Theater Sustainment Command

A theater sustainment command is a United States Army logistics headquarters. The theater sustainment command is the senior army logistics command in a theater. The command is a modular organization tailored to meet specific requirements of the theater. It will command one or more sustainment commands.

When serving in a joint environment where the army is the dominant service, the TSC could provide core elements of a single, joint logistics command and control capability.[1]

Theater sustainment commands

1st Sustainment Command (Theater) Active Duty Fort Knox, Kentucky
8th Theater Sustainment Command Active Duty Fort Shafter, Hawaii
21st Theater Sustainment Command Active Duty Kaiserslautern, Germany
79th Theater Sustainment Command Army Reserve Joint Forces Training Base, Los Alamitos, CA
167th Theater Sustainment Command Army National Guard Fort McClellan, Alabama
377th Theater Sustainment Command Army Reserve Belle Chasse, Louisiana


  1. "Joint and Expeditionary Logistics". Army Logistician. Retrieved 2 December 2011.
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