The Exclusives (TV series)

The Exclusives is a British reality competition television series that debuted on ITV2[1] on 17 May 2012. The show follows six aspiring journalists, Hayley, Stuart, Sunny, Felix, Ellie and Christopher, competing to win their dream job with one of Britain's most famous magazines. On 23 August 2012, it was confirmed that The Exclusives had been cancelled by ITV2.[2]

The Exclusives
Narrated byLauren Laverne
Country of originUnited Kingdom
Original languageEnglish
No. of series1
No. of episodes5
Executive producersTamara Abood
Andrew Mackenzie
ProducerJonathon Holmes
Running time60 minutes
Production companyTwofour
Original networkITV2
Original release17 May (2012-05-17) 
28 June 2012 (2012-06-28)

Contestants and results

Contestant Status
Christopher Eliminated week 3
Sunny Eliminated week 5
Hayley Eliminated week 6
Stuart Third place
Felix Runner-up
Ellie Winner



  1. Michael Pilgrim (18 May 2012). "The Exclusives, ITV2, review". The Daily Telegraph. Retrieved 29 May 2012.
  2. Alex Fletcher (23 August 2012). "'The Exclusives' axed by ITV2". Digital Spy.

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