Staviteľský robotník

Staviteľský Robotník ("The Construction Worker") was a Slovak language biweekly newspaper published from Budapest by the Hungarian Construction Workers Union.[1][2] It was the first Slovak-language trade union newspaper; the Hungarian Construction Workers Union created the paper due to its substantial Slovak membership.[1][3] Its first issue was published on September 1, 1903, and subsequent publication was sporadic.[1] At the time of its founding, the newspaper was published in 1,000 copies.[1] It was a Slovak language version of the Hungarian language publication Épitömunkás.[4]

Matej Šuňavec was behind the initiative to launch the publication, and was one of its editors.[5][6] Ludwig Belényesi was the chief editor of the newspaper.[7][8] Sándor Garbai was the publisher of the newspaper.[7] Staviteľský robotník frequently praised the struggle of the Russian proletariat.[9]

It was printed at the Világosság Printing House.[7] Subscriptions were priced at 4.80 Austro-Hungarian krone.[7] The publication of the newspaper ended in 1907.[2]


  1. Duin, Pieter van. Central European Crossroads: Social Democracy and National Revolution in Bratislava (Pressburg), 1867-1921. New York: Berghahn Books, 2009. p. 135
  2. Ondrej Pavlík. Pedagogická encyklopédia Slovenska, Volume 1. Veda, 1984. p. 646
  3. Hans Lemberg. Bildungsgeschichte, Bevölkerungsgeschichte, Gesellschaftsgeschichte in den böhmischen Ländern und in Europa: Festschrift für Jan Havránek zum 60. Geburtstag. Verlag für Geschichte und Politik, 1988. p. 171
  4. Vera Lengyel. Die Einwirkung der deutschen und österreichischen Sozialdemokratie auf die Arbeiterbewegung in Ungarn bis 1890. Camen, 1980. p. 131
  5. Slovo. Proti dvojakému útlaku
  6. Emil Janotka. Pod Kriváňom Pribylina. Obecný úrad, 1994. p. 112
  7. Magyar könyvkereskedök évkönyve, Volume 23. Magyar Könyvkereskedök Egylete, 1913. p. 248
  8. Miloš Gosiorovský. Dejiny slovenského robotníckeho hnutia, 1848-1918. Slovenské vydavatel'stvo politickej literatury, 1958. p. 353
  9. Pavel Hapák. Prehl'ad dejín KSČ na Slovensku. Pravda, 1971. p. 72

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