Janez Hočevar | comedy | |||
Christophoros | Andrej Mlakar | Milena Zupančič, Radko Polič, Boris Juh | ||||
Doktor (Doctor) | Vojko Duletič | Slavko Cerjak | historical drama | |||
Naš človek (Our Man) | Jože Pogačnik | Boris Juh | drama | |||
Ovni in mamuti (Rams and Mammoths) | Filip Robar Dorin | Božidar Bunjevac, Marko Derganc, Blaž Ogorevc, Slavko Štimac, Zlatko Zajc | drama | Grand prize at the International Filmfestival Mannheim-Heidelberg[11] | ||
1986 | ||||||
Čas brez pravljic (Times Devoid of Fairy Tales) | Boštjan Hladnik | Bernarda Gašperčič, Boris Kerč, Damjan Koren, Boštjan Omerza, Ana Pretnar | ||||
Heretik (Heretic) | Andrej Stojan | |||||
Kormoran (A Cormoran) | Anton Tomašič | Boris Cavazza | drama | |||
Poletje v školjki (A Summer in a Sea-Shell) | Tugo Štiglic | David Sluga, Boris Kralj | youth | Golden Griffon at the Giffoni Film Festival,[12] followed by the sequel Poletje v školjki 2 | ||
1987 | ||||||
Čisto pravi gusar (A Real Pirate) | Marcel Buh | Janez Albreht, Ivo Ban, Rok Bogataj | youth adventure | |||
Hudodelci (The Felons) | Franci Slak | Mario Šelih, Anja Rupel, Bata Živojinović, Rade Šerbedžija, Elizabeth Spender | drama | Entered into the 38th Berlin International Film Festival | ||
Ljubezen nam je vsem v pogubo (Love is the Ruin of Us All) | Jože Gale | Jožica Avbelj, Marija Benko, Boris Cavazza, Silva Čušin, Slavka Glavina, Silvij Kobal | Also recreated as a TV miniseries with the same title | |||
Ljubezni Blanke Kolak (Blanka Kolak's Love) | Boris Jurjaševič | Mira Furlan, Mustafa Nadarević, Peter Boštjančič | drama | |||
Moj ata, socialistični kulak (My Dad, the Socialist Kulak) | Matjaž Klopčič | Ivo Ban, Polde Bibič, Ivan Godnič, Urška Hlebec, Matjaž Partlič, Anton Petje, Milena Zupančič | tragicomedy | |||
Živela svoboda (Long Live Freedom) | Rajko Ranfl | Boris Juh | drama | |||
1988 | ||||||
Maja in vesoljček (Maja and the Starboy) | Jane Kavčič | Dario Ajdovec, Ana Papež | youth sci-fi | |||
Odpadnik (The Maverick) | Božo Šprajc | Ivo Ban | drama | |||
Poletje v školjki 2 (A Summer in a Sea-Shell) | Tugo Štiglic | David Sluga, Kaja Štiglic | youth | Sequel to Poletje v školjki | ||
Remington | Damjan Kozole | Mario Šelih, Lara Bohinc, Rasim Softić | drama | |||
1989 | ||||||
Coprnica Zofka (Sophie the Witch) | Matija Milčinski | voices by Ljerka Belak, Janez Bončina Benč, Janez Hočevar, Vlado Kreslin, Svetlana Makarovič, Ivanka Mežan, Alenka Vidrih, Nada Žgur | live-action puppet film | |||
Kavarna Astoria (Cafe Astoria) | Jože Pogačnik | Janez Hočevar, Lidija Kozlovič, Branko Šturbej | drama | |||
Nekdo drug (Someone Else) | Boštjan Vrhovec | Marko Mlačnik, Barbara Lapajne, Gojmir Lešnjak | drama | |||
Veter v mreži (The Windhunter) | Filip Robar Dorin | Milan Štefe | drama |
Title | Director | Principal cast | Genre | Notes | ||
1990 | ||||||
Decembrski dež (December Rain) | Božo Šprajc | Ljerka Belak, Danilo Benedičič, Demeter Bitenc | romance/drama | |||
Do konca in naprej (To the Limit and Beyond) | Jure Pervanje | Matjaž Tribušon, Janez Hočevar | crime/comedy | |||
Ječarji (The Jailers) | Marjan Ciglič | Jože Babič, Ivo Ban, Danilo Benedičič | fantastic fiction | |||
Umetni raj (Artificial paradise) | Karpo Godina | Jurgen Morche, Vlado Novak, Dragana Mrkić | drama | |||
1991 | ||||||
Babica gre na jug (Grandma Goes South) | Vinci Vogue Anžlovar | Majolka Šuklje, Bojan Emeršič, Nataša Matjašec | drama | The first feature film in independent Slovenia[13] | ||
Operacija Cartier (Operation Cartier) | Miran Zupanič | Faruk Begolli, Haris Burina, Urška Hlebec, Srečo Špik, Borut Veselko, Judita Zidar | black comedy | |||
1992 | ||||||
1993 | ||||||
Kdo bo koga | Igor Šmid | Majda Potokar, Danilo Benedičič, Maja Končar, Roman Končar, Iztok Mlakar, Jernej Šugman, Janja Majzelj, Branko Šturbej, Mirjam Korbar, Meta Vranič | comedy | |||
Ko zaprem oči (When I Close My Eyes) | Franci Slak | Petra Govc, Mario Šelih | crime/romance/thriller | Slovenian submission to the 66th Academy Awards for Best Foreign Language Film | ||
Morana | Aleš Verbič | horror/mystery/thriller | Slovenian submission to the 67th Academy Awards for Best Foreign Language Film | |||
1994 | ||||||
Halgato | Andrej Mlakar | Jože Kramberger, Vlado Kreslin, Mirjam Korbar | drama | |||
Morana | Aleš Verbič | |||||
1995 | ||||||
Carmen | Metod Pevec | Nataša Barbara Gračner, Sebastijan Cavazza | drama | |||
Ekspres, ekspres (Express, Express) | Igor Šterk | Gregor Baković, Barbara Cerar, Gregor Čušin, Marko Mandič, Peter Musevski, Andrej Rozman - Roza, Lojze Rozman, Tomaž Gubenšek | drama | |||
1996 | ||||||
Felix | Božo Šprajc | Feliks Žnidarčič, Milena Zupančič | war drama | Slovenian submission to the 69th Academy Awards for Best Foreign Language Film | ||
1997 | ||||||
Outsider | Andrej Košak | Davor Janjić, Nina Ivanič | drama | Slovenian submission to the 70th Academy Awards for Best Foreign Language Film | ||
1998 | ||||||
Socializacija bika? (Socializing The Bull?) | Zvonko Čoh, Milan Erih | comedy/animated | The first animated feature film in Slovenia[14] | |||
1999 | ||||||
Blues za Saro (Blues For Sarah) | Boris Jurjaševič | Bojan Emeršič, Nataša Barbara Gračner, Metka Trdin, Ljubiša Samardžić | detective/comedy | |||
V leru (Idle Running) | Janez Burger | Matjaž Javšnik | comedy | |||
Title | Director | Principal cast | Genre | Notes | ||
2000 | ||||||
Jebiga (Fuck It) | Miha Hočevar | comedy | ||||
Nepopisan list (What Now, Luka?) | Jane Kavčič | Jan Grilanc, Iva Štefančič, Tanja Ribič | youth | |||
Porno Film | Damjan Kozole | Matjaž Latin, Primož Petkovšek | drama | |||
V petek zvečer (Friday Night) | Danijel Sraka | Primož Rokavc, Katarina Čas, Primož Preksavec, Tina Cvek, Tadej Čapeljnik, Manja Plešnar, Jernej Kuntner | comedy | |||
2001 | ||||||
Barabe! | Miran Zupanič | |||||
Kruh in mleko (Bread and Milk) | Jan Cvitkovič | Peter Musevski, Sonja Savić, Tadej Troha | drama | Slovenian submission to the 74th Academy Awards for Best Foreign Language Film; Golden Lion of the Future award at the 58th Venice International Film Festival.[15] | ||
Poker | Vinci Vogue Anžlovar | Borut Veselko, Urša Božič, Roberto Magnifico, Pavle Ravnohrib | drama | |||
Sladke sanje (Sweet Dreams) | Sašo Podgoršek | Janko Mandič | drama | FIPRESCI award at the 2002 Festroia International Film Festival[16] | ||
2002 | ||||||
Amir | Miha Čelar | Uroš Fürst, Marko Miladinovič | drama | |||
Zvenenje v glavi (Headnoise) | Andrej Košak | Jernej Šugman | drama | Slovenian submission to the 75th Academy Awards for Best Foreign Language Film | ||
Ljubljana (Ljubljana) | Igor Šterk | Grega Zorc, Tjaša Železnik, Jaka Ivanc | drama | |||
Pozabljeni zaklad | Tugo Štiglic | |||||
Šelestenje (Rustling Landscapes) | Janez Lapajne | Barbara Cerar, Rok Vihar, Grega Zorc, Maša Derganc, Mateja Koležnik | drama | |||
Varuh meje (Guardian of the Frontier) | Maja Weiss | Iva Krajnc, Tanja Potočnik, Pia Zemljič, Jonas Žnidaršič | drama | |||
Zgodba gospoda P. F. (The Story of Mr. P. F.) | Karpo Godina | documentary | ||||
2003 | ||||||
Kajmak in marmelada (Cheese and Jam) | Branko Đurić | Branko Đurić, Tanja Ribič, Dragan Bjelogrlić | comedy | |||
Na planincah | Miha Hočevar | Filip Đurić, Saša Tabaković | comedy | |||
Pesnikov portret z dvojnikom | Franci Slak | Pavle Ravnohrib | costume drama | |||
Pod njenim oknom (Beneath Her Window) | Metod Pevec | Slovenian submission to the 77th Academy Awards for Best Foreign Language Film | ||||
Rezervni deli (Spare Parts) | Damjan Kozole | Aljoša Kovačič | drama | Slovenian submission to the 76th Academy Awards for Best Foreign Language Film | ||
2004 | ||||||
Delo osvobaja (Labour Equals Freedom) | Damjan Kozole | Peter Musevski, Nataša Barbara Gračner | drama | |||
Dergi in Roza: V kraljestvu svizca (Alpenpolka) | Boris Jurjaševič | Marko Derganc, Andrej Rozman - Roza, Bojan Emeršič, Jernej Šugman | comedy | |||
Ruševine (The Ruins) | Janez Burger | Nataša Matjašec, Matjaž Tribušon | drama | Slovenian submission to the 78th Academy Awards for Best Foreign Language Film | ||
Tu pa tam (Here and There) | Mitja Okorn | Klemen Bučan, Miki Bubulj, Toni Cahunek, Adnan Omerović | youth/crime/comedy | |||
2005 | ||||||
Ljubljana je ljubljena | Matjaž Klopčič | Nataša Barbara Gračner | Dedicated to the hundredth anniversary of Slovenian film, the sixtieth anniversary of Ljubljana's freedom and to Rudi Šeligo | |||
Uglaševanje (Tuning) | Igor Šterk | Peter Musevski, Nataša Burger | drama | Grand prize at the International Filmfestival Mannheim-Heidelberg[17] | ||
Odgrobadogroba (Gravehopping) | Jan Cvitkovič | Mojca Fatur | Slovenian submission to the 79th Academy Awards for Best Foreign Language Film | |||
2006 | ||||||
Estrellita - Pesem za domov | Metod Pevec | Silva Čušin, Tadej Troha | drama | |||
Kratki stiki (Short Circuits) | Janez Lapajne | Tjaša Železnik, Grega Zorc, Jernej Šugman, Sebastijan Cavazza, Boris Cavazza, Mojca Funkl, Vito Taufer, Maša Derganc, Primož Ekart, Uroš Smolej, Matija Vastl, Igor Dragar, Tim Dekleva | drama | Slovenian submission to the 80th Academy Awards for Best Foreign Language Film | ||
Noč (Let Me Sleep) | Miha Knific | Naida Raimova, Henrik Walgeborg, Christina Luoma | drama | |||
Tea (Teah) | Hanna Slak | Nikolaj Burger, Pina Bitenc | fantastic fiction | |||
2007 | ||||||
Otroci s Petrička | Miran Zupanič | documentary | ||||
Petelinji zajtrk (Rooster's breakfast) | Marko Naberšnik | Primož Bezjak, Vlado Novak, Pia Zemljič | Slovenian submission to the 81st Academy Awards for Best Foreign Language Film | |||
Instalacija ljubezni (Installation of love) | Maja Weiss | Bernarda Oman, Igor Samobor, Desa Muck, Andrej Rozman - Roza | ||||
2008 | ||||||
Dar Fur - Vojna za vodo (Dar Fur - War for Water) | Tomo Križnar, Maja Weiss | documentary | ||||
Lajf | Vito Taufer | Tjaša Železnik | drama | |||
Morje v času mrka (The Sea at the Time of the Eclipse) | Jure Pervanje | Boris Cavazza | drama | |||
Pokrajina Št. 2 (Landscape No. 2) | Vinko Möderndorfer | Marko Mandić, Janez Hočevar, Slobodan Ćustić | Slovenian submission to the 82nd Academy Awards for Best Foreign Language Film | |||
Za vedno (Forever) | Damjan Kozole | Marjuta Slamič, Dejan Spasić | drama | |||
2009 | ||||||
9:06 | Igor Šterk | Igor Samobor, Silva Čušin | thriller | Slovenian submission to the 83rd Academy Awards for Best Foreign Language Film | ||
Distorzija (Distortion) | Miha Hočevar | Žan Perko, Nataša Tič Ralijan, Robert Prebil, Jure Dolamič, Jani Vrhovnik, Domen Verovšek, Anita Barišič, Katja Škofic | youth drama | |||
Osebna prtljaga (Personal Baggage) | Janez Lapajne | Klemen Slakonja, Nataša Barbara Gračner, Branko Završan, Boris Cavazza, Nina Rakovec | drama | |||
Slovenka (Slovenian Girl) | Damjan Kozole | Nina Ivanišin | drama |
Title | Director | Principal cast | Genre | Notes | ||
2010 | ||||||
Circus Fantasticus (Silent Sonata) | Janez Burger | Leon Lučev, Ravil Sultanov, Pauliina Räsänen | war drama | |||
Gremo mi po svoje (Let's go our own way) | Miha Hočevar | Jurij Zrnec, Tadej Koren Šmid, Jure Kreft, Matevz Štular, Jana Zupančič, Luka Cimprič, Uroš Kavrin | youth adventure | |||
Oča (Dad) | Vlado Škafar | Milivoj Roš, Sandi Šalamon | drama | |||
Piran - Pirano | Goran Vojnović | Mustafa Nadarević, Boris Cavazza, Nina Ivanišin | drama | |||
Stanje šoka (The State of Shock) | Andrej Košak | drama | ||||
2011 | ||||||
Arheo (Archeo) | Jan Cvitkovič | Niko Novak, Medea Novak, Tommaso Finzi | drama | |||
Izlet (A Trip) | Nejc Gazvoda | Nina Rakovec, Jure Henigman, Luka Cimprič | drama | |||
Lahko noč, gospodična (Good Night, Missy) | Metod Pevec | Polona Juh, Jernej Šugman | drama | |||
2012 | ||||||
My Name Is Janez Janša | Janez Janša | Janez Janša, Janez Janša, Janez Janša | art/documentary | |||
2013 | ||||||
Gremo mi po svoje 2 (Let's go our own way 2) |
Miha Hočevar | Jurij Zrnec, Tadej Toš, Tadej Koren Šmid, Jure Kreft, Matevz Štular, Jana Zupančič, Luka Cimprič, Sabina Kogovšek, Uroš Kavrin, | youth adventure | |||
2015 | ||||||
Idila | Tomaž Gorkič | Nina Ivanisin, Sebastian Cavazza | horror film | |||
2016 | ||||||
Houston, We Have a Problem! | Ziga Virc | mockumentary | ||||
2018 | ||||||
Consequences (Posledice) | Darko Štante | Matej Zemljič, Timon Šturbej, Gašper Markun | Drama |
Other notable productions
Other films, partially or indirectly, but significantly linked with Slovenia in terms of production.
- No Man's Land (2001) - Bosnian-Slovenian-Italian-French-Belgian-British co-production
- The World is Big and Salvation Lurks Around the Corner (2008) - Bulgarian-Slovenian-German-Hungarian co-production
- The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian (2008) - significant parts were shot on location near Bovec, Slovenia[18]
See also
- "Slovenian Film Centre" (in Slovenian).
- Traven, Janko; Nedič, Lilijana; Šimenc, Stanko (1992). Pregled razvoja kinematografije pri Slovencih [A Review of the Development of Cinema in the Slovene Lands]. Slovenian Theatre and Film Museum. p. 50. ISBN 961-6417-23-1.
- "History and development of the Slovene film sector". Slovenia Cultural Profiles. Visiting Arts.
- "Film". Government Communication Office. Archived from the original on 2011-01-22. Retrieved 2011-02-22.
- "Na svoji zemlji". Festival de Cannes. Retrieved 2011-02-22.
- "Kekec najbolj priljubljen slovenski film". (in Slovenian). 2010-07-02. Archived from the original on 2014-03-22. Retrieved 2011-02-22.
- "Awards for Valley of Peace". IMDb. Retrieved 2011-02-22.
- Koršič, Igor. "Film med Slovenci". Gea (in Slovenian).
- "Umrl Boštjan Hladnik". (in Slovenian). 2006-05-30. Retrieved 2011-02-22.
- "Awards for Vdovstvo Karoline Zasler (1976)". IMDb. Retrieved 2011-02-20.
- "Preisträger 1985". Internationales FilmFestival Mannheim-Heidelberg. Archived from the original on 2011-07-19. Retrieved 2011-02-18.
- "Awards for A Summer in a Sea Shell". IMDb. Retrieved 2011-02-17.
- "The "Independent" Film - Ten of the Best". The Slovenia Times. 2010-08-06. Retrieved 2011-02-19.
- Jokinen, Heikki (1999-11-01). "Contemporary European Features". Animation World Network. Archived from the original on 2012-10-16. Retrieved 2011-02-19.
- Požun, Brian J. (2001-10-01). "Slovene film makes a splash at the Lido". Kinoeye. 1 (3).
- "Festival awards 2002". The international federation of film critics. Archived from the original on 2012-05-16. Retrieved 2011-02-22.
- "Preisträger 2005". Internationales FilmFestival Mannheim-Heidelberg. Archived from the original on 2011-07-19. Retrieved 2011-02-22.
- Campbell, Fiona (2008-06-24). "The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian - film sets where myth and reality collide". The Telegraph. Archived from the original on 2022-01-12. Retrieved 2011-02-22.
External links
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