Solčava subdialect

The Solčava subdialect (solčavski govor[1]) is a Slovene subdialect in the Styrian dialect group. It is a subdialect of the Upper Savinja dialect spoken around Solčava and the Logar Valley.[2] It is the westernmost of the (sub)dialects in the Styrian dialect group.[3]

Phonological and morphological characteristics

The Solčava subdialect is partially influenced by Carinthian dialects.[4] The subdialect has the Upper Carniolan vowel system (except for the Upper Carniolan reflexes of long yers, here becoming e:/a:) and a slightly closer quality of e, becoming diphthongized to i:e. Secondarily accented e and o become e: and o:, as in Upper Carniolan. The reflex of short and secondarily accented ə is also the same as in Upper Carniolan.[5]


  1. Smole, Vera (1998). "Slovenska narečja". Enciklopedija Slovenije. Vol. 12. Ljubljana: Mladinska knjiga. p. 2.
  2. Toporišič, Jože. 1992. Enciklopedija slovenskega jezika. Ljubljana: Cankarjeva založba, p. 294.
  3. Kolarič, Rudolf. 1954. "Slovenska narečja na Štajerskem." In: Anton Slodnjak (ed.) Pogovori o jeziku in slovstvu : predavanja na zborovanju slovenskih slavistov v Mariboru od 26. junija do 1. julija 1954, pp. 54–60. Maribor : Obzorja, p. 55.
  4. Zorko, Zinka (1999). "Štajerska narečja". Enciklopedija Slovenije. Vol. 13. Ljubljana: Mladinska knjiga. p. 132.
  5. Logar, Tine. 1996. Dialektološke in jezikovnozgodovinske razprave. Ljubljana: SAZU, p. 53.

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