The Counterterrorism Group, Inc.

The Counterterrorism Group, Inc.[1] (CTG) is a subsidiary of the global intelligence, risk consulting, and security firm Paladin7[2] based in Washington, D.C. Specializing in intelligence analysis, and open-source intelligence, research, and counterterrorism operations.


The company is an international intelligence firm that provides a variety of intelligence, and security services. CTG also provides the only virtual remote counterterrorism internship globally known to this date.


Of their publications, include the Counterterrorism National Intelligence Estimate (NIE),[3] Security Briefs, Daily Terrorist Activity Reports, Threat Assessments, Travel Reports, and Analysis Intelligence Reports. CTG also produces specialty[4] intelligence products, and other counterterrorism[5] related intelligence.


  1. "Home | The Counterterrorism Group". CTG Main. Retrieved 2022-03-24.
  2. "Intelligence | Paladin 7 Group". Paladin7Group. Retrieved 2022-03-24.
  3. "National Intellience Estimate". Paladin7Group. Retrieved 2022-03-24.
  4. "The Counterterrorism Group on LinkedIn: School Shooter Report 2022". Retrieved 2022-03-24.
  5. "The Counterterrorism Group". Federal News Network. Retrieved 2022-03-24.
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