Sogou Baike

Sogou Baike (Chinese: 搜狗百科; pinyin: Sōugǒu Bǎikē; Sogou Encyclopedia, formerly Soso Baike) is a Chinese-language collaborative web-based encyclopedia provided by the Chinese tech company Sogou[1] and formerly by the search engine Soso. Sogou is part of Tencent, China's largest internal portal. The encyclopedia was officially launched as Sogou Baike in 2013.[2]

Like Wikipedia, Sogou Baike is a collaboratively written online encyclopedia with user-generated content,[3] though it is operated by a for-profit company rather than a non-profit organization.[1][4]

In 2018, the publishers of the Hanyu Da Cidian sued Sogou, the parent company of Sogou Baike, for copyright infringement within the encyclopedia. The People's Court of Haidian District in Beijing took on the case.[5]

See also


  1. Guo Shaohua (2021). "Chapter 35 Online Encyclopedias and Wikis". In Jack W. Chen; Anatoly Detwyler; Xiao Liu; Christopher M.B. Nugent; Bruce Rusk (eds.). Literary Information in China. Columbia University Press. pp. 340–346. doi:10.7312/chen19552-039. ISBN 9780231551373. LCCN 2020035178.
  2. 搜狗发布新产品搜狗百科 [Sogou announces new product Sogou Baike]. Retrieved 6 October 2023.
  3. Liu Chunshan (刘春山) (8 August 2018). Zhao Qiao (赵桥) (ed.). 搜狗百科涉嫌侵权《汉语大词典》 上海辞书出版社索赔2360余万元 [Sogou Baike under suspicion of pirating Hanyu Da Cidian as Shanghai Cishu Chubanshe brings 元23,600,000 lawsuit]. 每经网. Retrieved 7 October 2023.
  4. Zhang, Dechun (2020). "China's Digital Nationalism: Search Engines and Online Encyclopedias". The Journal of Communication and Media Studies. 5 (2): 1–19. doi:10.18848/2470-9247/CGP/v05i02/1-19.
  5. 搜狗百科未经许可使用《汉语大词典》内容,被诉索赔两千余万 [Twenty million yuan suit filed against Sogou Baike for unauthorised use of content from Hanyu Da Cidian]. 2018-08-08. Retrieved 2023-10-07.

General references

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