Sprengbombe-Cylindrisch bomb

Sprengbombe-Cylindrisch bomb may refer to:

  • SC2500 bomb, (Sprengbombe Cylindrisch 2500) explosive device built by Germany during World War II.
  • SC2000 bomb, (Sprengbombe Cylindrisch 2000) explosive device built by Germany during World War II.
  • SC1800 bomb, (Sprengbombe Cylindrisch 1800) explosive device built by Germany during World War II.
  • SC1200 bomb, (Sprengbombe Cylindrisch 1200) explosive device built by Germany during World War II.
  • SC1000 bomb, (Sprengbombe Cylindrisch 1000) explosive device built by Germany during World War II.
  • SC500 bomb, (Sprengbombe Cylindrisch 500) explosive device built by Germany during World War II.
  • SC250 bomb, (Sprengbombe Cylindrisch 250) explosive device built by Germany during World War II.
  • SC50 bomb, (Sprengbombe Cylindrisch 50) explosive device built by Germany during World War II.
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